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You’re out of your mind…your statist view has addled ur brain. It’s not the governments job to fix everything! “No concrete plans to better serve people.”
You’ve got CRI…
Cranial rectal impaction!
Try approaching the Declaration of Independence & Constitution w/o all your biased pre-suppositions
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Said the emasculated man…
Get off the tit!
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There was some pie in the sky rhetoric, but you are nothing more than a statist—exercising, the illusion of autonomy in the name of finite-small-minded existentialism.
Sry bruv, that ideology has had its way since Darwin & it’s proved to be nothing but disastrous for the human race…prove me wrong!
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Bruv, what’s boring is your constant ad hominem blathering! Why don’t you prove yourself to be a respectful, intelligent journalist instead of another whining, petulant, high-chair journalist that saw the election turn out differently than you wanted?!
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Should be titled AEFSRthinkers United—autonomous-existential-finite-self righteous… and by the way, where has your man-centered ideology gotten us through the course of human history?
Nothing but manipulation-greed-confusion-chaos & death…prove otherwise you who make yourself out to be as God!
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As my friend Steve T wrote years ago—“you’re so open minded that your brain fell out!”
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You people fine until your mob isn’t ruling anymore!
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Brilliant & intelligent is not spelled whining and petulant!
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A mommas boy would say!