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I believe we have the wrong DNA profile to run a civilization. Pic is from Paradise, the town that burned down.
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People don't even know how much the Arctic sea is doing for humanity. Oh well, since we've decided to just not give a flying F, I'm excited to see the chaos that'll be a blue ocean event (Arctic sea ice below 1 million square kilometers). Sooo much sun energy is going to barge itself into earth.
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"hur kan det fortfarande vara så få som gör något?" Vi saknar förmåga att "känna något om oss själva i framtiden". Experiment visar på detta. Att vi "känner" ungefär en främling på andra sidan jorden. Samhället har missat att kompensera för denna "genetiska inkompetens" i oss, typ som xenofobi.
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where 2023 bump?
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Huh, THAT much solar in soggy, foggy, moist ol' UK?? I had no idea.
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Remember, free will doesn't exist, implying strongly that a "destiny" does. Whatever we do, we'll always end up in the same, destined, place. The universe is a song not unlike an LP record, and 'now' is just the needle moving across the record.
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I just wrote "b00ks" in a post, and you instantly followed me. You have a bot that follows anyone mentioning "b00k/b00ks", hoping you get follows in return. F___ you.
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He's very consistent in his refusal to see that things are going to shit, climate wise. He's constantly blocking scientists who dare to criticize him. If you don't even know this, then you've been living under a rock. He thrives on attention and selling books using his fame.
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Ah, thank you. Yeah, that Albedo loss isn't exactly small. Germany is just 0.3 million square kilometers, Texas (state) 0.6.
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I don't understand this graph (which is rare), but I am an amateur. Could you explain, Professor? It's winter on the NH right now, so why is it a "minimum"? Shouldn't it be a maximum?
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Mann is a bought shill who basks in fame because politicians (obviously) like his downplaying language. F*** him.
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Skriv gärna mer om lite mer lokala saker som påverkar oss. Mikroplaster i hjärnan. 6DDP-kemikalien som finns i våra bildäck och skosulor, som tydligen åtminstone dödar en art av lax i USA, men förmodligen här också.
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Nädå. Att använda "horder" om folk, även inom citattecken, är rasistiskt. Du kan gladeligen försvinna från internet och inte uttala dig om något som har med politik att göra för resten av ditt liv, för du är en rasistisk gammal skitgubbe.
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Stick tillbaka till Xitter, rasist.
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I don't have to prove a negative. How can I "prove" that something doesn't exist? Also not interested in your reply unless it's an apology.
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The constant *refusal* to say anything about death numbers, or wars, or absolutely reasonable future scenarios is something I'll never understand. It's a "well established fact" that scientists said one thing in public, and painted a whole other, fire-y, picture in private.
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SD sitter och fragdar vid munnen av makten av desinformation just nu
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Ingen verkar bry sig i USA. Inga nämnvärda protester. Ingen som gör motstånd. Alla är bara "Ahapp, det var det det" och ger upp omedelbart. Mnåja. Om landet kollapsar så blir det åtminstone mindre CO2-utsläpp.
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(2) Another one: If you compress the atmosphere in such a way that it has the same air pressure all the way up (until suddenly there's a total vacuum), the atmosphere is just 5 miles tall (8km). You'd be able to climb Mount Everest with relative ease, but go too far and you die from boiled blood.
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A visual metaphor: If you make a square 31 miles on one end (50km) and divide that with the total area of the earth, there's literally only ~20.000 such squares on the entire planet. We're everywhere on the planet, and the planet is *VERY* small. I wonder if this metaphor would help people?
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Lomborg. Fy-satan vad jag avskyr den mannen. Homosexuell, men har inga problem att ta emot pengar from oljebaroner och extremhögern i USA (som hatar honom). Enda jag kan komma på är att något hemskt måste hänt honom för att vända hela mänskligheten i ryggen.
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You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain
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We have the technology - Solar. We just don't f***ing care. Solar is now at a magically low cost, and is easy to install everywhere. It's growing, but it's also being held back by both capitalists and Jevon's paradox. What good is solar if we *ALSO* keep adding fossil fuels to the mix?
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Hey professor! Where on that graph is July 28th 2023? That was the day they reported that "gulf was hot as a jacuzzi".
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Lol they're doing yet another scrubbing?? I mean..... okay, I want to see what the true temperature of the planet is too, but damn, ok, wow.
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"For a time". It's always, ALWAYS, under the assumption that "we stopped emitting by then". Anyway, yeah, bring on CO2(e), please.
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Eh, still want an international CO2(e) standard. With methane and nitrous, that graph is a LOT taller. If you don't use those other GHGs, you may make the mistake of comparing to previous eras in earth's history, which would be a mistake.
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Other factors like "albedo loss...... from the increased temperature" and "methane increase from the tundra....... from the increased temperature"
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Boooo! Bring on the end! I'm tired of waiting lol
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true. vanilla ass comment tho lol I literally looked through your post history to see if you were AI lol
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That angle looks interesting. Not sure if it's called anything when the angle deviates from the norm like that. Well, "interesting" like in "I wish you live in interesting times".
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Hadn't seen that one before. But I doubt we're at "5 tons per capita" today. I think we don't even count imports, so all electronics = "zero emissions". Point is, when I observe Swedish society I see cars, trucks, planes and heedless consumption everywhere. We had some luck with hydro. That's it.
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Swedes, like, a loooooot of Swedes: "My little country doesn't contribute at all!"
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lol käft
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Vi behöver slå igenom en riktigt jävla hög vägg av desinformation och medveten okunskap nu. "Det låter lite för extremt, så nej tack" är bara en temporär åsikt.
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It's definitely hard to 'count methane as a CO2 equivalent', but, if we simply count by "added global warming potential", then methane+nitrous oxide would be roughly +30% on top of CO2.
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What happened 1999-2005?
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Nuclear winter was apparently overblown. Oh and also, it seems even a "small" nuclear war would fry the ozone layer, so.... there's that.
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Abandon Iceland (400k) and start emitting a SHITTON of sulfur all around the Arctic. If that ice goes and the earth starts absorbing all the sunlight that previously reflected back into space, it's game fucking over for humanity.
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Enda lösningen på högerextremas/fascisters/oligarkers/Putins trollarméer, där de *ENBART* försöker skapa konflikt, är att göra exakt samma sak, fast för klimatet och naturen. AI? Okej, använd AI för att överflöda internet med "Visste du att om 5 år så kommer hundratals miljoner människor svälta?".
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Människan saknar förmågan att bry sig om framtiden, mer än ett par dagar/veckor i alla fall, och då måste det vara en fortsättning av något de själva upplevt. Jag är övertygad om att OM vi ska få någon förändring här, så måste media förändras totalt. Det är rationellt att kräva det.
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Har kommit till punkten där jag upplever alla konflikter och diskussioner som känns "konstiga" som en påverkansoperation på någon nivå. Det finns så mycket potential att översvämma internet med sånt här, mha. AI och arméer av trollkonton. Tom. våra egna högerextrema politiker gör det.
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Belarus kan de lika gärna klippa av också.
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Måste hundvissla till högern, annars blir man inte populär (hon är populist).
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Som (rejält jävla) insatt i klimatkrisen så kommer världen tyvärr att falla samman inom 10-20 år. Jag är för en större mottagning av (klimat)flyktingar, men vi måste samtidigt förstå att det *inte kommer finnas något slut på flyktingarna* i den framtid vi i praktiken redan skapat.
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Hmm... I feel like nothing really captures the weather extremes. Sweden had a bunch of VERY warm days, followed by cold days, which of course caused traffic havoc, with slippery ice everywhere. Very volatile temperatures, but these maps only show the average.
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"Welcome. Welcome to City 17." But yeah, I was gonna say. If your question is "What would you like us to cover?" my answer is "You're smart. How do we upend capitalism at its roots with the minimal amount of violence, in order to save a maximum amount of people?".
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(2) Really does seem like we'll be forced to do aerosol injection regardless. Sulfur to begin with, but maybe something less 'absolutely toxic to humans and all life' eventually.