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If I’m going to get through this shit storm, I need to be reducing the effects of stress frequently. Or this will kill me. (9/9)
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The real benefit of a once an hour 'body check' is that as little as 2 or 3 proper deep breaths and a bit of muscle tension release goes a looong way to countering the negative effects of sustained stress. (8/9)
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By taking a moment once an hour for a day to check how you’re breathing and where you’re tense you’ll create a more immediate and accurate recognition of physical sensations that are generally below your radar. This will result in a more targeted effective response. (7/9)
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Here's the reason for the timer - most of us are completely unaware of how we're breathing or where we're holding tension until or unless they become uncomfortable. (6/9)
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ie “How am I breathing? Where am I tense?”, and then take a few proper deep breaths and do whatever 20 – 60 second movement/stretch will release some of the tension. We’re not talking complete relaxation, a change for the better is frequently all that’s needed. (5/9)
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So I’ve taken to setting a timer again as a way to offset and, in some cases, prevent the immediate effects of stress.
For anyone unfamiliar with the ‘timer exercise’, in a nut shell, you use an hour timer (your phone) to remind you once an hour to take a moment and do a quick body check (4/9)
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Every news report, every opinion article, every thought about the state of affairs, political/social/environmental, and their implications is a gut punch that just adds to our general state of clenched. Living like this has a cumulative detrimental effect. (3/9)
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There is no way to 'not know' at least some of what's going on.
I don’t know anyone who isn’t wound up in some version of knots. For the majority of us stress has become constant. (2/9)
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I’m also in my 70s and kinda thought the world might go in this direction. I just assumed I’d be relatively long dead when this sort of shit started flying off the fan.
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I’ve got the posting bit down, it’s finding replies and threads that’s still a challenge.
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Please feel free to piss off. No one’s interested in you foolishness.
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It amazes me that a complete stranger knows exactly who you’re referring to.
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Orange doesn’t care about debt because he never picks up the tab.
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“One for you (Ukraine), one for you(Taiwan), and three for me(Canada, Greenland, and Panama)”
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Do you know what a ghost kite is? Two of that led contraption will go on the ends of the spreader and when it flys at night, it will look like a dementor from Harry Potter, with red eyes.
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I didn’t have a very high opinion of people in general before the US election. Now, it’s clear the majority are beyond dumb, they’re terminally stupid. The decisions they’ve made will literally kill many of them.