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Retired meteorologist, now mostly focusing on roller derby, hockey, photography, and pizza. I'm based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Photo albums at
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Effectivement. Moi meme ignorant la prononciation correcte de eloise (est-ce "he-lo-i-se" ou "he-loua-se"), ca serait problematique pour les anglophones.
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Ca aurais pu etre les Eloises de Chaleur, a moins de me tromper dans ma terminologie acadienne ;)
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I'm looking at this from a Northern Hemisphere perspective, granted, but this cyclone has a rather strange track.
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Oh no :( I'm so sorry, please accept my condolences. Sending some virtual hugs out your way!
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Lapsed, I like that.
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I consider myself a Recovering Catholic. Puzzled, a born-again co-worker asked me "recovering, as in trying to get back into it?". And I answered "no, no, recovering FROM it". True story.
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In one of the photos the area cordoned off looked like one of the bus shelters.
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Well done! Reminds me of the Calvin & Hobbes comic strip ;)
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I know it won't be until the next Experience, but can't wait to hear about the Feb 19th Dynamite (specifically the aftermath of the Bayne/Statlander match)
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It must have picked up again recently because there's currently an online voting poll going on
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I assume you're referring to MORE than the renaming of Universite de Moncton, right? ;)
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Je vous l'accorde. Mais mon point demeure neammoins tres valide d'apres moi ;)
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La premiere chose qui m'est venue a l'idee losrque j'ai vu "Universite d'Acadie" c'est que ca pourrais porter a confusion avec Acadia University en Nouvelle-Ecosse...on jase ;)
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Have the buses been running all evening? If so, I'm impressed.
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I also have a pair (not exactly like yours) that are also a pain to put on/take off. I keep meaning to look for something different but of course it always skips my mind until it's too late.
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En tant que fan de la LHJMQ, cette photo a immediatement saisi mon attention!
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Look at youuuu!
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I'm sure the clean-up job overnight will be absolutely STELLAR ;)
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I've only briefly looked into it, but CBC's "Mauril" app seems worth checking out