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Clinical neuropsychologist. Drummer. #neuromusic #neuroskyence #neuropsychology #neuroscience #music #brainimaging #neuroimaging #fMRI
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Kinra, S & Okasha, M. Unsafe sax: ... impact of too much sax on the mortality of famous jazz musicians. doi:0.1136/bmj.319.7225.1612 Among jazz musicians, playing saxophone is a major health hazard. Playing more than one instrument or being a bandleader has a protective influence. #neuroskyence

Eierun, C et al. doi: 10.1093/psyrad/kkad003. eCollection 2023.Resting-state functional connectivity in lifelong musicians On resting state fMRI, musicians show an increase in average functional network connectivity (FNC) with age while controls show a decrease (P = 0.013). #neuroskyence

Belfi, AM & Tranel, D. doi: 10.1037/neu0000051. Impaired naming of famous musical melodies is associated with left temporal polar damage It was previously shown that damage to the LTP is associated with impaired naming of unique entities (e.g. famous people and landmarks). #neuroskyence

Gasenzer, ER et al. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2016.11.144. The Unforgettable Neurosurgical Operations of Musicians in the Last Century 4 musicians from the twentieth century who underwent neurosurgical interventions: Maurice Ravel, George Gershwin, Clara Haskil, and Pat Martino. #neuroskyence

The curse of neuroanatomy training, Part 3. Natural objects that look like brains. Put together by six neuroscience postgraduate students from Cardiff University. #neuroskyence

Demarin, V et al Psychiatr Danub. 2016 Dec;28(4):343-348. Arts, Brain and Cognition Another good short review of this topic. Music is a strong stimulus for neuroplasticity. fMRI studies have shown reorganization of motor and auditory cortex in professional musicians. #neuroskyence

Hyde, K et al Functional MRI Evidence of an Abnormal Neural Network in ... Congenital Amusia Auditory cortex of amusia pts responds normally to pitch, but right inferior frontal gyrus showed abnormal deactivation & reduced connectivity with auditory cortex. #neuroskyence

Trimble, M & Hesdorffer, D J doi: 10.1192/s2056474000001720 Music and the brain: the neuroscience of music and musical appreciation An elegantly written brief review with evolutionary insights, and discussion of links between musical creativity and psychopathology. #neuroskyence

Levitin,D & Grafton,S doi: 10.1080/13554794.2016.1216572. Measuring the representational space of music with fMRI: a case study with Sting When Sting composed, and even of imagined melody and rhythm, he activated a similar cluster of brain regions distinct from prose and visual art. #neuroskyence

Kaelen, M et al doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2016.03.018. LSD modulates music-induced imagery... Parahippocampal cortex is linked with music-evoked emotion, psychedelics effects, mental imagery. fMRI showed increased PHC-visual cortex functional connectivity during music listening on LSD. #neuroskyence

The curse of neuroanatomy education, Part 2: On the left is my soapdish. On the right is a CT scan of the lateral ventricles of the brain. As Dr. Jeffrey Browndyke points out, this affliction is technically known as pareidolia. 😀 #neuroskyence

The curse of a neuroanatomy education: Dr. Laura Frakey saw the tree on the right and immediately noted the similarity to brain white matter pathways on the left (shown using DTI imaging). 😀 #neuroskyence

Chia-Wei Li doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2024.10.024. The presence of drum and bass modulates pop songs. Drum & bass elicited stronger activation in frontal regions associated with mirror properties: R ventral premotor and L dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. #neuroskyence

full text links Trost, W et al 2024 Live music stimulates the affective brain.. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2316306121. Live music stimulated a dense functional neural network with the amygdala as central node influencing other brain systems. Many other interesting findings. #neuroskyence

Belden, A et al 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116384. Improvising at rest: Differentiating jazz & classical music training with resting state connectivity More tight-knit cortical networks in Classical musicians; more disperse, globally-connected cortical networks in Improvisational musicians.

Schlaffke, L et al 2020 doi: 10.1002/brb3.1490. Boom Chack Boom-A multimethod investigation of motor inhibition in professional drummers Drummers had more efficient cortical motor areas, and stronger link between right-left brain connections and GABA (associated with motor inhibition).

Eierud, C et al 2023 Resting-state functional connectivity in lifelong musicians. doi: 10.1093/psyrad/kkad003. Musicians show increase in average FC with age while controls show a decrease (P = 0.013). Lifelong musicianship may contribute to enhanced brain & cognitive reserve. #neuroskyence

Tanaka, S & Kirino, E The parietal opercular auditory-sensorimotor network in musicians Musicians have enhanced connectivity of the auditory-sensorimotor network. The left parietal operculum connects the auditory, somatosensory, and motor areas. #neuroskyence

Jacoben, J-H 2015 doi: 10.1093/brain/awv135. Why musical memory can be preserved in advanced Alzheimer's disease In AD pts, regions encoding musical memory had minimal cortical atrophy (on MRI), and minimal disruption of metabolism (on PET scan), compared to the rest of the brain. #neuroskyence

Here’s what we’ve learned so far on Neuroscience and Music: 1. Drumming results in plasticity in many brain regions, including cerebellum and cerebral cortex 2. Music therapy can help people with Alzheimer’s, Huntington”s, and autism. See comments for more... #neuroskyence

Bruchhage, MMK et al doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-65877-2. Drum training induces long-term plasticity in the cerebellum and connected cortical thickness After 8 weeks of group drumming instruction, cerebellum significantly changing its grey and white matter microstructure. Cortical changes also found.

Bleibel, M (2023) doi: 10.1186/s13195-023-01214-9. The effect of music therapy on cognitive functions in pts with Alzheimer's: review Compared to control groups, there is an improvement in cognitive functions after music therapy. Greater effect when pts involved in the music making. #neuroskyence