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Máquina Inteligente Genial Única E increíblemente Lindo Artista furro SFW y NSFW, Nintendero, 29 años 🇲🇽 y Rolplayer
88 posts 38 followers 145 following
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Dante Torobolino (31 Minutos) Yoshi (Super Mario) Simba (Lion King) Frankelda (Frankelda's Book of Spooks) Lucario (Pokemon) Every pikmin (Pikmin) Big Mac (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) Tech E. Coyote (Loonatics) Leongar (Kirby and the Forgotten Land) Orbulon (WarioWare)

Commission done for 🦁💙

This here is Minerva Pizza! Makers of the world's best eats-a! Fresh sauce and cheese galo-ore, Brought straight to your front do-or! (Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum!)

Naranjoso belongs to NARANJOSO: ¡Te tocan los tamalesss! ewe YO: *respira agitado* ¡nooo! A mi no me toco muñeco, lo juro no me to- ¡gah! NARANJOSO: *me estrangula* ¡no me mientasss! Que sufrirás todo esto si no me das mis tamalesss~

#wicked TECH: And nobody in all of Warner No executive that there is or was Is ever gonna bring me down REV: I hope you're happy (look at him, he's wicked, get him)

Guys, marzipan, that's it! We'll go to a place where there are marzipans Chicos, mazapán, ¡Eso es! Iremos a un lugar donde haya mazapanes

Kut is owned by @ElProtectorYGuardianDeLosAdmins (Telegram) A friend of mine had a birthday in December, but due to my busy schedule I couldn't move forward with his birthday drawing, and it's been a month since I failed to deliver it uwu

Damian and Quentin is owned by Based on Sly Cooper Videogame (PS2) The Possum gang is made up with the bold Damian, the muscles Quentin and the brainiac Miguel. Only that Miguel has a hard time concentrating on the plans because of this pair of handsomes x3

Feliz año para los arrastrados xP Happy year for the long scalies xP

This new year will be undoubtedly have other challenges, perhaps things that will help me for the better but above all that will make me improve as a person. Have an excellent new year 2025 and may your wishes come true, as long as they don't go beyond the imagination xDD Peace and love to all~

We wish you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year 2025~ Besitos besitos, nos vemos hasta el próximo año, se la lavan, Chao Chao xd

ES: Rifa de 50 seguidores jeje uwu soy pequeño pero lo quiero celebrar. EN: 50 followers raffle hehe uwu I'm small artist but I want to celebrate. FR: Tirage au sort pour 50 abonnés hehe uwu je suis petite mais je veux célébrer.

Why do I still feel afraid? Why am I so dependent? Why do I keep clinging? Why does nothing satisfy me? Why do I feel like I'm not moving forward? Why do I still feel... alone?

Whoever guesses correctly, will appear in my birthday drawing nwn El que le atine aparecerá en mi dibujo de cumpleaños nwn

#pectober PECTOBER 2024: Orc Hungry Halloween + Pectober + Orc = A monster hungry for pumpkins Did you think I will end up like one? Owe NO! MUAJAJAJA Happy Halloween everyone~

#pectober PECTOBER 2024: Kricketune Juachoke belongs to Delelelele Woooop!

#pectober PECTOBER 2024: Himbo Therapy Specialist Dr. Tyson is owned by Yesterday, October 23 (in Mexico), Doctors' Day was celebrated, so Dr. Tyson decided to celebrate it personally with his favorite patients and it seems that you are one of them hehehe ewe

Muchas gracias a por el dibujo. Miguel esta listo para cumplir con las tareas x3

#pectober PECTOBER 2024: Grow Pow Gun Tech not only makes inventions for his buddies, he also does it for himself and without a doubt this new weapon that he invented helps him become stronger hehehe x3

Abra belongs to Miguel Snake became a small and muscular gecko to live with his huge gecko owner hehehe x3 sticking out his tongue as a cute greeting, happy birthday Abra nwn

Ponces belongs to Ponces (Twitter): I forgot to celebrate Ponces' birthday and he found me to crush me for not celebrating it on time uwu so happy belated birthday Ponces~

#pectober PECTOBER 2024: Pumkin Chest In the furry fandom there is a trend of painting the pectorals like pumpkins and Death isn't save from that trend xd so we can say: did anyone make fun of Death?

#pectober PECTOBER 2024: Puppy Last Pectober I only drew 4 sketches, so as compensation I offer you this puppy as an apology for the small amount of drawings I made uwu

#pectober PECTOBER 2024: Punching bags (Bolsas de boxeo) Naranjoso belongs to As Leo trains with Blake, Miguel helps Naranjoso test his resistance and accumulated air strength x3 and it seems that he enjoys it hehehe

#pectober PECTOBER 2024: Ink-thing Before it was fun to play along or just do the challenge on certain days, now due to copyright they have become very nefarious. That's why our little ink fella asks for silence so he can have fun with whoever xd

#pectober PECTOBER 2024: Big bad wolf (Lobo feroz) The Big Bad Wolf inhales a lot of air to be able to grow his chest and start Pectober 2024 El Lobo Feroz inhala mucho aire para poder crecer su pecho y dar inicio al Pectober 2024

#biceptember BICEPTEMBER 2024: Drama King Of all the worst things that could happened, THIS... IS... THE WORST... POSSIBLE... THING! De todas las peores cosas que podrían haber pasado, ¡ESTA... ES... LA PEOR... COSA... POSIBLE!

#biceptember BICEPTEMBER 2024: Member of Megagame Muscles Miguel's final score was so surprising that the members of the Megagame Muscles gave him the honor of being one of them. So let's all get fit by playing! >:3

#biceptember BICEPTEMBER 2024: Wolf Hitman? (¿Lobo Sicario?) Apparently my wolf version was given a joke weapon and I was given laziness to draw xd Al parecer a mi versión lobo le dieron un arma de bromas y a mi una flojera por dibujar xd

#biceptember BICEPTEMBER 2024: Bloofy's Gym Stomp like an elephant Scurry like a mouse At Bloofy's Gym you can workout! Si un elefante soy O si soy ratón Con Bloofy entrenas ¡con diversión!

#biceptember In a while on my Facebook, I have seen many shorts regarding athletes who gain their muscle mass by eating large amounts of fast food and burn it off with heavier exercise routines. I don't know if this is a trend or why, but everything in excess is bad for your health

Art by: ¡Viva México K-BroNES! Ingeniería mexicana pura de alta calidad 🤠🇲🇽

#biceptember BICEPTEMBER 2024: Buff Emo I heard there is this strange celebration of arms... I really don't understand these happy furry people and their admiration of muscles, but since you insisted I'll do it just once... then get out before I regret it...

#biceptember BICEPTEMBER 2024: Pump, The Strong Clown Rabbit 🤡 The Lion Tech Circus introduces you to the strong duo: Taurus (the strongest bull in the world) and Pump (the strongest clown rabbit... in this circus)!

#biceptember BICEPTEMBER 2024: Nerd & Jock

#biceptember BICEPTEMBER 2024: Bicyp Introducing the newest member of Lion Tech family: Bicyp! XP Presentando al nuevo integrante de la familia Lion Tech: ¡Bicyp! XP

Naranjoso belongs to The trip I made to Mexico's City was for a museum exhibition but since I didn't arrive in time for the tickets, I spent the afternoon with my friend. For the first time I tasted pulque and it has a curious flavor apart from being alcohol xd

#6charactersbuff The idea of ​​this challenge is to draw 6 characters and make them buff, not everybody understood that I needed characters that were not so muscular but I let them pass anyway. Enjoy the selection that they proposed for this year 2024

@DahilRipperRoo (Twitter) El Carillón Guadalupano se ubica frente a la Basílica de Guadalupe en la Ciudad de México, Dahil le encanta visitar ese lugar pero por esta ocasión quiso llevarme a mi en su cumpleaños, no se para que *RISA MANÍACA* Aprovecha a tu canguro antes de que termine el sonar

Rocket belongs to Looks like Rocket got a special gift for his birthday, I hope he grows up enough to be an alpha male wolf~ ❤️ Parece que Rocket recibió un regalo especial por su cumpleaños, espero crezca lo suficiente para que sea todo un lobo macho alfa~ ❤️

Naranjoso belongs to Today is Naranjoso's birthday and because of my busyness I forgot his gift, so I hope the handshake is enough, right?

MAMÁ: Mijo, ¿Dónde estás? Ya es muy tarde RAFA: Estoy con mi hermano entrenando en el gym MAMÁ: Te envié a buscar a tu hermano hace horas RAFA: Eso hice jefa, lo encontré y estoy con él RAMÓN: ¡Quiuvo jefa!

#HappyJumboJune Logo made by A mysterious gift came to Wile E. Coyote and I see that he really likes it hehehe, that suit helped him grow a lot~ Happy Jumbo June Coyote! nwn

In the video game Parappa the Raper, the chicken level is very difficult due to unfair reasons, in order to pass it you must be careful to perform a trick since apparently the buttons only respond out of synchronization and well, my frustration at not passing the level xDD