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Independent militant moderate. Anti-political party, specifically inside government. LSU grad: print journalism. Book author: "The Problem is Party" Website:
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When the media can ask him questions—like that Oval Office thing with his young son—why don’t they stop him and ask for the actual evidence? ACTUAL EVIDENCE! Not BS talk …
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This is what the media should be doing. Ask a Q. Lies returning. INTERRUPT! Ask for receipts to the lies. Or install a mute button and use it while showing the obvious evidence proving what they just said WAS A LIE. Then, unmute them and witness the embarrassing continued lying.
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But we can only fix it by dismantling the party system.
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And WE ALLOWED that power concentration by ignoring the founders’ warnings on that subject and allowing political parties to take control of govt functions and power, and then concentrate it further in A FEW leaders and ultimately in one man’s hands. We can fix this nightmare.
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And since then, Trump has made his authoritarian viewpoints crystal clear.👇
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This👇is how we got to the nightmare we’re in …
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They represent US! And we must fix that. By electing Independents committed to representing ONLY their constituents. And willing to form TEMPORARY coalitions on individual issues. That was original intent. That keeps power atomized, and thus, no Trump could ever come along.
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I agree—we put our trust in elected leaders of both parties. But those elected officials are committed to their party. Not the constituents who elected them. We The People are sovereign. WE hold all power. Yes, we LEND our collective power to elected officials. BUT ONLY TO ***EACH*** OF THEM.
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Unitary Executive theory. The President … uhhh, King controls everything. This is not unexpected, though. The founders warned us to not allow concentration of power. It’s called SEPARATION OF POWERS. Which provides CHECKS on others in power. Party control of (concentrated) power neutered all that.👇
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Totally agree! But we also do need to fix the core problem that got us to where we are today.👇
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Not an unexpected result.👇
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Not a … 👇 he gets a 3rd term.
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Hopefully, someone followed up by asking him how it felt to be a weak pathetic little puppy under the stern eye of a wild bull in the china shop. And how it’s gonna feel to be outta the office he holds soon BECAUSE ***WE THE PEOPLE*** CONTROL ***OUR*** GOVT. Not Trump!
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12/ I’d be more than happy to discuss this on your podcast. Have a great day …
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11/ … to grab actual control of govt functions and power. Parties should occupy the same political space as AARP, the Sierra Club, the Heritage Foundation, etc. OUTSIDE govt. Parties have neutered critical govt functions due to allegiance/alignment across branches. We must fix this!
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10/ Finally, your interpretation of Federalist X (footnote👇) is incorrect. Throughout their writings, yes the founders often said factionalism is an expected norm among humans. That, in fact, is ensconced in the 1st A—freedom of expression & assembly. BUT, the founders warned us—don’t allow them…
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9/ Pres. Adams 👇
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8/ Pres. Washington in his Farewell Address👇 in which he carves out a dozen or so paragraphs ranting against party control of govt power. That “individual” he references to whom a party would give “absolute power”? Donald J. Trump.
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7/ On your Civics 101 podcast, please clarify this. The founders warned us against concentrating power beyond the sovereign power of each citizen collectively gathered in EACH ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE. Period. Not a party. Here’s a selection of founders writing demonstrating what I’m saying here.👇
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6/ The end result of my research: An as-yet unpublished book: “The Problem is Party” & my website:
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5/ Yes, once a nation’s citizenry accepts party control of power, esp. a two-party construct like we finally did accept circa 1832, who gets the most votes and gains a numerical majority in a body,👇 yes, they control everything. But the founders did NOT promote that. They intended ATOMIZED power.
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4/ You folks (Nick and Hannah) have done what many historians did, which is mind-numbing. You wrote this👇(“the framers abhorred political parties”). But then wrote paragraphs saying Jefferson, Adams 👇👇etc. LED political parties. Do you see the disconnect?
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3/ Most “historians” agree with you ….. because in order to authenticate our current abuse of our representative democracy by giving ******330M Americans****** just TWO packaged sets of policies, making Americans believe the founders did the same thing legitimizes our current nightmare.
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2/ And no, the founders DID NOT belong to political parties. Yes, they largely broke down into two political ideologies. But they were fervently anti-party when it came to controlling govt functions and power. As you actually note in your book (excerpt #1:👇).
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Weirdness is not the main issue here. Accuracy is. Esp. regarding a critical section of your book. “A User’s Guide to Democracy” I’d like to introduce myself. I’m a militant moderate Independent. Harshly anti-Trump. I’ve done 35+ yrs research on our politics. Especially WRT the founders’ intent. 1/
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SELF-RESTRAINT is the only reason this gamed TWO-choice party control of power system has functioned occasionally in the past. Self-restraint. Such a system was not the founders’ original intent WRT power. Now, we have one party that’s been in desperation mode for a while. Trump was the end point.
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No, Congress doesn’t remember after this progression👇… THAT WE’VE ALLOWED!
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2/ … would be required during campaigns for and while serving in office. But we’ve allowed two parties to game our system into a TWO-choice, we-rule-you’re-irrelevant nightmare in which minority status is a death sentence. Thus the LIES are required. We must fix this …
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How? We can start by RE-IMPLEMENTING the founders’ intention regarding ATOMIZED power in our govt system. Separation of powers. Checks and balances. Right? We all remember those original constitutional terms, right? If NO organized political group could grab the brass ring of control, no lies …1/
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It began with their irrational ruling in the CO 14th amendment case in which they federalized a clear constitutional states rights thing—banning Trump from the 2024 ballot for engaging in insurrection. Then, the presidential immunity thing. They want a King. Shameless …
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Yes. And even well before when it was clear he had autocratic tendencies👇
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Both were wrong, but … Chamberlain’s goal: peace Trump’s goal: $$$$$$$$$$
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… don’t HAVE to lie to get into office because getting in there is not an organizational control of power thing. Partisan politicians lie because it is critical, IN THIS GAMED SYSTEM, to get a numerical majority. Minority status is a death sentence. We MUST fix this!
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Shameless. 1. That he says s**t like that. Obvious lies. 2. But also that Rs in Congress and elsewhere repeat them. Our politics need to change. We accepted lies before (we called it “spin”). Of course! a Machiavellian Liar would take it to the next level. We need truthful elected officials, who…
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One example. This 👇is what Congress looks like. This👇is what it’s supposed to look like.
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2/ … one way to fix the core problem. Remove party control of govt functions and power. If that brass ring was not available, all of our authoritarian/oligarchical issues today would never have existed. We must fix it.
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How do they “divide us so they can become more powerful”? By using a TWO-choice system of TWO packages of policies. Two! And they use parts of the other tribe’s policy package that most of us disagree with. Original intent was ATOMIZED power. Not concentrated in two packaged choices. There’s only 1/
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It’s been clear for years that Trump is an authoritarian.👇
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We must fix this nightmare. First by stopping Trump’s illegal measures. Then …
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Party has successfully concentrated power in the hands of a few (now just one man). 👇 That was not original intent. The founders intended our governmental powers to be separated … atomized among equalized reps and senators. And the presidency, thru party alignment, has been made TOO POWERFUL.
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Political party allegiance/alignment across branches has neutered impeachment and many other critical govt functions. When someone is a target of accountability efforts, “It’s all politics!” is the response. Allowing party control of govt was our mistake. The founders warned us against doing that.