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Reaper Force 86 is what most people called them. they call themselves “The Death Batch” willing to do missions that no other soldier couldn’t. Part of the Reapers faction to help save the multiverse from any threat #MVRP
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Madeline:-sees the clipboard of what the prisoners are- guess these blue guys and grey guys had the worst before we came here. Not with magnifying glasses. -the alarm sounds off- Madeline: that’s our queue to get the F out of dodge.
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Bianca: a humanoid slime girl?
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Madeline: I’m not seeing any of our soldiers here.
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Madeline:-kept looking through the prison shacks seeing if any prisoners around-
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Madeline:-gets her mask on and follows Hazel-
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Madeline: let’s move.
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Madeline: even heard that the squad that I’m suppose to get in touch with is here. But got into a different area same with Jennifer and Hazel. Need to get them home with me. The reapers and that new army from the other universe are spread and stretch thin.
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Madeline: knowing about their connections from the previous universe to this one, even traveling it here and back. Even when we dispatch high companies of both infantry and armor to take those positions the tans occupied that have stargates or vortex. However you call those things.
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Alicia: how is that even possible?
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Alicia: who decided on recruiting you guys…
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Alicia: let’s get out of here!!
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-mammoth looks at raven leaving the room-
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Swiss: guess we know why we get to do the job instead of briefing the job. Boomer: this is getting us nowhere at all.
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Marks: heh, not how they transport it, Jen. But they even enlarged them.
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Marks: they call it a death beam. The use the sun and starts burning people alive.
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Marks:-goes up in front of everyone present- well, batches. We got something that is important from the train we captured. We stumbled upon some war plans or files about a super weapon. I don’t know much of this weapon or where they hold it.
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Marks: we got these files from the train. This is something everyone should be aware of. -hands her the files-
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-everyone is in the big room- Swiss: so what’s this big briefing about?
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Matrix:-nods then walks to the big room- Mammoth:-calls Swiss and boomer to the big room-
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Matrix: assemble at the big room. We may have a situation. Mammoth: on it, Matrix. -finishes the hug and calls everyone to the big room of the hotel-
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Mammoth:-sees them- sarge, marks, you made it! -hugs the 2- Matrix: nice to see you too, mammoth. Marks: yeah, we’re home alright.
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Matrix: damn. So much for them to come back in one piece. -crosses her arms- Marks: tough luck.
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Matrix: just hope the hotel is still in one piece. Wasn’t too entirely sure who was there when we found that guys kid. -points at Wade- Marks: and got the 4 of us to that bridge. And freeing that green muscle man of a soldier.
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Matrix: glad you could join us. And trouble always finds a way with us. Marks:-caught up with them- sarge, we got something. It’s the kind to discuss back at the hotel.
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Bianca: We’re getting hailed by enemy fire, where’s that damn evac -automaton tanks arrive and starts blasting at the 3-
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Marks: let’s get goin. -exits the train to meet up with Trix and Matrix even Deadpool- Matrix:-waves to the jet holding out a flare-
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Marks: better get this to the hotel, maybe someone will know what to do.
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Marks: they got some kind of weapon that can burn anything. They call it a death beam. Whatever that is.
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Marks:-kept looking and travels car to car to find what the enemy is holding and spotted some war plans- there we go. -grabs them-
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Marks:-enters the train and begins looking around for anything that might know what the tans are up to-
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Matrix: then I guess we’ll wait for the ride then. Marks: since we got this train in our custody, time to find out what they have. -starts looking for information inside the train-
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Matrix:-speaks to Killian on the radio- we’re at a checkpoint once occupied by tan troops but destroyed the bridge, holding a train hostage and had help from a green super soldier. Also Wade is here.
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-marks made it across- Marks: trix, you’re up!
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Marks:-sighs- copy, soldier. -hooks up to the cable then gets to the other side-
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-a railgun line showed up on the the massive automaton, delivers a devastated mark blowing it up as its reveal that Alicia Grimm arrives out on the frontlines with her mouth covered- Alicia: your Damn evac has to get here now!! I’m not happy about the situation!!
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Marks: but what about the portal? Matrix: that’s good to hear.
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Marks: trix, get going. I’ll cover you! Matrix: are you in contact with the rest of the squad, shade?!
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Matrix:-looks- they got a tank out in the open. Marks:-finds cover, seeing the green soldier up against a tan tank-
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Marks: let’s blow it up to kingdom come before they start bringing out something. Matrix: marks, trix, let’s go!! -waves to them as a come on sign-
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Marks:-sees the groups of tan soldiers blown to bits as pieces flying all over the place- I suppose you got explosives to blow up that portal? Matrix:-made it to the other side meeting up with shade and wade- let’s get onboard that train and find its radio.
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Matrix:-clips onto the cable seeing marks and the green super soldier fending off the tan soldiers- Marks: go, sarge! Matrix:-begins get across-
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Marks: we’ll have to zipline across. -gets out a special attachment then fires the cable from one end to their position- Matrix:-feels the cable- it’s strong alright. But it’s one at a time.
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Matrix: of course he gets a back up plan…
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Matrix:-sees the green soldier geared up like a commando- guess we know what he’s capable of. Marks: did you call in an evac for us, sarge? Matrix: I couldn’t, their radio op destroyed the radio.
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Marks: he speaks? Without a mouth?! Matrix we’re at a checkpoint that belongs to the enemy but not anymore since Deadpool blew up the bridge leaving that train immobilized.
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Ravina: but we’re not out of the woods yet.
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Matrix: we don’t know if it’s happy or not. But we should step back. Marks: whatever the mercenary over there says, must’ve belonged to the green guys.
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Marks:-leaps to the others and sees the bridge destroyed and the tan train stopped- that should stop what they’re doing. Matrix:-looks at the destroyed bridge- mission accomplish. -sees the mold crate still rumbling-
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Marks:-starts running to meet up with matrix and trix-