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I'm a bad runner who complains a lot.
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So much for no tornado warnings! Glad I didn't just brave the rain in the tent, that got rough for a while!

It's a scary time

Damn weather ruining my plans! They are saying no tornados, but tornado force winds. My tent would blow away with me inside. I WANT TO SLEEP OUTSIDE! Bet we don't get any damn wind at all!

If you ask for one thing when you call me & I tell you that you are all set, do not ask me if I did what you asked. CLEARLY I did what you asked and YOU ARE ALL SET!!!

The same people who get aggressively mad at me for asking them to verify their account before I give them information are the same people who would be livid & screaming from the rooftops if their account was compromised! I'm sorry folks, you can't have it both ways!

I so desperately need a camping trip (of course with no time off or money to go) that I have decided to camp in the backyard this weekend. With my luck, the drunks will be out in force...I live next door to a trauma center.

I need a fucking screaming room! Thanks to politicians enriching themselves & their friends, I will never be able to retire & I will have to deal with these stupid assholes for the rest of my life! Who am I kidding? I'll probably have a heart attack at my desk in the next 5 years & die.

I am so tired of people telling me how to do my job (incorrectly) because they have been customers so long that they know how it works. NO! You don't know shit! SHUT UP!!!

I am so sick & tired of people demanding price adjustments months later! If you weren't good with the price when you bought it, WHY DID YOU BUY IT?!?! I'm sorry, but you don't go back to the grocery or a restaurant when they lower prices & demand money back. Why is this different?!

Trump & Vance, not to even mention the so-called media, are a disgrace & I am embarrassed as an American. I am going to start telling people that I'm Canadian if I travel abroad!

The number of people that will catastrophize the stupidest things when the US is falling down around us confounds me! Your entitlement is not important right now. Making sure people have a roof over their head, a job, medical care & food are important! No one cares that you didn't get your $5 bonus!

My world's on fire, how about yours? It's not the way I like it & I want to be bored. #smashmouth #sortof #theworldisadumpsterfire

I've decided that people are generally stupid & crabs are just sea spiders.

The lengths that some of these YouTubers go to to "get the shot". I do not have the patience to do the same thing 10 times just to make it look like you saw me getting back in my car. Props to those that do, but that is exactly why "reality TV" is not reality.

Today, I hate my job. The number of people that are completely okay with calling you names and yelling at you constantly for something you have no control over is mind boggling!

In business, your general logic does not always apply. General logic does not take into account exchange rates, tax differences from place A to place B or the cost of the service you purchased 3 months ago now being higher. If you don't want to pay more, don't make unnecessary changes!

I feel sick to my stomach today. I must be a glutton for punishment because I decided to work anyway & just keep a trash can next to me. Mostly because it's Friday & I'll get endless shit if I call out.

She literally had the nerve to suggest I go out & organize the garage on my birthday, knowing that I am still in pain from throwing my back out last week after having given me a gift that will sit in a box unused 99% of the time when I asked her to help me pay bills.

I am so tired of always feeling sick. Throwing my back out last week has completely wrecked my routine because I can still barely move! I can't sleep because of the pain & the combination of those things is making me constantly nauseous. I just want to sleep & not be in pain.

Didn't even take until 5 AM to have a client say, "fuck you motherfucker". Good times!

Don't tell me I'm being slow when you can't answer simple questions, follow simple instructions & keep sending me the same information over & over instead of what I asked for!

You will never understand how wholly incapable grown ass adults are at following simple instructions unless you work in retail or customer service. If you have 7 names & I ask you to break that down by First/Middle/Last & give you a template in the email, copy the damn template!

Telling who your actual bestie is: Bestie 1: Called you while you're on vacation to say "I'm getting married in an hour." ??? Bestie 2: Drops the bomb that they've been married for 6 months when you go to visit them. Bestie 3: Asks when you can get vacay because they can't get married w/o you there!

Do you have one of those friends who never responds to your message, but continually sends you videos? Then they send you a message asking for info & you honestly consider not responding because they never answered your (fairly important) question 3 months ago. Yet she calls me bestie.

Took a long weekend to organize my garage & proceeded to throw my back out in the first 1/4 of the garage. I am now basically bedridden even after my adjustment. Ice & rest. Hopefully recover quick. Can't stand or walk 50 feet w/o pain. Can't sit. Can't lay on my back. On my belly w/pillow support.

When I prayed for good weather for my long weekend so I could clean out the garage without dealing with rain, I should have been more specific. I did not want temps in the 80s! I was hoping for dry & 60. Warm enough to not freeze, but also cool enough to not die of heat stroke!

Today, I am more optimistic about my professional life than I have been in a long time! Good leadership begets good results. Will I still have to deal with stupid people? Yes, but at least I now have someone I can actually talk to about it! A leader, not just someone taking up space & a title.

When it's February & you have a fan on because you need it, not just because you like the white noise. #TexasSucks #getmeoutofhere #Imisssnowcountry

People on the news & making YouTube videos about news need to learn how to breathe!

I'm so tired of our instant gratification society. Guess what, folks?! Some things take time & you are not entitled to jack shit!

I just love when the first thing out of client's mouth is, "please transfer me to such & such department. You can't do what I need." Uuummm...I'm sorry, do you know me or my training? No? Then don't you dare assume that you know what I can & cannot do!

Nothing like going to the gym to realize that you haven't been out in public since your nose was split wide open & almost broken. #everyoneisstaring

One more night. One more night. One more night.

Every time I say "never again," I wind up right back where I was. I have lost a total of 120 pounds in the last 2.5 years. Unfortunately, it has been the same 30-40 pounds over & over. I fall into a deep dark hole & gain every pound back. I hope this time is different, but I'm not holding my breath.

When people high up in the industry can't even pronounce the brand correctly. SMH! Why do we, as Americans, have to bastardize everything rather than educating ourselves on correct pronunciation & being respectful!

Ending a supposed question with "please & thank you", makes it a demand, not a request.

Let me just grab my crystal ball so I can tell you what I already said I had no way to know!

I wish "journalists" would quit reporting things that are not confirmed!

I'm over it. People suck & I am done repeating myself over & over every night just to be told that I am no help at all. Especially when I have LITERALLY just explained what you need to do. Fuck you! Fuck this! I quit!

I cannot stand people who leave their dogs outside all the time & let them back constantly. Take care of your damn dog or give it to someone who will! They don't deserve to be ignored & the neighborhood doesn't deserve to be kept up all night & annoyed all day! You are disturbing my dog now!

They literally just asked me, "When I accept the change to my account, what happens?" Uuuuummmm...the account changes to what you selected! Kind of self-explanatory!

I'm going to start telling people that I'm a dentist. The amount of teeth I have to pull every night to get simple information is ridiculous!

See now, decent team leads are getting my hopes up that I will be on their team when my schedule changes next week. They aren't allowed to say anything, though. With my luck, I'll get saddled with another one like I have now. At least I won't be overnight anymore!

He is erasing history one E.O. at a time. Let us not forget the atrocities or the bravery! Let us take it upon ourselves to educate the younger generation that will know nothing of the Tuskeegee Airmen, Japanese internment camps or widespread slavery if Trump has his way.

I never realized how difficult simple instructions could be until I started this job. Too difficult, unfortunately. Attitude is easier. Guess what? You can have your attitude, I still need the information.

Alright, Oregonians! The debate has flared! Settle an argument for me, is Oregon pronounced Ore-gone or Ore-gun? #Oregon