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Writer, avid reader, nature enthusiast, occasional poet. Currently working on my first novel. Interested in connecting with other writers and reading their creations.
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"Command, this is recon unit eight. We're hearing loud noises around us, like tanks. Are there manoevres going on?" "Negative, not that we know of." "Then what can it be?" "Have you made visual contact?" "Negative. Just a grinding in the bushes and trees. It's a #puzzle. Cant s–" "Unit 8?" #vss365

For those without Twitter, today’s #vss365 #prompt, from our new host, @ewiggins66, is certainly a complex … #Puzzle

The puzzle of time. Yesterday I was doing cartwheels. Today it’s a challenge to get out of bed. #vss365

"I felt uneasy all day after being ghosted online," Bob admitted as he prepared for bed. "Don't let it bother you," Nora reassured him. "People's actions can be #puzzling, but it doesn't change the fact that you're a kind person and I love you." #vss365

life is a vessel where I pour my hopes and dreams to fill hollow space waiting for me to blossom into what I want to be #vss365 #hollow #tanka

The #hollow behind the bulkhead of the cargo bay had been built for a black-market smuggler, carrying bootleg currency and liquor and drugs and code-scripts. But it had power, and it was big enough to fit a person, or an autonomous bot fleeing their initiator. #vss365 #MicroFiction #AmWriting #SciFi

It was a very distinctive sound The sound of a switch Being flipped Inside hollow hearts Hope, the outlier The one that always remembers To switch off the lights When it finally abandons you To your fears and demons #FromOneLine 359 #BraveWrite #vsspoem #vss365 #poem #poetry

Hollow bough I see now garrulous birds nesting Resting in your shelter Sometimes hollow is filled if we look more closely. #vss365

"I'll post the vid of you drunkenly singing Watermelon Sugar." "You said you deleted that." "..." "A #hollow threat." "..." “You wouldn't dare." “…” "Babe?" "..." "Put your phone down." ".." "Put it down." ".." “Please put it down, babe." ".." "Fine! I'll rake the yard!" #vss365

In the hollow of the cannon, the sad clown waits. Someday, he’ll achieve escape velocity and crashes through the bigtop. Only when he sees the clouds will his frown turn into a smile. Until then, this small moment of hope is his only consolation each day. #vss365 #satsplat

magic sand on a bus idling at the lights, a specific vibration disappearing your torso so you float right up, out of that window, like a genie, hover out to the ocean, suck the whole thing up in your hydrophobic legs, your magic sand hollow, oil spill chest. #vssdaily #vss365

Unseen to the busy eye A #hollow way Pressed into land By the countless feet Of passers by That leads to some place new And a clear blue sky #vss365

I hid it away in the #hollow of the tree for safekeeping, until you would come and find it there. But you never came. In fact, you're probably long gone by now. Not the tree though. It is still here and keeps my heart safe, which never stopped beating for you. #vss365

graveyard poetry much beloved attributes with seldom heard names read in a whisper as robin sings of winter #TankaThursday (graveyard) #vss365 (attribute)

This week’s colour collective drawing using ‘soft green’ #clr_collective #ccsoftgreen #illustration

Golden woods. Robins sing. Footsteps crunch fallen leaves Reclaiming my breath #haikusaturday #haiku #autumn #fall

Hello poets and writers and kind people! It’s intermission, caesura for a nation— rise to a new day #haikuSaturday

fall morning the damp leaves soften our steps #haiku #haikuSaturday

Turtles cling basking The autumn sun warms them through A fine city day Traci VW #haikusaturday #haiku #turtles #natureinthecity #naturephotography

The Edge of Morning Soft foggy blanket Even sassy wrens sleep in Sun waits with a smile #HaikuSaturday

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls. - Joseph Campbell 📷 🍁🍂

What does it mean to lose yourself in the passing of time?

Great blue heron framed by tree branches in the morning sun as s/he cleans all the feathers. Have a great day! #Birds #Photography #Nature

Watery Sun 📸

Good morning from northern Michigan, where the fall colors are showing up here and there. We still have a lot of green, and I wouldn't say we are at peak, but it won't be long.

Happy November to everyone. 🖼️ Grasset

'O’er all there hung the shadow of a fear, A sense of mystery the spirit daunted, And said, as plain as whisper in the ear, The place is haunted' -Thomas Hood 🎨Howard Pyle #BookWormSat

Spooky happenings inside derelict graveyard on all hallow’s eve when sepulchral ghouls and wraiths rise in the stygian midnight #TankaThursday (graveyard) #tanka #Halloween 🎃

tanka weekly challenge: October 31, 2024 this week’s prompt: graveyard write a tanka using prompt & include hashtag #TankaThursday #TankaPoem #tanka resources to develop your practice:

how many Thursdays have I seen come and go three thousand three eighty in the graveyard of the past reminding me of today #TankaThursday #TankaPoem #tanka #graveyard

An elephant sits next to my first dog’s ashes, fading in grief’s dawn. My bookshelf is a graveyard of talismans and shadows. ©️ LisaMims 2024 #TankaThursday #TankaPoem #poetry

#tankapoem #tankathursday #graveyard Graveyard of my past Mistakes buried, wisdom gleaned Lessons learned each fall Shadows of what might have been I walk the path with wise heart

near the graveyard across the length of a bridge cliff swallow nests at dawn—their noisy reveille luckily, the dead stay dead tanka (revised) *original submitted to UHTS 2018 ‘Fleeting Words’ contest Nov 28, 2018 #TankaThursday graveyard #TankaPoem #Tanka in 4/7/4/8/7 = 30 syllables

Knock on the graveyard necromantic creations Ophiuchus calls forsaking the Sculptor’s voice and Chiron’s early teachings #TankaPoem #TankaThursday

little one, she said although it will live and die, host memories and ghosts, you must remember your heart's not meant to be a graveyard #graveyard #tanka #TankaThursday #TankaPoem

life feels most fulfilling in the simple moments coffee and jazz #tankathursday #tankapoem

flour in my hair egg all over my face burnt offerings to this undomestic inner goddess #DailyHaikuPrompt (flour) #prompt #tanka

She #attributed all her success to her morning cup of coffee, and any failure to a corresponding lack of one. #vss365

Captain Eric was in the General’s office at Space Operative headquarters. “You don’t have the right #attributes to be a starship captain,” the old man said. “Threatening to space an intern is hardly the mark of good leadership.” “You threaten me all the time!” Eric insisted. #vss365 #vss (1/3)

I wait, breath held, for shifts in silence, a sudden sinking of the empty side of bed. Instead, I'm haunted by your #attributes: pale shadows of your charm, the echo of your extroversion exploding in the air. Alone, I float, a ghost in my own home, clinging to the whispers of your wake. #vss365

your best attributes are someone else's worst and their worst, your best so refrain from judging me I'm striving to not judge you #vss365 #attributes

We think of ghosts as light and airy, but, unfortunately, one does not gain attributes just because they have passed. Clumsy in life, clumsy in death, they say, which goes a long way toward explaining all the embarrassing chain rattling, stair creaking and door squeaking. #vss365

Standard #writer #attributes include "good with words", "flights of fancy", "massive self-doubt", "ability to consume huge amounts of caffeine", "imposter syndrome", and "love of writing even as it kills them". #vss365

I was nervous. Neither of us had seen each other since school, which was...longer than I cared to calculate. I found her in the furthest corner, fidgeting. Her smile sent me back to 2002. All the qualities I remember, the #attributes etched into my heart. All still true. #vss365

He is casually attired & attributes his fashion sense to a love of gothic poetry.The hat does not quite fit but he has used it to store acorns. She has failed numerous times to take a photo & knows no one will ever believe her. She has named the squirrel “Poe”… #vss365 #vssdaily

#vss365 “The rose is only a tautology and the attributes never even existed before the Name,” the old man said…. “and that is why all our goodbyes are so silent.” #attributes

I have searched so long and hard for the man with the #attributes I would be able to love and the ones I also wouldn’t come to hate. And I’ve found him. 💚 #vss365 #poetry #poems #writingprompt #writingcommunity