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Twitter or X is THE hub of the misinformation. Thank goodness, I never was a part of that hallucinating place.
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I think, if call it terra because almost all the people live in the land, no people living in the ocean, so, calling it terra is actually reasonable.
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And, secondly, there's no rule that says meteors cannot be green in colour. This is just blatant false information.
Meteors can be green, but, they don't because of the presence of certain minerals or atmospheric interactions, meteors themselves do not usually display a green hue.
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I am no professional in this field. But, i wanna clear out two things. First thing is, our milky galaxy isn't in a "tidal lock" to always look like it's inclined about 60° from wherever you look at it. So, it's possible to not be inclined at a angle from anywhere in earth.(300characterlimitreached)