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Choice #3 may be bad optics but it still serves the Republicans. A continuing resolution only funds the government at the previous fiscal year's levels, so any budget affected by inflation (virtually all of them) needs to account for that inflation. For most of government, this is a budget cut.
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Where is Bok? The world wonders.
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This coming from the person Trump calls "birdbrain" on the regular.
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"Allegedly" is a get-out-of-lawsuit-free card for people who either don't have the means to fight frivolous lawsuits, or who have been told so by their legal department. That also goes for the comments here about "lie". Plain speaking is effective, and as a result it will get you sued.
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My reply was pretty non-responsive, sorry. I don't think this will affect polling much, so less than 2 pts in either direction. I still think it doesn't matter how much polling moves, since recent history says polling doesn't currently reflect, nor is it likely to reflect, actual voting patterns.
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Two things I've picked up over the last nine years are that journalism is dead, and that polling is irretrievably inaccurate to the point of deception.
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Why are people still interviewing Arthur Laffer?
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For a party whose only chance is through minority rule, terror is a feature, not a bug.
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One thing I've learned from all this is that my definition of "frivolous" and the Court's definition are very different.
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Why is it that their families are not covered?
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Right, but if the fine is reduced to $175 million on appeal they can just use the bond to pay it. Seems a lot cleaner than getting appraisals, auctioning things, etc. I can imagine that would have appeal to judges who want to stay out of the spotlight.
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Would not be shocked at all to see the fine reduced to this $175 million bond amount on appeal just to avoid the circus, political and otherwise, of firesaleing Trump properties.
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Right up there with "technically it's ephebophile"
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So it this just intended to be something else they can appeal all the way up the line to delay the case past the election?
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Was there ever a time when opinion columnists were actually useful? They certainly aren't now.
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The system knows that 02 exists because the system created the 02.
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Expecting honesty from the NYT is kind of unusual given their track record, no?
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It's fun to point out just how much money they'd have made doing the most basic of passive indexing instead of shoveling money into that furnace.
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Now compare that to SPX returns
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Trying to figure out what I hate more, that Jr thought it was funny, or that 126,000 of his followers did too.
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To be clear, another Arthur Burns is exactly what Trump would want in a Fed chair.
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Nearly all of them see themselves more in the role of the rapist than of the victim.
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No I understand this; I have seen the processing locations. I've also seen the impacts to the neighborhoods around these locations. If we're going to connect them into the workforce though, it can't be haphazard. There needs to be an actual plan.
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I think it'd be challenging. Do we use a lottery system to assign asylum seekers to a particular city? How does that distribution occur? How do we provide housing for applicants who almost certainly don't have chunks of cash themselves? Lots of other questions too that won't fit in one post.
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Looks like your MSA was just under that each of the last two years, and that includes internal migration. I think it would be impactful to have a year's worth of growth happen more or less immediately.
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Housing especially. It's hard to imagine what impact even 50,000 new home/apartment seekers would have on a community.
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We're fresh out of native Americans to displace, though.
There's 35 MSAs in the US over 2 million people. Creating a 36th out of whole cloth seems a pretty ambitious project to me.
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As much as I sympathize with asylum seekers, and as much as the US needs a constant flow of immigrants, 2 million all at once seems unmanageable. I don't know what other realistic options there are to (at least temporarily) closing the border.
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Texas is a beautiful state run by very ugly people.
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People say stupid things all the time; focus on what Abbott *does*.
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I love that none of these people actually think Trump was a good President or might be again if he's elected. They're just scared of a mob they helped arm.
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It's me, the one that wants low vol. Crazy, I know, but the "low vol" poster on my wall looks nice so that's how I feel
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He hasn't paid anything yet as far as I'm aware. If he has no intention of paying damages of any amount, why not generate another news cycle out of it?
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Only if it gets 10,000 upvotes, though
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So as a lay person, is today showing us just how lenient Engoron was, comparatively?
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Because they're convinced the legal system is broken and corrupt, and if they only get Their Guys to rule on it, they'll win.
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Yeah, that was my thought too. A good followup question would have been "Are you aware that this phrasing was used in Nazi propaganda in the 1930s and 40s?"
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Just an enabler, sort of like CNN and Trump.
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Driving in traffic in snow (i.e. not just doing donuts in an abandoned Kmart parking lot) has one overriding law: you can brake or you can steer, but not both. Plan ahead to figure out which you should do when.
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Right wing circle-jerks are all about how they're going to win everywhere even when they're not. Left-wing circle-jerks are all about how they're going to lose everywhere even when they're not. It's fascinating to watch.
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I have to think it's increasingly difficult to conduct accurate polling on a populace that is this technologically heterogenous.
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How will they get doomscroller clicks then?
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Summers and Arthur Laffer will always get calls from unserious organizations because they're almost always good for sound bites, even though both of them are very frequently completely wrong.
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The last one that matters, anyway
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I think we're beyond their understanding of most anything tbqh
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When the worst organization hosts the worst people, isn't this exactly what we expect to happen?
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Me too, my sides already hurt from laughing
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The more I think about the War on Christmas, the more I realize that Christmas shot first.
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But it's completely on-brand for Trump. "I'm campaigning on the fact that the justice system and everyone in it is biased against me personally, so anything I say is political speech, not witness tampering." For someone who never thinks about anything beyond himself, it makes perfect sense.