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Ord är viktiga nu. Trump och Zelenskyj RÖK inte IHOP, Dagens nyheter. Storbråk UTBRÖT inte MELLAN PRESIDENTERNA, Svenska Dagbladet. Trump och Zelenskyj hamnade inte i STORBRÅK, Expressen. Och det var inget KAOSBRÅK vi såg, Aftonbladet. Det vi såg var en helt ensidig aggression från Trump & Vance.

🧵Nu säger jag det: Myllymäki kan dra åt helvete. Förra julen kom min son, som då jobbade på en av sthlms absolut finaste restaranger hem med döende tandkött, sk ”trench mouth” orsakat av för lite sömn o mat, för mycket stress o allmän dåligt leverne. Det rann blod ur munnen på honom.

Friends and colleagues at NOAA/NWS/NSF/NCAR, everyone-except the a-holes in government right now-appreciate your tremendous work, your dedication and the immense knowledge that the world is at risk of losing with your nonsensical firing. I'm here if you need to chat, vent, or brainstorm next steps.

How long until Trump attempts to provide military aid to Russia? With even the pretense of friendliness to Ukraine successfully crushed, it’s a matter of time, right?

This is now the most embarrassing thing JD has done on a couch

No, the meeting did not go badly for Ukraine. It exposed in the most undeniable, unequivocal way possible the pro-Putin commitments of the president and vice president. That was information Americans and allies needed to have clear before them.

Sociology when you need it. Excellent work

Last Tuesday, I was set to give a talk on 'climate change in the Northeast' at a retirement home but had to cancel due to hourly job threats. After nearly two weeks of overwhelming uncertainty, today it happened. I was fired from my dream of working at NOAA. I'm so sorry to everyone also affected.

Pass it on. #StandWithUkraine

Nordic prime ministers show their support for President Zelensky and Ukraine after Zelensky’s meeting with President Trump and Vice President Vance at the White House. Sources: X, Facebook, DR

"Researchers studied what happened when people agreed to block the internet from their smartphones for just 2 weeks. 'What we found was that people had better mental health, better subjective wellbeing & better sustained attention' 91% of participants improved their scores in at least 1 category"

Global surface temperature anomalies have fallen a bit in recent weeks, making it very likely that February will not set a new record after a record January. However, its still on track to be the 3rd warmest at 1.56C above preindustrial levels in ERA5.

If things sour for the ordinary people in America (e.g. recession, inflation, broken government services), there is going to be enormous pressure to jettison the most obvious symbol of recent changes: Elon Musk.

😢stackars ica. är du ok ica? vill du prata?

Lite om den svenska politikens syn på klimatpolitik och aktivism:

You know what’s important? History teachers. My Dad was a history teacher. I think his work was vital for a healthy society.

Ni som bor i Malmö, här... *harkel* Om ni hör något om ett jobb - bokstavligen vad som helst, men det måste vara _I_ Malmö - kan ni inte ge en heads up? Jag pratar teckenspråk och läser punktskrift och har alla hjälpmedel för kontorsjobb, jag är van att skriva copy och jobba m utbildning, >>

Per Hasselberg, verksamhetschef Konstfrämjandet och Greta Burman, förbundschef Sveriges konstföreningar, skriver i JP om behovet av stabil finansiering för Österängens konsthall:

Judith Butler: "Once you decide that a single vulnerable minority can be sacrificed, you’re operating within a fascist logic, because that means there might be a second one you’re willing to sacrifice, and a third, a fourth, and then what happens?"

I hope there is some media outlet, nonprofit institution, or university that has set itself the simple task: *remember this*. One of the most shocking & disturbing things about Trump's first term was how the vast bulk of it just vanished down the memory hole almost as soon as it happened.

"Putin has been clear he is intent on recovering Russia’s “historic lands” in his war with #Ukraine"

I regret to say there has been a lot of foolishness on some sections the left about #Ukraine, echoing Russian and far-right talking points. (Just as shamefully, the same people supported Assad in Syria). Now is the time to put that foolishness aside. We should all stand with Ukraine.

Down to just $490

This is why you fight these cowards. The moment you stand up to them, they crumble. Homan has nothing. The Fourth Amendment is clear and I am well within my duties to educate people of their rights. He can threaten me with jail and call names all he wants. He’s got nothing else.

Whenever anyone laments the state we’re in, they’re met with a chorus of “but what do we do?” As plenty of good options are available, this response might often be wilful impotence*. I invite you all to nominate in this thread the best proposals and practices, around which we should gather. Thanks

I’m seeing an awful lot of posts from people on Bluesky responding to despairing scientists with the words “please keep going, the world needs you”. Scientists cannot keep going if we can’t keep a roof over our heads and our mouths fed.

I veckan meddelade Trump att lagen som förbjuder amerikanska företag att muta sig till affärer inte längre behöver följas. Det finns inte längre någon anledning att måla fan på väggen. Han sitter livs levande i Vita Huset

Jag tänker på Ukraina. Mina vänner där. Och något går sönder. Har aldrig varit någon krigsivrare men nu måste vi rusta upp utav bara helvete o vara beredda skicka dit trupper. Europa måste resa sig upp.

Difficult to stress how much it's complete psycho shit to indiscriminately fire hundreds of thousands of young poorly paid federal employees who probably uprooted their entire lives and moved to take jobs in service of their country for absolutely no reason.

Every day this becomes more and more obvious.

“Never before has the danger of climate change been so evident and the response so cavalier.”

It is our job right now to tell everyone less online than us that the U.S. is undergoing a coup intended to destroy democracy and subjugate the American people.

Skamligt att det kan vara så här. Folk blir förmögna på kapitalvinster och influencer-"jobb", men det viktigaste jobben har så låg lön att arbetarna tvingas låna för att överleva. "Heltidsjobbande vårdbiträden går back – varje månad"

We've released the Berkeley Earth temperature update for January 2025: It was the warmest January on record at 1.64C above preindustrial levels, and 0.09°C above the prior record set in 2024.

vet ni att jag gillar kungen vem kan glömma det klassiska replikskiftet från dokumentären - har kungen några relationships? - ööööh jaaa man kan ju.... ha varsitt badrum - alla kanske inte bor så stort? - då kan man... ha det ena badrummet på övervåningen

Observed multi-decadal increase in the surface ocean’s thermal inertia …suggests that the ocean’s ability to sequester heat is weakening Until now, the ocean has been perhaps the world's greatest ally against climate change

Just saw a farmer say, "you don't have to admit you were wrong, you have to admit you were lied to, " and idk that seems like a good framing to call people in

It’s been a tough few weeks. My 10yo daughter was diagnosed with a very rare, aggressive cancer called interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma (IDCS). I’m reaching out to identify clinicians/patients who have encountered pediatric IDCS or other (non-LCH) dendritic or histiocytic sarcomas cases.

Ja vi är marinerade i funkofobiska uttryck sen vi gick på lågstadiet o det slinker lätt ur men kom igen, vi är vuxna nu o bland dina vänner här finns nån som fötts med en cp-skada o nån som har en liten dotter som heter Lova med Downs syndrom. Kan vi inte bara enas om att lägga av?

Ge dem allt nu ni som menar att ni tar ansvar. Här är offren för den förbannade rasistiska smörjan från vänster till höger. En pappa med fyra barn. Mamman mördad. Slitit halvt ihjäl sig redan innan med studier och 2[!] jobb för att pappan skulle få stanna.

Folks, I’m in panic mode too and good to keep our guards up, but NOAA labs in Boulder, CO have had scheduled maintenance for last week and this week and they had been warned about power outages for a while. I *think* this is the only reason many pages aren’t loading. Still keep an eye on.

When protestors uttered the slogan “defund the police” the national media had a massive freak out. But now that Trump wants to actually gut the FBI and (it would seem) illegally fire 1000s of people who work there, the same media sees it as a curiosity, a dull bureaucratic matter.

Dems got themselves on the front page of the times. Just keep pushing. The sense of crisis comes from cumulative action and coverage