Associate Professor of History. Missouri State University. Global fascism (esp. Germany and Japan). Beagle enthusiast. She/her. Views are my own.
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Thank you for the kind words - I’m glad you found my article helpful/interesting!
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Practically speaking race was made a non-issue after 1935 and the alliance was sold to the German public as a geopolitical project
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They weren’t quite equal to the Germans but that they shared enough of the same geopolitical goals that an alliance (with separate spheres of influence) was a viable proposition for at least the immediate future. There was also a faction that still subscribed to the old yellow peril nonsense.
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There were several high-placed individuals within the SS and Propaganda Ministry who believed that the Japanese were Aryan and so there was no problem working with them (or marrying them for that matter). There was also the position (usually associated with a few quotes from Mein Kampf) that…
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post thanks for the shout out! Like most things, the simple answer is that there was never a consensus within Nazism about how to categorize the Japanese racially and so depending on who:which org you’re looking at the answer can vary a lot.
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I’d like to be added please!