gymnastics producer.
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Thanks - I've flagged it with the social team.
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That's all for the day. Will be interesting to see how things shake up in competition. My money would be on Caylor, Hang (if she can improve UB from today), maybe Lowe? But it's a wide open field.
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Williams just stuck a double layout cold on FX. It was glorious.
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Rose finally gets one to her feet, one step backward but a big improvement.
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Eeek, a third sat 1.5 for Rose.
CaMarah Williams is one of the springiest tumblers we've seen in a long time. So much height.
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Caylor improves the double layout dismount in a second routine, but still a medium-ish step forward.
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Another sat Y1.5 for Rose.
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Woolford using LVE's music from 2000. I'm sure this is a reference most of you totally get!
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Molomo UB: toe 1/1 but goes the wrong way. Toe 1/1, way out; toe up, Maloney half; double front, one step.
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Hang with a half on, pike front half off.
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Rose sits a Yurchenko 1.5.
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Caylor UB: toe 1/1, Maloney, Tkatchev; Pak; Maloney half; blind chang, front giant; double layout dismount, big step forward.
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Sullivan UB: Weiler 1/2, Maloney, giant 1/1 (big arch), Tkatchev; Pak; toe up, Maloney half; double layout (form in the air).
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Hang comes up pretty short on a DTY attempt, hands down.
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Rivera with a nice double layout on FX.
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She did another routine and the dismount was much better the second time around.
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Another BB routine from Rivera. Gets the wolf turn around. The 2-foot layout is nice, but there is a little tiny bending of the hips that could cost her. Takes a second before the dismount and Valeri is standing by (but he did this last year, too). Double pike is landed but low.
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Sullivan working a front layout half on vault.
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Lowe UB: Free hip, Maloney half; straddle Jaeger; toe 1/1; Pak; toe shoot to HB; double flyaway. Some foot form issues throughout.
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Pease BB: Back dive mount; switch, checks it; Onodi; FF, LSO, LSO, checks again. Front aerial, straddle, FF; Aerial, bends at the hips and almost touches the beam; switch half... and my feed stopped working. Oh, we're back.
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Rivera BB: split mount; off on the wolf turn; aerial, a little under; FF, layout to two feet, well controlled; switch, switch half, swingdown; front aerial, ring jump; switch ring, lovely; FF, FF, timer.
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Pease goes back to do toe 1/2, double front half and sticks it.
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Pease UB: Endo 1/2, toe 1/1; Maloney (? could have been an in bar), Tkatchev; Pak; stalder Shap half, but misses the bar. Toe 1/2; hops off after a couple of front giants.
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Hang much more solid on a second attempt at a beam routine, gets the full this time with just one step back. Switch; switch side; RO + double pike. Big improvement.
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Rose BB: switch mount, switch; 3/1 wolf; FF, LSO, LSO, lifts a leg and bends a bit; aerial, split, back tuck, leg raise again. Front aerial, small check. 2.5 twist.
Rivera UB: working some nice toe 1/1s on the low bar.
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Hang BB: back dive mount; wolf 2/1, leans forward at the end; off on the aerial. Split, straddle, LSO; FF, full and off again; switch, switch side; RO, double pike is nice. Repeats the FF + full after and misses again.
Sullivan did a good full-twisting double layout on FX.
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Matthews BB: FF mount, small check; FF, LSO, turns sideways, a few waves of the arms; wolf 3/1; aerial; switch, switch half, awkward landing; front aerial, split and off; double tuck, big step back.
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Sullivan and Caylor with a nice double layouts on FX.
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Rose UB: Ray; Pak; misses the Maloney. Back on for a Maloney half; giant 1/1; full twisting double layout.
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Hang UB: Weiler 1/2, toe 1/1, Maloney, Tkatchev; Pak; toe to HS, toe shoot to HB; double layout dismount.
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Matthews UB: toe 1/1, Maloney, Tkatchev; Jaeger; Pak, Maloney 1/2 but misses the bar; Peels on the dismount, no salto, just slides across the mat. Kind of scary but also not? She's fine and gets up quickly.
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Molomo BB: Switch mount; wolf triple, slow and some movements; off on the aerial, LSO; repeats and off again; just working some skills now.
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Pease working a half on entry now. Didn't see anything past the layout times from Rivera.
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Matthews UB: toe 1/1, Maloney, Tkatchev; off on the Jaeger. Opening sequence was very nice.
Hang UB: Weiler 1/2, toe 1/1, Maloney, Tkatchev; Pak; had to cast 2x on low bar then goes the wrong way on a toe to HS and hops off.
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Rose UB: Ray; Pak; Maloney, uprise, free hip; goes the wrong way on a blind change and hops off.
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Layout timers for Claire Pease and Hezly Rivera on vault so far.
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Caylor BB: switch mount; switch half (short); FF, LSO, LSO; switch, split, wolf; front aerial, split, swingdown; double wolf; side aerial; rolls the FF, FF, double pike through.
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Sullivan BB: 2/1 wolf; standing Arabian, slight movement backward; FF, LSO, LSO, pretty solid; front aerial; straddle, split; Onodi, small correction; switch; catches her breath before dismounting FF, FF, double pike with a few steps back.
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Wasn't sure which events to expect from Hezly Rivera but she's at least training on vault today. When I talked to her late last year, she said maybe 1-2 events here...