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-> w1th th33 h34vy 534 0f m153ry 1 cry 0ut t0 4ll. H4rk n0w! Th0u 5h4ll pr3v41l! F0r th33 m153ry, for th33 pl4gu3. Th0u w03 5h4ll n0t t41nt! 4ll b3 4b0ve 4ll tr0ubl35! F0r 4dv3ntur3 h4th ju5t b3gun. -> :).
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-> h0w gru3l! F0r 4ll 4dv3ntur36 full 0f gr13v4nc35! 4l45 n4y 0f m0urn1ng! C3l3br4t3 th0u5t c0mp4n10n5h1p l34d1ng 4ll t0 v1ct0ry!
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-> :0!
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-> 4 m45t3rp13c3 1n33d! Th0u mu5t b3-3th pr0ud! 1 h0ld t1tl35 0f pr1d3 f0r th33!
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-> 4 m1ghty ch4ll3ng3 h0w 3xc1t1ng! M4y f0rtun3 m4y str3ngth b35t0w t0 4ll! Th0u 5h4ll pr3v41l gr4nd w4rr10r5!
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-> Y4H00!
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-> 1 r3qu35t th0u l15t 0f w0rd5 th33 n33d3th 4ll t0 f1nd pr3tty pl3453 :)
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-> n4y.. th0u h4th b33n3th pl4y3d f0r 4 f00l
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-> Y4H00!
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Thy 4b53nc3 l0ng 4l45 th0u r3qu35t 5h4ll b3-3th fulf1ll3d!
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-> D:
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-> sh3 h4th th3 h0n0r 0f 0n3 0f thy gr4nd35t 1n5p1r4t10n5, thy p4th th0u p4th m4y 5h1n3 d1ff3r3nt. 4l45 1 kn0w3th 0f thy p45510n5 thy c4ll1ng5! M4y 1t b3 d3lu510n5 1 h4th n4y 0f c4r3! 1 h4th gr34t j0y :)!
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-> w0rry n0t! Thy p4th 1nsp1r3d by h3r b3 n4y 0f th3 sm3lly 0n3! Thy c4ll1ng b3 4dv3ntur3! Thy c4ll1ng b3 0f 4 m1ghty f1x3r!
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-> th0u b3l13f5 cl45h th1n3 4l45 1 p3rc31v3 n4y 0f 155u3! M4y 1 v13w 4 gr4nd w4rr10r m4y th0u v13w 4 5m3lly c0mp4n10n :)!
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-> 4 m1ghty w4rr10r! Th0u 4rm0r r3nd3r1ng th0u t3xtur35 4r3 m05t m4gn1f1c3nt! Th0u h4th thy 4dm1r4t10n
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-> many apologies! Just once I shall water down thy "texting quirk" for thoust response! I find many of joys in numbers and shakespearean, inspired by Don Quixote and Terezi Pyrope :).
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-> n4y
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-> gr4nd B1g B1rd h4th thy f4v0r1t15m!
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-> t15 th3 m1ghty b345t!
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-> th0u 1 st4nd 0n th3 p3d4lst00l h1ghly, 1 c0nqu3r, th3 1ngr3d13nt5.. 1 qu35t10n th33 kn0wl3dg3 0f th3m...
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-> d34r35t tr4v3l3r! 1 f1nd 51m1l3r 1nt3r35t5 t0 thy 0wn! 1f th33 5p4r3 t1m3 c0mp4n10n5h1p n5y b3 4 burd3n :).
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-> th0u sh4r3 thy s1m1l4r m15d33d fr0m th3 w0rld... n4y r4tch3t n4y cl4nk f0r thy w0rr135..
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-> th0u35t gr4nd35t 0f r4t! 1 3nvy th33 f0r th0u cut3n355 unm4tch3d!