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Scientists and academics in the Netherlands demanding emergency action on climate. Posts in English & Dutch. More information:
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🔥✈️The Science is clear: aviation is a huge polluter! Aviation, alone, is responsible for 2.4% of global annual CO2 emissions. As other sectors try to improve, aviation’s global emissions keep increasing. Today, we therefore stand at Schipol airport to demand accountability!

Vandaag demonstreerden we voor de vijfde keer op Schiphol tegen het Frequent Flyer Flying Blue Programma van KLM. KLM's spaarprogramma beloont, stimuleert en normaliseert veelvliegen in het midden van de klimaatcrisis. Onze nationale luchtvaartmaatschappij speelt met het klimaat. #StopFlyingBlue

Today we say #ScienceNotSilence in response to recent attacks on scientists and scientific institutions and we #StandUpForScience. #ScienceForAll Find also our statement here:

🥼📣Digital Day of Action Stand Up For Science 2025🥼📣 🔥 We invite members of the scientific community around the world to join us in a Digital Day of Action. (Instructions below)

Together we #StandUpForScience, a statement initiated by in support of colleagues and communities affected. You can read the full statement and sign here 👉

Lately we are witnessing an unprecedented attack on science in the US. These attacks also affect the international scientific field and other communities. This is not an isolated event, and Europe is moving to the same direction. ❤️‍🔥 We invite everyone to sign our science solidarity statement!

On Monday: "Together we can: the why and how of climate activism", a public talk and discussion at and on the #ClimateCrisis and our roles (or not) as scientists and academics. Sign up to attend live or digitally, via the link!

Countries that ratified the Paris agreement were supposed to submit more ambitious goals for 2035 yesterday, but most of them didn't, including current polluters such as China and India but also historically largest polluters such as US and the EU... 🏭

Online introduction meeting: Tuesday 11th February, 20:00-20:45 Scientists are increasingly taking to the streets to raise awareness of the climate emergency and to hold governments and corporations accountable. Would you like to join, or know more about Scientist Rebellion?

"We moeten niet bang zijn de gevangenis in te draaien, puur omdat we de feitelijke situatie van ons land beschrijven." Vandaag in, interviews met vier Amerikaanse klimaatwetenschappers over werken onder een bewind dat de klimaatcrisis ontkent en klimaatwetenschap wegbezuinigt.

DTTB 🌱 Extractivism Chapter 3 Example 2: Tia Maria Copper Mine in Perú 🧵 1/13

What do scientists think about their role on a planet in crisis? How engaged are they in climate action, and what barriers do they see to getting more involved? Thanks to for recording my talk! Slides:

How universities can go fossil free. Really easy! 🌎 When they wish to 🤷🏻‍♀️ Featuring on behalf of in conversation with and of

More Scientist Rebellion accounts on Bluesky that might interest you, some of them brand new! 🇫🇷 France: 🇩🇪 Germany: 🇺🇬 Uganda: 💪 All added to our SR/S4F starter pack: Recommendations welcome!

Scientist Rebellion demands immediate action from ING: stop financing fossil fuels! 🦁 Today, together with, we symbolically blocked the A10 highway at ING’s former headquarters. (1/4)

A Dutch court today ruled that Prime Minister Dick Schoof’s government must ramp up efforts to cut nitrogen pollution in protected nature areas, handing Greenpeace Netherlands a significant legal win.

In het voorjaar van 2024, rond de vreedzame actie op Eindhoven Airport, is bij tenminste één rebel zware inbreuk op diens privacy gemaakt door de politie. Dat heeft het OM laten weten in een brief. [1/10]

We're glad to see climate action groups join Bluesky every day. 🙌 Among them, many SR & S4F groups. E.g. you can now follow: 🇦🇺 🇲🇽 🇪🇸 We try to keep up with all SR/S4F groups here: Recommendations welcome!

Vandaag, in de vroege ochtend voerden we samen met @SR_Netherlands actie. Op verschillende plekken werden standbeelden geblinddoekt. Deze actie maakt deel uit van de wereldwijde campagne #StatueSunday. [1/4]

Het frame dat klimaatactivisten extremist, crimineel, terrorist zijn, komt uit de koker van een gecoordineerd netwerk van vrije-markt organisaties en de fossiele industrie. Het wordt (succesvol) ingezet om demonstranten te criminaliseren. Lees mijn opinie 1/x

Why are these scientists being arrested in the Netherlands? Today scientists again joined demonstrations in The Hague against the ±40 billion euros per year the fossil fuel industry receives in subsidies in the Netherlands. The science is clear, it's time to act.

🛑💸What would YOU do with 40 billion euros? 💸🛑 Today Scientist Rebellion joined Extinction Rebellion NL on the A12 in The Hague to demand the government stops subsidizing the fossil fuel industry. #StopFossieleSubsidies #scientistrebellion

Today we joined XR Zorgprofessionals at the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) for a public outreach action about the effect of #climatechange on human health. We presented ministry employees with a manifesto containing 10 New Year's resolutions for VWS to keep in 2025. (1/4)

🛑💸New Year's resolution: Finally Stop Fossil Subsidies! 🔥2024 was an intense year, and so will 2025 be! We are coming back to Den Haag on 11/1 where we will block the A12. We demand that the government stops subsidizing the fossil fuel industry. Join us! #StopFossieleSubsidies #scientistrebellion

To participate in civil disobedience actions you need to follow an action training beforehand. organises one this Saturday, Dec 21st in Amsterdam! A great opportunity to get ready for action with Scientist Rebellion/Extinction Rebellion,... (1/2)

Yesterday we joined on the A12 in The Hague to ring the alarm bell against ±40 billion euros per year the fossil fuel industry receives in subsidies in the Netherlands. Today this topic will be discussed in a committee debate in the House of Representatives. #StopFossieleSubsidies

For the love of our Waddenzee! 🌊🦭, Monday we demonstrated at Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN) to ask them to end their support for gas drilling under this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Our message: don't risk the destruction of the #Waddenzee for just a few months of gas! (1/2)

Today we attended the Sta Op Voor het Klimaat demo in Utrecht, by Milieudefensie, ,, Humanistisch Verbond & LSVb. With, Laura van Dolron, Jefferson Yaw Frempong-Manson & Carice van Houten. Great to see so many people show up!