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Just finished reading it. Good stuff! I hope more's coming, including on Elkins. Pat's script impressed, capturing the "voice" of a very different character than Solomon Kane. I do wonder why the overt supernatural elements were included? IIRC, the original REH tales had none.
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Great news! I'm looking forward to all of it. And I'll continue to spread the word at
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Ah, well. I keep hoping to find a good scan of Timm's whole SK image, since that Sketchbook is hard to find now. But belated thanks for all those Conan pieces. Have you seen Bruce's painted recreation of the KULL #12 cover?
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This at says it was unpublished.
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I was just looking at your twitter post of Bruce Timm's Conan sketches at I've seen part of a Solomon Kane he also did, from his 2007 sketchbook. Did you ever scan that?
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It'll be great to see nick draw Solomon again. His pin-up of Kane in SSOC #2 was wonderfully moody. I'll keep a look out for the solicits & spread the word at
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Thanks. I'll post it with info tomorrow.
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Is that double pager fair-game to share? I'd love to spread the word at
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Looking good!
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Just FYI everyone, looking at that Amazon link I posted above, the Release Dates appear to be CORRECTED now. I'm glad to see it wasn't another delay.
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A similar Release Date error happened with the "Heroic Legends Series" prose Ebook short stories in some country's Amazon sites. Fans could NOT read what they bought, because Amazon's system won't release it until the listed date. The same will happen with CTB #18 & more unless this is fixed soon.
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I've mentioned to Titan to Heroic that Amazon has SEVERAL Release Dates that seem to be in error. They got the SSOC #7 date fixed, but CTB #18 & others still list release dates in contradiction with what Titan has listed on their site.
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I trust you & Pat. I expect the solicit info was written a while ago & no one updated it before sending it out for that catalog. I just wanted to let you & everyone know where they could see that really nice page of your art. Looking forward to reading the whole story!
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Can you confirm that THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN #7 magazine release date has been pushed back from February to MARCH 26? As listed at
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Titan included a page of yours from it in their SSOC #8 listing in the current PREVIEWS Catalog. All can see it at
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Sorry, I see the "Conan" now. Forgive me for being like a deer caught in ... headlights from the art. ;)
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Well, if this is what you're rejecting ... I'm looking forward to the page you'll let them publish! Thanks for at least sharing it here. BTW, if you can say, is this is for SSOC or DARK AGES? Either way, I'm eager for both!
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Happy birthday to you ... & REH. Looking forward to your upcoming art on his characters.
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As a near life-long comic reader reader & REH fan, it's great hearing Pros are enjoying making new works as much as I am reading them.
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Thanks. I see now it's from New 52: Futures End #40. Nicely done science fiction designs.
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Pat, now I'm trying to figure out what your page is from? I don't think it's STAR TREK: EARLY VOYAGES or the AVENGERS INFINITY COMIC. I wasn't a NEW WARRIORS reader, was it for that?
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Even before Wally did great work for EC Comics & Mad Magazine that followed, he was doing amazing illustrations in various prose story pulp magazines! Some still compare well with Wood's best art throughout his career.
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Looking forward to it. I'll spread the word at
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I've certainly no objection either. I just wanted to double-check before I spread the word at
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Looking forward to the links for those!
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Is it a short back-up, that's something extra than was solicited for SSOC #7? Or is it taking the place of the story that was to be drawn by Goran Parlov?
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I spread the word at Sorry I don't interact here much, but I'm here to to keep that Robert E. Howard Comics and Media News FB Page updated every day with what's upcoming or spotlighting REH related works of the past.
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While I keep an eye on solicits & other news sources for the REH Page I Admin at if what you're doing is a Retailer Exclusive variant cover or an album for an European publisher, I might not see that news. But I'll be glad to spread the word, if messaged about it.
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Looking forward to ... whatever it'll be.
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Just FYI, your new Conan cover will be on March's CTB #19. Revealed in Titan's solicits at
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Allison is from REH's stories which are about Past Lives. More info at
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Brissa is a new character created by comics writer Jim Zub, inspired by REH'S stories & timeline of the Picts better days back in Kull's Atlantis ... & long after in Roman Empire era of the last Pict King Bran Mak Morn.
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That's why it's best to pray to MITRA instead. ;)
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I've enjoyed Michael's story. Agnes also had a solo tale in SSOC #4 & co-starred in the new crossover miniseries with other REH characters, CONAN: BATTLE OF THE BLACK STONE. I hope we'll see her again in the comics, & maybe among the new PROSE short story Ebooks that are in the works.
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I admin a REH news page, so I should step up & say something. ;) Her 1st comics appearance was in the CONAN: SERPENT WAR crossover miniseries, then she was to also have her own miniseries from Marvel but only 2 issues got published.