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Producer/cohost of SES Your Luck, cocreator of Trashtube, editor of The Local News, guywatcher, amateur carpenter and luthier
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You trying to absolve yourself of blame by focusing on demographics seems odd as an old man. We all know the reality of how young people vote
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Why do you think this demographic stuff matters? This is really weird stuff man
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I have been able to vote in 3 elections lol. You sound deranged. Cool thing the Dems did to me was take away my right to vote in the 2020 ny primary after they undemocratically cancelled it
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I've told you several things, even tho it shouldn't be up to me to come up with better political strategy than chuck Schumer saying "the Republicans are in bed with Russia"
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You're projecting so much. It's your generation that put us in this political situation. You throw tantrums online like a child to defend people who won't do the bare minimum of what you claim to want. It's pathetic. You need to learn how an actual man acts
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Yes I blame Dems for being so incompetent in dealing with fascists.
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I don't give a fuck what the Republicans changed the rules to, in order to take away power from Dems. Christ you are a bootlicker
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Are you aware of what I just said about caring about decorum with fascists. This pathetic shit is why you lose
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They literally have the filibuster for that too, you old clown
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Wow a genx old man saying it's the fault of someone in their 20's for past political failures. That's the Dems in a nutshell. And why your old ass party is dying. Keep up the good work getting the vote out!
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Holy christ you are so bad faith. I'm talking about the power a minority government has. Your Dems have allowed all of Trump's corrupt, unqualified, cabinet nominations, when they have power to obstruct. You freaks seem only to care about decorum with the fascists tho, while you punch left
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I'm not gonna answer your asinine questions about my identity or whatever. I'm talking about dem politicians not nutjobs. You're clearly just trying to obfuscate cause I'm asking real questions you don't have answers to
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You're trying to imply that Dems do not have institutional power to fight fascists by asking me the "numerical makeup of Congress". When Republicans had a minority they were able to obstruct, shut down gov numerous times, etc. Why can't your politicians fight dirty the way you are so nasty online
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If you are trying to get people to vote for Democrats by arguing that they are so weak they can't do anything with elected positions, lol cmon. I suggested 2 things Dems have not done regarding criticism of Elon Musk. Dems could have obstructed all the unfit nominations of the trump admin too
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You know what I was saying, weasel. Why are Democrats not calling Elon musk "antisemitic trash", what he is, or even challenge that he's an undemocratically installed leader. Democrats are useless if "speaking out" is all they're doing while in power, Christ.
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Why do Democrats in power never have an ounce of the anger you show here against fascists in power instead of acquiescing constantly?
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This type of talentless, mediocre white man being involved in leftist spaces is why the left has been weak. Because we are not dumb and chose to fry our brains on research chemicals or whatever you got going on, we are gonna build solidarity among all marginalized groups instead of being a terf
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Bro no one even understands what you are trying to communicate because your brain is so fucked up
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Hey dipshit you keep saying it's trans people's fault that Trump's president and it's their fault unions are weak. You're blaming your failures on them cause you're a burnt out white dude who hasn't done shit since 08. Shut the fuck up
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You're talking to a real human being you fuckin sicko creep. Trans people are being demonized and you want to victim blame them. People like you need to exit public life. You have nothing of value to say about this or anything. You're not even coherent. It would be sad if you weren't a shitbag
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My man, I talked about you salting because you posted this before I ever @'ed you. You are not smart to begin with and you are clearly experiencing mental issues. Stop posting and seek help
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For sure dude
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None of this means anything to me. You're not coherent
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Man it is so pathetic to have that much faith in a pundit, let alone one with as little talent as Dave.
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I shouldn't have tried to make a cogent argument to a person experiencing psychosis. Nothing you say here makes any sense. Wonder why occupy was a abject failure with guys like you there
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Dave is bad at his job and helps right wing causes with dumbass posts like the one from today. Kinda like yourself who sucked shit at salting cause you're focused on right wing culture war talking points over building solidarity. So I think it's best that real leftists see you freaks as clowns
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No not really. Youre the first schizoposting freak I've seen on here
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Nah it's usually to say coherent things. That's why people follow others, to read words that have meaning. You know, communicate like a normal human and not a fucked up little freak boy
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Ok keep living in psychosis, schizoposting for no one
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My dude, take your meds and stop posting insane shit no one likes or even reads on this site
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You have to be dumb as fuck to be a gnostic
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Man I wish union membership wasn't so low due to freaks like this being involved in movements
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A good salt
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This rambling makes you look insane and demented
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If you had reading comprehension you'd understand I implied I have not used that website for years. Unlike the guy you're trying to defend who still uses it so idk why you're even trying to use it as an own besides that you have no original thoughts
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Dog he got your ass
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Condescendingly tone policing changes peoples' minds, you're right I'm gonna do that now
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I'll keep doing both. Keep up the good work of tone policing
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Fuck off with the condescension. Trans rights are our side. If you're gonna fuck with that at all I'm gonna yell at you
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Why criticize the work and ability of a centrist pundit recycling right wing talking points? Because his work is bad and his opinions are wrong. This is the same shit we've seen with Greenwald, Taibbi, etc
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I did both. Do you see how easy it is to not defend a collaborating centrist pundit?
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What is going on with old people's brains man. There's just a bunch of phrases from the 90's up there that they throw out
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The discourse he's participating in has directly contributed to my community being actively purged from the government as we speak. This isn't online bullshit, it's a serious problem, and part of an ongoing genocide.
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Criticizing a pundits political analysis is not a personal attack. Dave responded to me by implying I'm a conspiracy theorist. Is that reasonable? Also repeating what I said back to me about coming up with original thoughts is such perfect irony
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I'm probably ok after delimbing 2 pine trees yesterday to use for carpentry. You need to remove the lead from your genx brain from decades of exposure so you can come up with original thoughts
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Why did you use the term "sniffing his jock"? I'm guessing it's cause you are stuck in genx arrested development like Dave. Be a man and own up to what you implied instead of being a fuckin liar
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Good defense of a pundit who currently posts on Twitter. Check when my account was made versus when musk took over Twitter btw dumbass. Why do all the weigel lemmings only have cliches as owns. Guess cause that's all Dave has too
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Dog you just did homophobia to an actual queer person, eat shit and rethink your life of defending centrist pundits online