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Hur fick du det där till att bli rasistiskt? Det är fakta att i dessa länder där det i mångt saknas ett fungerande rättsväsende är det familjetryck som är verksamt då straffen ofta drabbar hela familjen. I jämförelse är västerländska straff ingenting, noll konsekvens, därav brottsligheten vi ser.
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Synd bara att de oftast serverar vin som smakar sur gymsocka.
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Mer kulturkrock än ojämlikhet.
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En kombination av en disciplinerad skola, tvingande aktiviteter för kids på glid samt stenhård repression av kriminella. Vi måste börja utvisa hela familjer när ungarna är grovt kriminella. Det enda som biter på folk från MENA är familjetryck.
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Tja. Pedagogisk verksamhet kostar 35 miljarder årligen. Så 530 miljoner är en droppe i havet. Du klarar nog två tankar samtidigt. Repression av kriminella kackerlackor + pedagogik och fritid som motverkar rekrytering. Men repression är den lösning som verkar NU mot kriminella.
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Mer talande att vänstermänniskor inte accepterar ifrågasättande eller avvikande åsikter. X överlever nog. Sen kan man ju inte undgår att martyrskapet och alla dramatiska exits är stor humor.
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Jättedåligt med sunda människor. Uruselt. Alla ska vara feta nonbinaries med dåliga tänder och blått hår.
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The US is a third world country. Worse actually. Even third world countries have meds for cancer sick children.
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Om du provar att stå mellan vikterna, mitt på stången, istället för på kortsidan, så slipper du nog få stången i snippan.
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Finns ingen där de klämt in någon fru också?
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Fördelen med årets smak är att det finns 107st att välja på. Om någon går missnöjd ur det urvalet, ja, då gillar man helt enkelt inte glögg.
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Guess it doesn’t matter when you have nothing to lose. Good luck with that, dude. 💪
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I mean exactly that what I write. That you try to make shit up does not make your amateur rhetoric real.
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Slurred trans people? It is a fact that trans people are extremely over represented in regards of mental health issues, suicide, self harming behaviours, etc. You call yourself trans, and quite clearly belong in this group of people. Is stating facts "slur"? Your "wicked intellect" shining through.😂
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First. I don't believe a single word of your story. You are simply yet another attention seeking basket case. Second. What does you being trans have to do with any of this? You think your crazy ways is inspirational? Get a grip.
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Your perspective is not just misguided, it’s utterly delusional. I'm sensing your mental stability mirrors that of your fellow trans individuals, no bloody wonder you're so lost. Honestly, I pity you. Living being you must be far from enviable.
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Nothing wrong with your confidence.
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Yeah, how about that. 🤷‍♂️😅
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Kind of what you’d expect in a public forum such as this. Just get on with it.
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Fascism is a very well defied term. Of the previously mentioned subjects only one or a few of the criterias of fascism was filled ie not fascism, but authoritarian dictatorships. Are you having fun exploring your invective range? It’s not so I couldn’t make a few pretty accurate remarks on you.
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I have neither implied or referred to you as “a hoe”. Put me in place? You’re absolutely delusional.
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Yeah, hostile. I’m neither a Murican or located in the US.
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Estado novo not -74. There are several other criteria for fascism, the above mentioned do fill some of them, but not all = primarily totalitarian dictators with fascistoid elements in their dictstorships. Mr Invective, how can one debate with a person like you? I’m gonna leave you at it.
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Yes it died with Hitler. Estafo Novo died 1945. Franco, kind of fascist, more of a dictator. Died 75. Pinochet, also some fascistoid tendencies, but not through and through fascist. Gone 90. Where’s the fascism today?
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Subtitles is also one of the key factors of language learning, learn by hearing. Just look at Europe, the countries subtitling (ex Scandinavia) movies do speak English, if not fluently, so very good. The countries translating (ex Spain, France, Italy etc) everything to native speak little to none.
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Oh yeah, you’re at high risk with your super personal alias.
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Me? What are you on about.
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Det är länge sedan vi hamnade där. Dessutom, när politiken är lik måste politikerna hitta på annat att tala om, och där uppstod de plågsamt idiotiska debatter och påhopp vi sett de senaste decennierna. Noll ideologi eller sakpolitik, bara obegåvat, plumpt trams. Från alla sidor. 🤢🤮
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På vilket sätt är det problematiskt att knyta medborgarskapet till ett par, ganska fundamentala, krav? t.ex. lär sig språk, ägna sig inte åt kriminalitet eller våld. Det är fullt rimliga kriterier för medborgarskap. Vad är problemet?
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However unfathomable it might seem to you in this forum of like-opinions, it is simply a matter of someone being of an opinion contracting yours. You can call that trolling or whatever, but none the less, it is simply a matter of different opinions.
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Darling, your little tantrum is as predictable as it is unimpressive. It’s all too typical; when you’re unable to engage in a normal discussion, you resort to a completely erratic rant about nothing of substance or relevance.
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I don’t really see what quantum mechanics has to do with any of this? That you googled it to try to seem smart didn’t succeed very well. Your demeanour tells you off.
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I have not mentioned ”libs” or ”communists”. Are you seeing things that don’t exist? Help is available.
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An argument like “pretty related to fascism” is a clear example of false equivalence. Traditionalism is not fascism, not even remotely so. You may disagree with traditionalism, but equating it to fascism is a flawed and misleading comparison. The joke is on you, Jack.
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One side has been trying to eradicate a whole ethnic group for almost 80 years. Yet again, speaking of education, do you feel ”you can’t seem to logic” was something an educated person would say or write? Logic is not a verb, dear. One can’t ”logic”.
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About education… If you were being literal, I do have to inform you that Hitler has been dead for about 80 years, and fascism with him.
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Ser du fascismen både när du sover och är vaken?
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It’s funny that you call everyone outside your own political view “fascist”. Do you actually believe that yourself?
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So hostile. Thanks for proving my point. 👌😂
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Can everyone say that about anything they dislike? I mean, I really dislike leftism, it is proved to have caused deaths on a larger scale even than nazism. Do I get to arbitrarily bash the head in on people that I think are leftists? I mean, your argument should work all ways, right? Or just yours?
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Absolutely no one is surprised that the pro-Palestine crowd advocates violence. That’s essentially what created the entire situation. Brilliant minds, those. 🤷‍♂️
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Yeah. Bashing someone’s head in is always the solution. The will probably be much wiser afterwards. Not to mention, much more benevolent. 😂🤷‍♂️ Your post is idiotic.
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All extremism is bad. Surely you don’t mind…
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Well, in the list of top ranking OECD countries, the US places itself in the bottom.
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Det var ett exempel. Du kan ersätta AE med valfri massmördare, Tommy Zethraeus, Mattias Flink, mfl.
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This is the result of gangs conducting raids, insufficient legal support to apprehend them on the spot, ranting BLM fools, and so on. Don’t complain, you created this.
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Anders Eklund. Utom tvivel skyldig. Ska han leva och kosta samhället mångmiljonbelopp årligen? Nej, det tycker inte jag, och många med mig. Men är du förtjust i idén, kanske vi skulle kunna ha det valbart på skattsedeln, så får de som tycker som du hålla fanskapet vid liv. 🤷‍♂️