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Special advisory: daytime winter weather parking ban in effect on March 1 from 10 am to 7 pm. #Ottawa

Snow removals in Capital Ward tonight (Feb 18): Bank Street, Toronto, Marlowe, Beckwith, Burnham, Elliot, Bullock, Gelngarry, Belgrave, Rideau Garden, Glenview, Avenue, Southern, Glenvairn, Hopewell, Ossington, Cameron

Please check your home exhausts for gas hot water, gas furnace, and gas dryers.Ottawa Fire is reporting more calls than usual because of snow covering these crucial outdoor vents.

City Plows will be snow clearing all urban residential streets in a short period of time (today) after having cleared major streets. They will be operating all through the night. Snow removal set to begin quickly after that. #Ottawa

Special advisory: winter weather parking ban in effect on February 16 from 10:00 am until further notice.

This is quite concerning. 30 or more cm of snow coming for ottawa at least. More than Thursday. Prepare an emergency kit, charge devices, check exhaust pipes re carbon monoxide poisoning during the storm. All city resources will be deployed for cleanup and then removals start Monday night.

A lot more snow forecast for Saturday night and Sunday morning in Ottawa. It has the potential to be quite bad and very slow going. After clean up, removals would begin again. Patience and helping each other out will be really important.

Schools in Ottawa should have closed today

Snow removal in Capital Ward continues. Stay tuned for plows and snowblowers on your streets! Thanks to our snow team for getting these removals done efficiently.

The public events at Lansdowne are always great. 613Flea is hopping in the Aberdeen Pavilion and I had the pleasure of giving a proclamation on behalf of the Mayor for the 11th Annual Great Canadian Kilt Skate!

The Capital Ward Cup shinny tournament is today. We are playing at the Mutchmor Rink on a beautiful day with hot chocolate, coffee and donuts! Last years winners - Old Ottawa East Hosers. Great to see teams from Old Ottawa South, Heron Park, Old Ottawa East and the Glebe competing this year!

I expect snow removals in Capital Ward and the urban areas of Ottawa to begin on Sunday. Usually takes a week or two to remove all streets. #Ottawa #Ottnews

150 people joined our ward discussion tonight on the need to preserve greenspace in the core, focus on active transportation and transit rather than building a 4 lane freeway through a park.

The Lansdowne 2.0 project is a hard sell to the public and it’s going to cost all of us if concerns continue to be ignored.

Off this platform during holiday period. Will be back in the New Year.

A lot can be done to improve quality of life in Ottawa with simple low cost measures. I have a Budget motion today to open more doors to existing park bathroom facilities in the city, that are too often closed to the public. It just passed City Council. Thank you!

My favourite tree ornament. Fits the bill. Picked up a tree at the Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club with the kids today in support of Habitat for Humanity. Just as it started to snow.

I joined Stu Mills on All in a Day to discuss the city environment budget, progress and the extensive work ahead.

Yesterday I was pleased to give direction to staff to review a “public builder model” option for our municipality to help build affordable not for profit housing. Thank you to @tm_kavanagh for moving this on my behalf.

The Gotta Go Campaign has had some big successes at city hall- portable toilets in parks, new signage in the market, and new self cleaning washrooms coming to the core. Well done! Enjoy their collaboration with the raging grannies! #Ottawa

Amazing turnout supporting newcomers in our city of #Ottawa

Santa Claus Parade Today. Will be on the float.

We put separated bike lanes up on Lees ave. Chestnut to Lees Station.

Happy to be in this space