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don't listen to him martlet, continue to break the rules
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why does the music sound so threatening? 😰
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i need to make a stupid doodle or something of king frost posting about his wife like that one guy on r/ambien did that one time
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her goofy husband loves her too :)
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gonna take this as a sign to stop posting for the day and go to bed
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oh no, bsky is becoming my unhinged soapbox
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i think in smt 5v, one of the dialogues you can get from jack frost in the demon haunt is that global warming's making it harder for him to live, and now i can't help but look at that most current design and worry 'oh no is he unhealthy now?' LMFAO 😭
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de-jingling him is a war crime. also he's not as fangy or chonky and round as he used to be and it makes me a bit sad to see, since i think those are fun aspects of his design too.
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and don't get me wrong, i don't hate any of these designs by a long stretch! i love how in smt 5, they made his tail a bit more prominent! but i also feel like he's lost a lot of the personality the earlier designs had, and it makes me a bit sad to see. also they took away his jingles 😭😭😭
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they did this with jack frost too, as well
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fat pikachu is like a prime example of this. i understand some of it was probably due to the anime (maybe?) wanting to streamline the design for ease of animation, but i feel like some of the cuddly, 'mouselike' appearance is lost as a result
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*almost like
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also i feel like it's a really interesting choice overall design-wise. smiley face designs were all the rage back in the 90s and the addition of it is really fun, almost jack frost found a sticker or a patch and stuck it on his hat
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i could make him clothes that look like mine so we could have matching outfits
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i don't know how to use a sewing machine really, but i would love to learn how just so i can sew little outfits for him
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THIS IS SO CUTE RJGJFBDBF 👹👹👹👹👹👹😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🫳⛄
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that means this guy exists too and i love him
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i liked thinking of them all as like different people from different walks of life, but in the end, they all ended up being wandering spirits who found homes and a new face in the different things we carve into jack o'lanterns
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that 'would you still love me if i was a worm' meme but instead it's 'would you still love me if i was a hermit crab'
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i'm using this as an opportunity to post this that i did back around last halloween, i was pretty proud of it for being such a small doodle lol
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ooh, i could definitely see that! i like to think that they're sort of like hermit crabs, and will switch out their heads for different ones if one gets too damaged, or if they want to try something else out
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i'd love to see some really silly pyro jack variants actually, like imagine you're like lurking around a beach area and you find these two hanging out with like those little fancy umbrella drinks and giant sun hats
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okay these ones are pretty cute too
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a friend of mine called him 'xylophone jack' once and i can't stop thinking about it 💀
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okay now i'm sad i can't edit my posts because 'jeck da rhubarb' would've been significantly funnier to me, but i guess it can't be helped
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i need all of these immediately for reasons (the reasons are shitposting)
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jack frost looks pretty on point for his artwork, but then we have Mildly Smooshed Pyro Jack, and my personal favorite, Jeck da Rerbper
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both actually. both is good.
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i'm not sure who the artist is who did the boxart for the us release of jack bros, but if they ever released like a full version of the illustration without text, i'd LOVE to have that on a t shirt, or print it out and frame it like a movie poster
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it's hard to find people my age who still do fandom stuff these days. i totally get why, adult life is busy af, but it also makes talking to people about my interests nervewracking a lot of the time, so i mostly just lurk around and shitpost these days
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i kind of love how ridiculous they look tbh, bootlegs and low quality merch hold a special place in my heart 😂
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oh wow, i'm only a year before! (91)
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yeah, that's kind of why i figured they'd be gachapon tbh! they're pretty small, and they'd probably comfortably fit in a gacha ball, maybe with a little slip of info or something like gachapon toys usually come with
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it's either that, or in reference to stamping with the stamps maybe? i've seen 'pon' used as a stamp sfx before too i think??? 🤔
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the 90s kerning is going to haunt my dreams FNXJGNDBF i think i vaguely remember seeing the nintendo power article for jack bros as a little kid too, and i thought it looked scary 😂
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that would make sense too. either way, they're really cool! i'm almost wondering if they were arcade prizes, similar to a lot of the purikura jack frost merch?
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based on how the other pyro jack figures were constructed for the stamp, it looks like if they'd wanted to keep the little gremlin pyro jack, he'd end up being mostly Black Void plastic and it probably wouldn't be as easy to get the details in
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my guess is due to the artwork that the others are based on. while frost and ripper are standing there, pyro jack is floating, and they might have had difficulty translating the artwork into a 3d figure, so they went with db busters pyro instead
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oh, i didn't know they came with ink pads!! i assumed it was just the stamp itself based on the pics i saw, but that's really cool since a lot of novelty stamps usually came with ink pads.
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OMG LOOK AT THEM I LOVE THEM. from what i heard, they were only about ¥100 each at the time of release, and whichever jack you got was random, so my guess is that they might've been gachapon? i'm not sure, i'd love to learn more about these!