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I heard you were a victim of sexual violence 😂 don’t believe any man would touch u with a 10 foot pool baldy
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He didn’t assault immigrant communities, he is removing illegal criminals to keep us safe you fucking coward
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Nice pronouns coward
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Anything happens to that guys car the cops will be at your door within the hour. Good luck shithead
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Tempting to what? Say it like a man you wormy little balding cocksucker. Fucking coward
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Stfu faggot
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You’re balding horribly
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Obey the law and shut the fuck up you coward. You aren’t above the law because you purchased a fucking bicycle shitdick. The rules are for everyone, not for you to bend or for the city council to tell cops to ignore. Idaho stops are illegal in MA. You put pedestrians in danger constantly, fuck you
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How about the mayor participates in civic day. Stupid cunt is never in her office. She’s let criminals take over the city
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You fucking creeps have made the somerville library famous as a place that grooms small innocent children to conform to your mentally ill lifestyle. Fucking creeps
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Criminal rat fuck
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You look EXACTLY like the dumb white woke liberal cunt who would say something like this. Liberal white women are the biggest pieces of scum alive
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post you’re a fucking dirtbag. You’re protecting criminals while severely damaging your own citizens. This is illegal and you’ll get karma one day, hopefully sooner than later. I’d love to see you get arrested you woke liberal cocksucker
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You people are fucking sickening. This should be labeled what it really is, how to avoid ICE if you’re an illegal criminal. You people should be arrested
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You worry about shit in the middle east while your own community has to deal with rapists, violent criminals, gun crime, and murderers who you refuse to hold accountable
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Hey you stupid cunt, how about the illegal guy ICE just arrested who beat a mentally disable person and then threatened a witness with bodily harm who you released back into the city on bail. You fucking disgrace. Karma will come your way
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You people are fucking sickening. I hope you all end up in jail. Push trans agenda on somerville kids, allowing criminals to roam free as long as they’re not white, and protecting illegals, rapists, and pimps. I hope you all end up in jail. No more federal funding for you creeps 😂
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You’re a man. I can see your 5oclock shadow clear as day. Stay out of womens bathrooms
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Shocked you have pronouns in your bio, typical self-hating white soy boy coward
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Oh jesus christ, that’s all we need is this BLM bike lane lover defunding our police and empowering the criminal thugs from the projects to assault white people and commit crime with zero repercussions. No thank you
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ICE is welcome everywhere that criminals are hiding. Tax paying AMERICANS don’t want illegals, rapists, and violent criminals in our neighborhoods you fucking clown. Racist piece of shit coward
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I’ll be reporting you and your account to the proper authorities. Thanks for publicly letting people know you’re breaking the law
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😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂 theres nothing better than liberals getting their comeuppance. STOP HARBORING ILLEGALS AND CRIMINALS. Stop defunding police and letting criminals run the city. Your days are numbered.
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Hahahah u fucking pussy. Say why they took them, coward. Coward. Coward. Garbage like you belong behind bars
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Hahahaha all you cocksuckers harboring criminals and turning a blind eye to minority crime are getting exactly what you deserve. I’ll report any of you in a SECOND as well. Try it