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Don't believe the hype!
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The loss of Russian bases in Syria will have major implications for Russia’s global military footprint and ability to operate in Africa. 🧵(1/5)

I remain a master strategist

The russian fleet is no more, but Sea Babies still wanna have fun😉 Being fierce little apex predators, our babies adapt. This time, @ServiceSsu's drones went on a hunt after russian aircraft🔥 Thank you for helping us make the #FleetOfNavalDrones a reality❤️ Enjoy the video!

Strength will be needed to defeat fascist Russia, "not reactive, naive or impulsive strength, rather a clear-eyed resolve that understands the depth of Russia’s motives." More great stuff from

“Iran to begin enriching uranium with thousands of advanced centrifuges, UN watchdog says.” Important context: IAEA said Iran enriching uranium with new centrifuges to 5%, far lower than the 60% it currently does, and far below weapons-grade.

3 Ukrainian teenagers face possible life sentences in latest Russian show trial The three were arrested in occupied Melitopol almost a year ago and Russia’s behaviour to date gives no grounds for hoping that their age would protect them from being tortured for ‘confessions’

Kriegstreiber, der IST: - jemand, der einen Krieg beginnt - jemand, der mit immer brutaleren Methoden und immer größeren Schaden anrichtenden Waffen auf die Verteidigung des Angegriffenen reagiert - jemand, der mit seinen Nuklearwaffen droht #Kriegstreiber 🧵 1/

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil." Thomas Mann

Musk, alongside the American MAGA trolls, have already begun campaigning in many countries, and will continue if not stopped


America, this is your next four years, or longer. Oligarchs protected by Trump accusing former public officials of the gravest crimes without evidence or even pretense to provide any. Trial by social media, which of course is owned by said oligarch. Russia in the Wild West 90s.

Happy Thanksgiving serfs. I'm thankful for Jake Sullivan, Joe Biden and Olaf Scholz. Couldn't have made it this far without them. What are you thankful for?

Russia is running GPS-jamming machines in St Petersburg and Kaliningrad, affecting aviation and sometimes shipping around Baltic Sea. Some of my most appreciated work has been localizing these machines in time, space and volume. Here's a rundown of previous geo-work, reversed chronological order.

#TechnicalDebt: How the #AIAct could address longstanding #ML infrastructure issues ten years ago, some brilliant minds at Google research published a concise paper on the technical debt associated with seemingly user-friendly machine learning frameworks and their hidden costs. 1/n

1/ We had an recording yesterday, and today my voice is gone. I can't give interviews, but I can type something here... On the supposed #ICBM launch, and the "escalation panic" ➡️ this is exactly what Moscow wanted to achieve. But is it justified?

an üpdate

“The only red line that really exists & never should have been crossed.”

Großer Drohnenangriff bis tief nach RU hinein. Aus mehreren Oblasten werden Brände in Industriebetrieben gemeldet, bei Samara (900km von der Front) wurde ein Tanklager, bei Nowgorod (700km) ein Mun-Depot angegriffen - Ergebnisse noch unklar. Evtl. wurden auch MFK eingesetzt 1/2

There are a few things about the doctrine. While the changes have been in the works for some time, it does appear that the timing of the decree was chosen deliberately, to send a (strong) signal of disapproval of the decision to give the authorization. 1/

The West had nothing to do with this. Ukraine probably bought the ATACMS in local shops.

Er beschimpfte Afghanen auf Twitter als „Pack“: Das Amtsgericht Aschersleben bereitet einen Prozess gegen den CDU-Politiker Detlef Gürth vor, es geht um den Vorwurf der Volksverhetzung

Young American adults are increasingly getting their news from social media influencers, a majority of whom are men and lean to the right, according to a new study from the Pew Research Center.

I'm convinced!

Hallo, „Berlin direkt“ endete eben mit der Aussage, die Strompreise seien „gerade auf Rekordhoch“ (und die Grünen, die von sinkenden Preisen sprechen, trügen eine „rosarote Brille“). Das ist völlig unzutreffend; ich hoffe auf eine prominent platzierte Richtigstellung.

How many people had to die because “allowing ATACMS to hit targets in Russia will lead to WW3”? Only for it to now be perfectly fine.

This took almost three years.


I actually hope that Bluesky won't become an echo chamber. I think we need to have serious conversations, but social media platforms should be able to fight against organized and malign influence campaigns. Both Elon and Zuck have refused to do this.

Die Propaganda von der Unbesiegbarkeit ist die stärkste nationalistische Propagandawaffe, die Russland besitzt. Und viele Deutsche glauben gerne daran. Sie wollen zurück ins behaglichere Jahr 2021.

“I’ve noticed I’m not in your starter pack. Any particular reason for that?”

So after all the talk between the Germans and the US in the last few days Russia feels free to launch one of the most massive air attacks in a while. Great escalation management right there. Ffs

With the exception of Mike Johnson, everyone around Trump is pro Russian. Americans have no idea how things are about to change.

Warum das nach Lenins Partei neuen Typus' aussieht, habe ich mehrfach erklärt. Das Bild der strammen Kaderpartei drängt sich förmlich auf. Beim Lesen dieses Berichts fiel mir aber auch Dave Eggers The Circle ein - das macht die Sache nicht weniger gruselig. (FAS 20.11.2024)

Memorial reveals 34 Russian sailors died in 2023 Novocherkassk ship sinking Ukrainian cruise missile strike destroyed Russian landing ship Novocherkassk in occupied Feodosia port on 26 December 2023.

Let me remind you that Abkhazia isn’t a “breakaway region”; It’s an occupied region of Georgia.

Offener Brief an den Bundespräsidenten - eine Woche nach der Rede von Marko Martin im Schloss

Let me say something that is controversial because our brains are broken: Vaccines are a miracle and amazing

In Kharkiv, Russian missiles reach the city so quickly that residents have little time to react, let alone get to a shelter. The proximity of launch sites across the border gives citizens only seconds to hear the alarm before impact.

Good morning #Fellas and friends. Today, 38 years ago, one of the greates bands appeared and gave me the soundtrack of my youth. Search your old vinyl or tapes and listen to your favorite track while enjoying your hot Starbonks Coffee on this glorious Friday. 🇺🇦🫶 #NAFO #MUGA

My fiver Friday suggestions, purely because $5 is enough money on its own to make an instant difference. On the grounds. for Trench candles, desperately needed. food and meds for seniors plus a visit for those lonely and tired.

1/In der DDR waren außerhalb von NVA, Polizei oder Stasi zehntausende Menschen ständige Waffenträger, z.B. LPG-Vorsitzende, Direktoren größerer Betriebe, SED-Funktionäre ab 2. Sekretäre der Kreisleitungen u.v.a. Sie übten das auch ständig, z.B. kamen regelmäßig auch die Kreis- und