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The Oval Office showdown exposed the erosion of diplomatic norms and respect, writes philosopher Slavoj Žižek in his op-ed.

USA loses another war 🤦‍♂️

Isn't this the truth..

"The Man from Moscow": Trump on the cover of French Le Point

#GVerse Meanwhile in #New_York 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

Ivan Cankar, Slovensko ljudstvo in slovenska kultura, 1913

Slovenija je edina država v EU, kjer skoraj polovica vprašanih (47 %) meni, da izraz "ozkogledi" dobro opisuje znanstvenike_ce. 😐

For some reason, I volunteered to give a paper about private universities in post-communist Eastern Europe. The title, I fear, must be this quote by Hungarian MP Gábor Horn in 2001: "You can't even deliver a public toilet without first checking if it meets the requirements, let alone a university!

headlines from a week ago as an incident near DCA appears to be the deadliest aviation disaster in the US since 9/11

Gimnazija v Zemunu je od danes v 24-urni blokadi. V podporo študentom in ker zahteve niso izpolnjene. To so izglasovali včeraj na plenumu. Imajo time za higieno, hrano, komunikacijo itd. Totalne face 😍 Duh je ušel iz steklenice #nemaNazad #krvaveSuVamRuke

Ljudi, ki v Evropi vpijejo MAGA!, je treba obravnavati na isti način kot tiste, ki se slinijo po Putinovem portretu. #izdajalci

This needs to become a trend!

You know he’ll go there.


Twenty Lessons On Tyranny

Izjava španske ministrice za zdravje: "Nihče si ne more predstavljati, da bi hkrati delal v Coca-Coli in Pepsiju!" Seveda je govorila o delu v javnem in zasebnem zdravstvu ...

Gotta love the British press.

Ein volk Ein Reich Ein Elon

Egg prices are still high

Nothing terrifies fascists more than mockery. It strips away the illusion of power and reveals them for what they really are: clowns in expensive suits.

You are here:

Today is a sad day for our country. Convicted felon will lead America. Let God help us all 🙏

When a monkey moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace becomes a zoo. Proverb. Adapted. #Inauguration2025

I’ll be posting this today


The Polish magazine Wprost, known for very accurate covers of its magazine, this time published a cover related to the end of the transit of Russian gas through Europe. Step by step, maintaining solidarity, we will minimize Russian imperialist tendencies.

“Il Grande Fratello ti osserva”

So true.

🇸🇰🇺🇦 Zelensky: It’s good that Slovakia’s PM Fico has finally returned from his vacation at a luxurious hotel in Vietnam and is now in Bratislava. For him, personally, it must be challenging—switching from living in luxury to now trying to fix his own mistakes.

Der reichste Mann der Welt, Elon Musk, hat Alice Weidel und der AfD in einem X-Talk eine Bühne geboten. Es wurde das erwartete Bullshit-Bingo. 👉!6061470/