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Artist (printmaking, painting, sculpture), writer, therapist/coach. Lover of plants and animals (human and others).
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For years I have told anyone willing to listen that plants scream when they need something. This study is validating. Sounds emitted by plants under stress are airborne and informative: Cell

My youngest kid is learning about the Oregon Trail, and had to build a #wagon. He got frustrated with my design choices and built his own, but I finished mine anyways. I think it turned out rather neat. #oregontrail #modelbuild #parenting

My newest/youngest #houseplants are thriving and I am so proud. Look at these beauties! #potted #plants

My latest #reduction #print #linocut #edition is finished! After a long day in the studio, 35 pieces are drying. 25 of them will go to Denmark as my contribution to Tegn oG TRYK Artist Magazine. The prompt is "Not just for pleasure" and I am happy with how it came out. #art #fungifriends

Over the years, I have contributed to five editions of #Body&Soul Artist Magazine by #Corvinus Presse bound and distributed by Hendrik Liersch in Berlin, Germany. Here are the five books - covers in the first image and open to my contribution in the second. I did one of the covers. #art

The #carving of the second layer for my #reductioprint #linocut is ready. I might not have time to print it for several days, which will give extra time for the first layer's ink to dry thoroughly. I am excited about the progress. #printmaking #art #flexcut

Printed the first layer of this #reduction #print #inprogress that will go to Denmark. As the #ink is drying, carving of the plate continues. #printmaking #art #wip #linocut

#workinprogress #linocut #carved #plate for my next #reduction #print series. This limited edition will go to Denmark. Can't wait to print the first color tomorrow. Just two layers for this piece, and slightly varying colors of each layer. #printmaking #linolschnitt #portrait #fungifriends

I finally laid out the whole #variededition of my latest #reductionprint #linocut series, climbed on a chair and took a picture of them all together. There are 34 pieces with two artist prints (not in the image). Hues make such a big difference in how shapes are perceived! #art #printmaking

Most of my #figure #drawing #artwork is made from life, ideally in 10-15 minutes poses. This is a rare example of a more developed piece for which I used a photograph. I was able to capture the model's likeness, define his muscles, and work out light and shadows better. #art #portrait #malemodel

I have been fortunate to serve as a #model for some amazing artists. Here I am in front of a #portrait painted by the incomparable J Brodrick.

Multi-plate #linocut I called "Magical Cat". I combined carvings I made as a repeat pattern for large scale pieces since they had a symmetry with a carving of my #cat and his eye ended up perfectly in the center as if rays of colors were streaming from him. #printmaking #art

#monoprint I made last week trying to capture the warmth of light spilling over snow-covered pines. The winter scene is painted onto a clear plate and the rays of light are printed using a #linocut #carving #printmaking #art

My #cat is a frequent inspiration and model for my #artwork and here is one of the many #linocut pieces of him. #printmaking #monoprint #art

#linocut of me and my husband for another Body & Soul Artist Magazine contribution #corvinuspresse in Berlin, Germany. #art #printmaking

#monoprint using #linocut plates I carved in 2023. As I was working on my book last year, this was one of the artworks I put together as a possible cover image. I ended up going with a different piece for the cover of my book, but I love the warm colors and rich textures I put together here. #art

#monotype called "Dark and Stormy" that was exhibited at the Bend Art Center (in Central Oregon, USA) in 2017. Several overlapping impressions using Akua inks and hand made paper bits. #printmaking #art

Another varied edition #linocut #selfportrait #art #printmaking

#selfportrait #linocut I made during the pandemic in 2020 as a submission to Body & Soul Artist Magazine bound and distributed by Hendrik Liersch of #corvinuspresse in Berlin, Germany. #art #workonpaper #printmaking

Pressed #charcoal #drawing #onpaper #fromlife I need to find time to return to a regular practice of drawing from life. Looking at old sketchbooks and feeling the pull of the unique #creative process live #figuredrawing offers.

Inky Octopus is a square (2x2 feet) #linocut from a varied edition from a few years ago. One plate and one impression. #art #carving #printmaking

I have been playing with #resin and casting #mushrooms into lovely arrangements. These here are set with some finds from the beaches of Oahu, Hawaii. There is something really joyful about this piece in particular.

#etching #monoprint I created in 2017. It is one of my favorites from the large series I had called Convergence, and I will share a few more pieces with you shortly.

The Pear is one of my first #linocut pieces, where I got to really play with textures and values. It is still one of my favorite still lives. #stilllife #carving #art

In Lucid Color is my first #book published in September 2024 and available on Amazon. In it, I share some personal history and perspective, and talk about my experience working with clients in Oregon's licensed psilocybin network. Lots of my artwork is featured throughout. Check it out!

Had a therapy client this week who really responded to this #etching #monoprint I made in 2017. Their generous affection for this piece has touched me deeply and I wanted to share it with you.

I finally finished a series of 36 reduction prints, all different color combinations, each one of a kind. It has taken several months. Fabriano white and BFK Rives black paper. Charbonnel Aqua Wash inks. #linocut #reductionprint #printmaking #art

This 8.5x8.5 inches carving (linocut) is fun in many colors. I pulled a few individually and decided to try printing six on the same page. Here are a few of them. The ones with multiple imprints need a little more, perhaps a unique transparent layer. Still experimenting. #linocut #printmaking #art

Hello BlueSky! This is a small (4x5 inches) limited edition Linocut I made a few years ago. It is my first post here. I am looking forward to meeting fellow artists and inspiring, kind and passionate people. #printmaking #art