In serō stat virtus
Lawyer, DPO, part-time admin of some RH GNU+Linux communities for over 15 years. Also, previous RH admin. Also, NSCA-CPT by chance.
Jack of many trades, master of some. Zuckerberg evil of our time. IRC and systemd enjoyer
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Ognuno è libero di pubblicare dove vuole, ci mancherebbe. Trovo controproducente per una testata giornalistica non profittare di una piattaforma per un disaccordo politico col suo proprietario, che non vi ha censurato. Quanto a Zuckerberg, tutto bene?
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Correct. I haven't used TikTok for a long time; I downloaded it when I was in the US last year. It's not bound to any US phone number. I unfroze and opened the app today in the EU w/o any VPN, yet I'm blocked.
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Cosa avresti fatto, in quale veste? Quella di membro di FF.OO. opportunamente addestrate e retribuite o in quella di membro delle FF.OO. che si trova comunque svilito nel suo compito?
Non c'è una risposta semplice; ci si può solo interrogare su cosa poteva esser fatto a monte.
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Your replies/mentions isn't "your house", it's a publicly accessible space on a publicly accessible platform. It's reasonable to be able to moderate who's infesting your contributions, sure. Yet I'm still against the creation of impermeable speech bubbles. I have yet to see fights on here btw
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It seems impossible to me for Biden to claim that the election has been stolen; it seems partisan wishful thinking to me. I also don't believe it's the best route for the US, or the Dem party.
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I was not aware of this site (I am new and have not explored most of it); I am appalled to learn that some accounts out there block hundreds of thousands of users (!)
Thanks for sharing.
It is also a little sad to know that it was an academic researcher who reacted this way to my (and your) post
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Hi, at this point I didn't even know who the OP was. If a peaceful, respectful interaction isn't possible you end up creating those bubbles I was talking about. A truly malicious agent would have no problem creating sockpuppets; a good-faith user gets cut off out of the blue
That will have to change
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I'm on the opposite side of the fence on this. Ideally no one should be able block anyone; just mute notifications from them and detach their threaded replies from your replies/OP. I have older forum and IRC chats in mind. Ignore, not "create your own bubble"
I blame Zuckerberg on this topic, mostly
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The IM landscape tends to be monolithic and there's always resistance from users to download new apps. We had GTalk and MS Messenger interoperability with XMPP a decade ago, they broke that on purpose and WA and Messenger seem a PITA (
I'd love more interoperability
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Non può essere un discorso meramente retorico, tantomeno antagonistico; secondo la dottrina cattolica, cui si fa riferimento, la fede stessa è un dono
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Senz'altro ingerenza per influenzare la politica interna; d'altra parte democratici e repubblicani dipendono dai lobbisti da quelle parti.
Da quel poco che ho avuto modo di sentire (molto poco), si è riferita, nel paragone con Soros, a interferenze straniere nella politica interna
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Pare che il suggerimento in chiusa, prontamente letto come ammonimento dal tono discretamente mafioso, possa aver avere strascichi sulla carriera di Roncone (non succederà nulla)
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The eventual EU/Musk clash will be fun to watch for sure
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Sacrosanto. Molti (troppi) si affidano a pregiudizi nelle loro repliche, o si fanno trascinare da emozioni. Si riconosce un pattern e ci si compiace di non dover analizzare nuovamente quanto già assodato. Ancor più in un'epoca ove si è soverchiati da volumi di informazione probabilmente scadenti
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I think an analysis unencumbered by namecalling might be more enjoyable and usable
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I'd have preferred a SSO approach, honestly. Using mails in $current_year as a necessary step to log in isn't that safe, nor convenient, especially in the mobile environment. You noted that too.
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Foreign leaders in the collective West have been calling for new rounds of elections in Georgia, Romania and more
At least it's just wishful thinking, not actual meddling with foreign policy whilst carrying an official role (for now)
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Meloni urges stronger EU border protection, rejecting past approaches to illegal migration as inadequate. She highlights the need for a comprehensive security strategy addressing AI, cybersecurity, supply chains, and foreign policy to counter threats from Russia and beyond. 2/2
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Di grande importanza; le parole di Giomi mi lasciano perplesso in verità (non quanto alle motivazioni del suo voto contrario ma quanto a certi contenuti del codice)
Come sottolineato in calce ai commenti LinkedIn, il testo mi pare ad oggi irreperibile sul sito AGCOM (v'è solo il comunicato stampa)
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Un mastodon/XMPP potrebbero avere senso, anche se in Svizzera un esperimento di questo tipo ha avuto vita breve. Per la comunicazione di massa i social con più utenti verranno sempre usati; un TelsyInTouch avrebbe forse sempre scarsa adozione, per quanto compatibile già con tool della PA
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Ma hanno anche dei difetti