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Excellent article! As you say this is a tough read for any European! We must act now.
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Udlændinge som udfører undergravende landsskadelig virksomhed. Er der ikke love mod det? Udvisning?
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Hvorfor skal skibet til Skagen?! Er der nogle lyssky danske firmaer som vil servicere det der?
Danmark burde også forbyde servicering af russiske skibe og beslaglægge skibe some ikke er sødygtige! Se nu bare på de modige finner!
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Great article. Thanks, Eric!
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Dear, please make Bucha available in France.
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Ok, men nogle gange skal man jo lige teste om censorene arbejder korrekt efter rimelige principper. Det virker godt her hvorimod det ofte går galt på Facebook IMHO.
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Yes, of course. He is doing a very impressive job under extremely difficult circumstances! 👏 As many other Ukrainians he is a true hero!
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IMHO The only conditions under which Ukraine (not somebody else!) should consider agreeing to staying out of NATO would be if Russia pulls out all their forces from Ukraines internationally recognised territory from 1991 and promises not to attack again.
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Det vil være langt billigere at sørge for at Ukraine vinder
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That is completely absurd!
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As a Dane, I am outraged about Trumps comments on Greenland! However, the EU needs not get involved since Greenland, contrary to mainland Denmark, is not part of the EU. If Trump decides to implement trade sanctions against Denmark, it is a different story! Btw. This is a crazy discussion! 😱😢
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Maybe she is watching the news in Denmark and think everything is good and normal. Danish news have nothing about Georgia's fight for democracy, the huge demonstrations, the Russian special operators beating the people etc. Very sad indeed!
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Interessante punkter! Dog tænker jeg at Chatgtp er lidt for opfindsom når den refererer til "Danmarks rige, som defineret i Grundloven." Jeg kan ikke se nogen definition af "Danmarks rige" i Grundloven. Kan andre?
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Endelig nævner Grundloven Færøerne og Grønland flere gange. Så hvis de ikke længere er en del af riget må Højesteret vel afgøre hvordan det skal fortolkes. F.eks. står der at Færøerne of Grønland hver vælger 2 medlemmer til Folketinget. Lidt akavet hvis de ikke længere er med i Riget!
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Grundlovens § 19
Stk. 1.
Kongen handler på rigets vegne i mellemfolkelige anliggender. Uden folketingets samtykke kan han dog ikke foretage nogen handling, der forøger eller indskrænker rigets område,
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Jeg er ikke jurist men såvidt jeg kan læse så forbyder Grundloven ikke at Folketinget ændrer Riget. Der er ovenikøbet en paragraf som siger at Kongen ikke kan ændre Riget uden Folketingets samtykke: § 19
Stk. 1. Det må vel betyde at Folketinget godt kan.
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Meloni is showing true leadership. We need more Western leaders to clearly explain to their people what is at stake with Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. If not, Russian propaganda will prevail. Think Reagan "evil empire" type speeches.
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Ja. Hvis der kommer russiske og nordkoreanske soldater og krigsforbrydere løbende mod danske stillinger så har vi helt sikkert brug for det materiel!
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You're right. We should provide some launchers and sea missiles to the independence movements on Gotland and Bornholm 😜
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Close the Danish straits and the Baltic to Russian ships until Russia stops it's grey warfare against Europe!
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This creates great value for a few speculators and raises the price of electricity in Norway with several 100%. It's not strange that the Norwegian voters and consumers are really mad about this! The cables also enable companies to destroy the Norwegian nature by putting wind power plants everywhere
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Yes, the Norwegian consumers are really being screwed. They are forced to pay for the cables to Denmark and the UK only to see the cheap Norwegian hydro electricity being exported and used to prop-up the failed energy systems of Denmark, Germany, etc.
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post's manglende dækning af krigen i Ukraine og deres ukritiske mikrofonholderi af Putins og det russisk diktatur s propagandameddellelser er også en sørgelig omgang!
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Where are the strong European diplomatic protests against this?! We should not simply let Russia get away with brutally suppressing a People who shares our democratic ideals and want to join Europe/EU.
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This would be tough and we would have to shoot against a few ships, but given NATOs strength there is not much the Russians can do about it IMHO. Finally Europe needs to create long range strategic strike capability to avoid over dependence on the US.
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If we want to hit back at Russia where it hurts and where we are strong we could enact a naval blockade against Russian shipping in the Baltic and the Danish straits until the Russians stop the above acts of war.
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2) Various acts of sabotage throughout Europe, 3) the destruction of European underwater cables and 4) GPS spoofing which disturbs our shipping and air transport.
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That is an excellent question! Maybe we in the West should escalate in an area where we are strong. Right now the Russians have started a "grey war" against the West, for example, 1) giving the Houtis weapons and intelligence to mount an effective naval blockade against European shipping
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Yes, a weak Russia will lead to big improvements in many places!
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No doubt that using this type of weapon against civilians in a large city is a war crime!
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Happy to see you here Anton. I was looking for you this morning, and here you are! 😀 Thank you so much for all your updates!