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I’ll be wearing both badges today, fuck you trump , fuck America 😡😡

Labor invented Medicare , in the 70 Malcolm Fraser abolished Medibank and then it was sold it took Labor Bob Hawke to start Medicare , in the 1990s the liberals campaigned to get rid of Medicare and lost an election over it, we can’t have Medicare by name it needs substance, the LNp will cut

She’s very blonde

Musk is a crook

Elon musk is the chief clown, hey he demand that people answer emails after they had been locked out of government computers and couldn’t access their emails

REPORTER: Would a Russian oligarch be eligible for a gold card? TRUMP: Yeah, possibly. Hey. I know some Russian oligarchs that are very nice people.

A newly hired advisor at DOJ is a former judge who received what was then Oregon's longest-ever suspension for misconduct. He also made the news for "for having hung a picture of Adolf Hitler in his courthouse."

Greatest Nation on Earth Announces Plans To Reintroduce Polio

Let this sink in the USA voted with Russia, North Korea , just to name two despots , the USA has now become a despot

Donald said today , the tariffs against Mexico and Canada will go ahead , what a horrible deal the USA got, I’d like to know who signed this awful deal , who was it Donald? Who’s the traitor?

Donald Trump lied today as he always does , and the French president had to fact check him live on air, and tell him diplomatically that he’s a liar and Europe-will not put up with it , good on you Macron👍👍

Who would of thunk it that we can no longer trust the USA Since Roosevelt America has been the leader of the free world, no longer they are ganging up with Russia and China , China was so emboldened that they sailed ships between Australia and New Zealand,

12 months ago no Chinese war ship would have be bold enough to sail through the Tasman straight , but thanks to the traitor and insurrectionist now illegitimately occupying the White House and with traitor telling Russia you can invade anyone you like we won’t stop you

Watch the Meidastouch network as trump gets screwed by Macron French president , trump refused to call Putin a dictator saying I don’t use those words lightly even though he just called Zelenskyy A dictator yesterday watch macron smile thinking dickhead

Russia is now winning the war against the west by flooding Europe with refugees and the rightwing wining elections, now Putin has the traitorous Donald Trump help Putin the monster 👿 to take the world, trump needs to be overthrown before we are all enslaved , do it now

I’m so pleased I don’t live in the USA , a vote for Dutton another rightwing follower like Trump , do not fall for the LNP and Gina Rinehart con job

Kris Mayes Governor of Arizona , said my state narrowly voted for Donald Trump , they didn’t vote for a dictator, hang Donald Trump insurrectionist said I’ll be a dictator on day one , he told the world who he was, but you weren’t listening

I wonder how the other billionaires feels about their competitor like Elon Musk flicking through their private information

People fought and died for the American constitution, Donald Trump who is German and Elon Musk who is South African they are burning this document and pissing on it , there by pissing on the real American people

I wonder if the republicans can get Donald trump dick out of their mouth long enough to allow the oxygen to return to their brain to look at what musk and Trump are doing to America, Americans, America place in the world , in 4 years America will be fucked

Zelensky Says Trump Should ‘Just Accept’ Deal for Canada To Take Over USA

We must all call Elon Musk is a dick

Dutton vows to match labor’s Medicare reforms ,he won’t have the money he’s going to build 7 nuclear reactors paid for by you and me, no discounts if you check on line a nuclear power plant can’t run below 60% so Dutton will turn of your solar panels to prevent a Chernobyl effect

The #ABC's Jane Norman: "Labor is UNASHAMEDLY using government money to to guarantee greater access to basic services". Yes the coalition is stating it will spend $b on Nuclear Reactors which not company will fund the taxpayers are on their own, corporations can c not return

The American people who pay the bills disagree with trump and his puppet masters from the kremlin

This needs to be the big one. Thank you

WTF he’s king Trump as he now refers to himself and wants to be addressed as his royal highness , said that the poll numbers are so great !! Never in the history of the president has poll numbers been so low , the American people him and what he’s doing in Putin name

Trump pardoned the sentence of arguably the single biggest drug trafficker in American history on his second day in office!

America Elon Musk cheered on by Donald Trump is running around with a chainsaw on stage for some perverse form of entertainment to him, Donald Trump and the billionaire class while he puts your livelihoods in peril , very funny I’m sure

What is Peter Dutton frightened of, trying to ban welcome to country , why ? It’s not fending anyone, I like it to know something about the country I’m standing on

I’m not a religious person and freely admit that but Donald Trump and shady Vance claim they have deep faith , so how does this work, Jesus was a refugee when he fled to Egypt to escape death or persecution, these 2 self proclaimed deeply religious men are persecuting refugees ?