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Endocrinologist. Physican scientist. Director of MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit, University of Cambridge. Expressing my own opinions here, not my employers
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Conversation Starter I was shocked when a recent Perspective in @NEJM disregarded the most thorough, unbiased, science-based assessment of the risk/benefits of taking a pharamacological approach to minors asking for help in relation to their biological sex/ A knowledge portal integrating clinical and experim... Thanks to the authors for providing a great online tool for the community Interesting but report of liver autonomous effects of MC3R a bit surprising given the very low expression of MC3R in liver, at least in humans Unless he radically changes his approach, which seems unliely, this could be very bad news for US public health and biomedical science. He is actvely campaiigning againsyt HPV vaccination which is abolishing cervical cancer and mainatining an excellent safety record

see nationally commissioned and extremely rigorous Cass Report ( . States that gender affirming care (incl puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in minors) is "essential, evidence-based, and often lifesaving". In no other field would the @NEJM advocate for therapies with such a weak evidence base. Looking chic John! @busediabetes. Anyone working in the NHS should be aware of how it is treating its female staff. This is in the Observer, a traditonal newspaper of the centre-left, so not a "culture war" piece. Just a sober statemnt of facts.

Endothelial insulin resistance induced by adrenomedullin mediates obesity-associated diabetes | Science Interesting and novel idea. Worth digging deep into in humans to see if it pans out

The US biotech and pharma industry leads the world and generates huge income for the US. The large state investment in underpinning science and training is v likely a big factor in creating this favourable environment.

Just reeling from doing a back of the envelope calculation. The UK (population 68M) taxpayer (via the government) invests ~£2b pa in biomedical research. The US (pop 350M) taxpayer invests ~£40b Pa. The average US taxpayer invests four times as much as UK. And the US is a “low tax” country. Wow.

Huge congratulations to former BSN President Giles Yeo, his team and collaborators for this incredible work creating a spacial map of the human hypothalamus - the HypoMap is out! Great to see independent confirmation of our recent work co-led Sam Lockkhart and Milan Muso PMID: 39322746 reporting that LXR alpha protects against cholesterol toxity in the liver

Heartbreaking Am so grateful to work in the NHS where care is free at the point of need Nye Bevan was right “Illness is neither an indulgence for which people have to pay, nor an offence for which they should be penalised, but a misfortune the cost of which should be shared by the community” Bit weird. C5Orf24 is ubiquitously expressed, has a nuclear localisation signal and no signal peptide./

Discussing trans on the radio Nick Wallis is the tenacious journalist who revealed the Post Office scandal. He has started to write a blog about sex and gender. He will be worth reading. He describes this topic as one of the most important of our age.

Honoured to be the inaugural deliverer of a lecture honouring these two great Cambridge neuroscientists

We’ve known for decades that leptin provides a fat cell derived critical signal of nutritional sufficiency to enter puberty. Now we know that muscle mass signals to the central control pubertal onset via myostatin. To my mind this is the most convincing hormonal myokine to date.

Muscle-derived myostatin is a major endocrine driver of follicle-stimulating hormone synthesis | Science…. Major advance in endocrinology. So fascinating that new important hormonal actions of TGFBeta family members are still being discovered. The wonderful Keith Frayn. A voice of scientific rigour and sanity amid a world of "influencers" peddling nonsense

For everyone in the Cambridge area interested in metabolomics or lipidomics: CaMeL talks, January 23rd. Please register on

Silence on cousin marriage is the unspeakable face of liberalism As usual, Matthew Sayed is well worth a read.

A great example of how markets can be transiently insane. A key question relating to combining amylin with GLP1 analogues is whether the long term tolerability will be enhanced wrt Semaglutide or tirzepatide. It’s far too early to say A courageous doctor who has been subject to vilification and threats because she gathered the best possible evidence, summarised it accurately, and made practical recommendations in a contentious area. Because that was what we, as a society, asked her to do. Good to see the Labour government making a difficult decision that prioritises the health and safety of children and emphasises that health policy must be based on scientific evidence and not ideology. If this proves replicable then mechanism needs an explanation. Particularly as no receptor for GDF15 has been convincingly demonstrated outside the hindbrain. GDF15 increases circulating cortisol via a central effect. Cortisol is a powerful immunosuppressant/ This thoughtful and balanced article describes the challenges involved in undertaking the key clinical trial in this area. And also from the #JeffFriedman lab. At last, a neuronal population that is activated by leptin and (unlike the POMC neuron) rapidly suppreses feeding

A brain circuit that links hunger signals with the jaw movements of eating Fasinating novel insights into BDNF's role in feeding regulation LOF Mutations in BDNF and its receptor TRKB cause severe early onset obesity in humans The results of the Time Higher Survey are very concerning for those committed to free exchange and debate of ideas as a sine qua non of universities

On my way home from a party of a wonderful charity dedicated to women’s rights. Exciting time as the charity has just come from presenting to the Supreme Court regarding the importance of biological sex in law.The vibes from the 2 day hearing seem to have been positive.

This is very interesting. Years ago the “inceptor” gene ELAPOR1 showed up as one of the top GWAS hits for circulating levels of proinsulin!

Can someone tell me if they get this “tweet” (sorry!) ?