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Writer, questioner, wonderer, wanderer.💫
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Tight buds appearing, One day blossom and then fruit, We can’t stop the wheel. #dailyhaikuprompt buds fruit

A #fathom—the distance of my outstretched arms. But that doesn't quite cover the longing, the ache, the miles and years my mind travels, the way my heart catapults itself out of my body and across space and time. I tried to erase you, but you're tattooed on my soul. #vss365

american masculinity is so amazing. caring about clothes as a man apparently makes you "gay" but our position on geopolitics totally depends on whether you wear a suit

I could be anywhere—at a buffet of all my fantasies, at an auction with everything I've ever wanted, in an #emporium selling things I didn't even know were real—and I'd still choose you. #vss365

The chances are slim, but I've always been an #outlier. Will I find you at the ends of the curve, edgewalker? #vss365

I knew you before I knew you: I've spent countless evenings tracing the #contours of your body and imagining its warmth. I go to sleep and slip between the stars. You're on your way here; I can feel the void next to me make space in the shape of you. #vss365

Had I altered the path, would the stars align? We are who we are, unchanged by time.

“I saw the sun coming out,” said Frog. “I saw birds sitting and singing in a tree. I saw my mother and father working in their garden. I saw flowers in the garden.”

Here in the #interim where words are a blur and all lines skew curved we trend toward darkness In here the view is clear Light loses relevance Truth reduced to an empty concept Reality disappears In this propaganda abyss nothing becomes everything within the cesspool of modern politics #vss365

I know we are headed somewhere great, even though we are presently tired, wired, mired in the muck and despair. In the #interim—the gap from here to there—can we hold each other's hands? Can we find reasons to keep going? #vss365

Humanity became a footnote, nothing more than a #fringe movement. Did you feel your soul flicker at its mention? Can it recall what it felt to belong to another? I hope it hasn't iced over, and that it won't. #vss365

Anguish, grief, longing, rage, and despair welled up to a wail so loud I thought I'd broken the sound barrier. It met nothing but blank stares. What I thought was a #sonic boom was a silent scream, and I doubled back in on myself with a whisper. #vss365

Happy Birthday to WEB Du Bois, who wrote about the wildly important concept of psychological wages of whiteness in the first history of Reconstruction, *Black Reconstruction in America*, which he messily dedicated to his mistress, Dr. Virginia Alexander, and not his wife, Nina Gomer #BookSky

While you were focused on the #thoroughbreds, the rest of us learned how to tolerate difference. Bred for survival, we forged new paths through the mud you forced us into, became creative in ways we never should have had to. We will thrive again. Will you? #vss365

Don’t build a house on #petulance and call it a fortress. #vss365 #GoCanada

We're caught in the grips of those who never learned to tolerate difference or discomfort. Their #petulance seeps through every crack, bends every corner. All I know to do for now is ask where it lives in me, too, and hope to stem the tide. #vss365

Goodnight friends ❤️ Get some sleep. Every day, I give up for twenty minutes but decide to push through on the twenty-first. Survival is a ritual, a ceremony, and a practice. Rudy Francisco, Excuse Me as I Kiss the Sky

Today, I found out that the Department of Defense banned the Well-Read Black Girl anthology by Glory Edim. I was one of its contributors. I'm really hurt right now. So if you have it in you, please buy books by Black women from independent bookstores.

moon splintered into a thousand feathers and filled my pillow with dreams of you #poetrycommunity #poetry #poem

Stunned us assembles post explosion Brushing hysteria from our hair finger pointers everywhere commence the orgy of blame Spewing the played out accountability deflection game that blackens all mirrors and perpetuates the same self deceptions which caused this disaster in the first place #vsspoem

I'm vibrating with emotion, trying my best to keep the lid on. I'm not scared of who's inside anymore; it's just that she isnt thoughtful. With her you need the long view. #Unbridled rage comes barreling through the door of my lips, and I watch you break before my eyes. #vss365

I know it looks like a shallow pond, perfect for a lazy summer day with a picnic and a single cloud, but you couldn't be more wrong. It's a #reservoir of hope and despair, of rage and joy, of deep love turned over and inside out. There's far more there than meets the eye. #vss365

My brain brings an #onslaught of terror before my eyes even open; that's why I learned to go without sleep. The Walking Dead before it went viral. My appetites are the same, mostly, but I can feel the change beneath my skin. I'm vibrating with hope and fear; I disappear. #vss365

∴butterfly-song sharp sweat’s bright bow slakes riven earth struck flint-flight discharge∴ · ∴asking-hands tides turn stance shifts, ground-burden displaced air arcs to the pulse∴ · ∴sælig-surge, night-honed wave-root marks the ocean’s will pull, return, release∴ #haikufeels #vss365 #vssmagic

Ocean moon

My issues aren’t huge But my brain refuses to View them as anything But grand Since the lens They are viewed through #Displaces many things Mainly the simple things I hold dear and defend So I rely on the pen It’s the only thing That isn’t deafening And when it speaks My thoughts ascend #vss365

All that energy— I called it sadness and despair, but it was rage. I couldn't see it until I saw it #displaced: every insult hurled my way was confusing, but every slight against my neighbor was clear. Injustice anywhere informs our understanding of justice everywhere. #vss365

You were a jet engine; I was caught in your #slipstream. I was raised to go along to get along, and I'd been doing it so long I forgot I had my own desires. It hurt the day I brought the flow to a screeching halt with just a word, but it would've hurt more to stay silent. #vss365

I am the #NativeAmerican Dying #Bloodlines  Welcome to My Homeland Trail of Tears That Survived I Am The Liberty But Will I Live With Any Dignity If I Don’t Give? I Am The Bird Soaring Overhead Giving A Voice To Unspoken Words For Echoes Are Poems Of The Dead #BraveWrite #vss365 #Poetry #Writing

More than just trauma runs through my #bloodline: there's also joy and dance, food and culture, brilliance and hope. There's pain, of course, but the foundation is a boundless love. #vss365

#vss365 When I try... to compartmentalise these #complex thoughts Your memories easily bridge those fragile places I had long forgotten that it exists within me...

A little art appropriate for the day

I stopped thinking and started feeling, and what was #complex became simple; the confusion was just pain. Looking myself in the mirror brought answers and relief no one else ever could. #vss365

RIP poet Lucille Clifton, died this day 2010 “You might as well answer the door, my child, the truth is furiously knocking.” “may you kiss the wind then turn from it certain that it will love your back” “the lesson of the falling leaves the leaves believe such letting go is love...

What I had hoped was a #safehaven was a burning building. I had to learn to leave before I started pouring water on the fire. #vss365

I thrive in #mercurial energy. At first it feels light, airy, a bit tempestuous but always breezy. Sweet, soft, and sound. If you stay a while though, you'll see it's full of stories, deep and rich, gathered from every corner of the earth, asking where and how we fit. #vss365

Can't resist reposting this shark friend for today's #FishyFeb. I know it's a lot of teeth but all I can see is a friendly grin.

I close my eyes and the #chase is off: I sit still, breathe deep, and find myself again. I've always been here, waiting to be found. #vss365

If you see this, post a gif from one of your comfort shows.

Instead of saying "I didn't understand the halftime show, therefore it is bad art" maybe try and understand why you didn't get it and think critically about the presentation, symbolism, etc. This is part of the beauty of art and creativity.

You look tense. Can you feel the weight of it all boxing you in too? Does the safety you want have a home in you? If you don't know where to start, #liberation for all can begin with a deep breath. #vss365