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The music, the live stream links and other events news for the choir of St Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh, Scotland.
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Our music for the First Sunday in Lent. In a departure from past practice during this reflective season, we will be replacing the Gloria, normally sung when the elements are carried in for Communion, with a Motet.

Our service of Morning Worship for the Feast of the Tranfiguration opens with two works for the choir by Andrew Carvel, one of our tenors: his motet "Christ whose glory fills the skies" is the introit, and the Preces are also to his setting. The anthem is Charles Wood's 'Hail, Gladdening Light'.

As Epiphany draws to a close, we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration. Our Mass setting is Mozart's uplifting Missa Brevis in D, and during communion we remain with Mozart, singing his setting of the Ave Verum.

Our music for the Feast of the Transfiguration.

Welcome to our service of Morning Worship for the 7th Sunday after Epiphany. Our anthem today is William Mathias' 'Let the people praise thee'.

The live stream of our service of Holy Communion for the 7th Sunday after Epiphany is about to begin. The Mass setting is the Missa Brevis by Lennox Berkeley.

Our music for the Seventh Sunday after Epiphany.

The live stream of our service of Morning Worship is about to begin. Unusually, today we only have a 10am (rather than 9.30 and 11am) service. That is because the preacher today is the Rev Scott Rennie, Sole Nominee for the position of Minister of Word and Sacrament at St Giles'.

The choir sings only one service this week, and at this service, the Nominating Committee's sole nominee for the position of Minister of Word and Sacrament for St Giles', the Rev Scott Rennie, will preach.

It's the 5th Sunday after Epiphany, and our first Sunday in which we have to cope without our Rieger organ. The Rieger team are on site but it will be almost two months before the refurbishment of the instrument is completed. Today's choir music is a cappella - the anthem is Bruckner's 'Os Justi'.

Our service of Holy Communion for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany is about to begin, and we ask for your patience while the Rieger organ begins its two-month spell of refurbishment. The results will be worth the wait! Today the choir is largely a cappella, with works by Byrd and Palestrina.

Our music for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany.

Our service of Morning Worship is about to begin. The anthem is a setting by our Master of the Music, Jack Oades of the Hymn to St Brigid. On the final day of the Rieger Organ's use before its overhaul begins, Jack's closing voluntary is Langlais' monumental 'Incantation pour un Jour Saint'.

The live stream of our service of Holy Communion for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany is about to begin. The Mass setting is Rheinberger's Mass in Eb, and during Communion, the choir sings Eccard's motet 'When to the Temple Mary went'.

Our music for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany.

The live stream of our service of Morning Worship for the Third Sunday after Epiphany is about to begin. The anthem is by Thomas Weelkes, setting words from Psalm 84: 'O how amiable are thy dwellings'.

Our service of Holy Communion for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany will start shortly. The Mass setting is Howells' Collegium Regale and during communion, the choir adds a new work to their repertoire: a beautiful arrangement of 'A New Year Carol' by Edward Taylor.

Our music for the Third Sunday after Epiphany.

Our service of Morning Worship for the Second Sunday after Epiphany is about to begin, with Organist and Master of the Music, Jack Oades, playing one of his own compositions, a Chorale Prelude on ‘Christum wir sollen loben schon’. The anthem is Poulenc's motet 'Videntes Stellam'.

The live stream of our service of Holy Communion for the Second Sunday after Epiphany is about to begin at the link below. The Mass setting is that for Five Voices, by William Byrd.

Our music for the Second Sunday after Epiphany - sparse, sometimes jarring harmonies for a cold coming, in Byrd and Poulenc.

The live stream of our service of Morning Worship for the First Sunday after Trinity is about to begin, with a Chorale from Bach's Weihnachtsoratorium 'Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier'. The anthem is from Mendelssohn's oratorio 'Christus', 'When Jesus our Lord'.

The live stream of our service of Holy Communion for the First Sunday after Epiphany is about to begin. The Mass setting is the Missa Brevis by Grayston Ives, and the closing Voluntary is the wonderfully programmatic Marche de Rois Mages by Théodore Dubois.

Our music for the First Sunday after Epiphany.

Our service of Morning Worship for Epiphany Sunday is about to begin, with Tallis' motet 'O nata lux': "O light born of light". The anthem is Peter Cornelius' carol for choir and solo baritone, 'Three kings from Persian Lands afar'.

The live stream of our service of Holy Communion for Epiphany Sunday is about to begin, with Bach's chorale "Brich an, du schönes Morgenlicht" as introit. The Mass setting is the Communion Service in G by Francis Jackson.

Happy New Year! Our music for the first Sunday in Epihany is shown below. We welcome our new Organist and Master of the Music, Jack Oades, who comes to us from Exeter, and prior to that, Christ Church in Dublin.

The congregation not only bid farewell to Michael Harris this morning; we also sang him Happy Birthday ... ... in the style of Kenneth Leighton! From around 29'30" on the attached link.

The live stream of our service of Morning Worship is about to begin - Organist and Master of the Music Michael Harris' last service for St Giles' before retirement. We will be expressing our thanks and good wishes to him this morning.

The live stream of our service of Holy Communion for the First Sunday after Christmas is about to begin, with the setting of the timeless carol 'In dulci jubilo' by JS Bach. The Mass setting is that in G by Schubert, and during Communion the choir sings 'In the bleak midwinter' by Harold Darke.

On 29th December, Organist and Master of the Music Michael Harris will perform his Sunday services duties at St Giles' for the last time, after more than 28 years. This is the music the choir will sing.

Our service of Morning Worship for Christmas Day is about to begin live streaming at the link below. Join us for congregational carols, and from the choir, works by Jakob Handl, Becky McGlade and John Rutter.

A very happy Christmas to all of our followers here! We are live streaming our Christmas morning services here, beginning with Holy Communion. The introit is by Mendelssohn, the Gloria from Mozart's Spatzenmesse, and we have some extra Rutter in reserve in case Communion is busy. Join us!

The live stream of our Watchnight service is about to begin. Join us if you can, to welcome in Christmas Day!

Our music for Christmas Day.

Our music for tonight's Watchnight service.

Our service of Morning Worship for the Fourth Sunday in Advent is about to begin: the Processional hymn is 'Wachet auf' - 'Wake, awake for night is flying'. The choir's anthem is Benjamin Britten's 'A Hymn to the Virgin' for choir and semichorus.

The live stream of our service of Holy Communion for the Fourth Sunday in Advent is about to begin. Our reflections on Mary, the Mother of Jesus, are accompanied by Victoria's Missa Alma redemptoris mater, and during Communion the choir sings Joubert's setting of the poem 'There is no rose'.

Our music for the Fourth Sunday of Advent.

Our service of Morning Worship for the Third Sunday in Advent is about to begin, with verses from Elizabeth Poston's carol 'Jesus Christ the Apple Tree' as introit. The anthem is Bruckner's motet 'Virga Jesse floruit'.

Our service of Holy Communion for the Third Sunday in Advent is about to begin. The Mass setting is Mozart's Missa brevis in D K194. During Communion we sing 'Pacem' by Andrew Carvel, with words from Philippians and additional text by Amanda Forsyth.

Our music for the Third Sunday in Advent includes our first performance of 'Pacem' by Andrew Carvel, setting text from Philippians, with additional text by Amanda Forsyth; both Andrew and Amanda are members of the choir.

Welcome to the live stream of our service of Morning Worship for the Second Sunday in Advent. The Assistant Organist begins the musical offering with Edward Bairstow's work "Prelude on Veni Emmanuel" and the choir's anthem is 'Rorate coeli' by William Byrd.

Our service of Holy Communion for the Second Sunday in Advent is about to begin, with an introit by Vaughan Williams "The truth from above". The Mass setting is the Missa Aeterna Christi munera by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

Our music for the Second Sunday in Advent.

The live stream of our service of Morning Worship for St Andrewstide is about to begin. As the Knights of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle process into the Cathedral, the choir sings Psalm 122. The anthem is Gibbons 'Lift up your heads, o ye gates'.

The live stream of our service of Holy Communion for the First Sunday in Advent is about to begin, with an introit which is an arrangement of the Anonymous melody 'People look East' by Peter Backhouse.

Tomorrow we celebrate both the beginning of Advent and St Andrewstide.