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Is this on blue sky or YouTube?? Cause something's not right here. I am naive I know that but I've been bombarded with women trying to sell me nude photo's or guys trying to sell me crypto scams. Do we need to start yet another social media site?
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As a military historian I cannot believe that America who sent their sons and daughters to fight fascism in Europe and Japan can now sit there, nodding heads saying "oh he has a point" or that Germany should "move on from the Holocaust". That prick gave a Natzi salute pure and simple.
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Is this for effing real! Sorry I'm in disbelief at the same time I believe that's what that ( insert expletive) said. WTF!!!!
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Absolutely, but that Cheeto man has been impeached twice before. Broken most of the ten commandments and has a BMI that would humiliate half the planet. The orange turd does not believe in boundaries. Anyway hello from Scotland!! ( as I desperately try to end on something like a happy note?)
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Although not American myself I did always enjoy your views and critique of US politics. I'm sorry that CNN couldn't do the same. God bless and I'm sure we will see you again very soon.
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I have found recently that all my subscriptions to shall we say liberal and or progressive channels have been unsubscribed and NOT by me on YouTube. I have never been a conspiracy theorists but something weird is going on.
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Why the hell do we put up with pathetic BBC reporting about how everything is that Silly SNP and their stupid supporters fault. Sorry the fault lies with Westminster and their anti Scottish and anti worker bloody bias no matter which one of the M and Ms are in power.
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So where are Tories, labour or republican politicians?? Well don't suppose they believe in trees anyway.
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Ah but the BBC will report that a labour party leader in lower Grimsby has a better unemployment rate and they will all blame long term and unmitigated misrule by the SNP anyway. Just the world we live in as Scots who believe in our country.
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This is a real post somewhere or am I missing a joke?? What the hell!!
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I am getting offers of nude photos from women or crypto scams is that getting fixed too??
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Questioning his hand salute??. For pity s sake are the US press ( and British!) so scared of Trump and his fellow travellers that they can't call it for what that was. Absolute Natzi loving lowlife.
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If 63 percent of Americans are embarrassed by Trump why the hell did they vote for him?? Present company excepted of course as this is the last refuge of those who do actually believe in freedom. Sadly a fading voice for the next 4 years.
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Oh but they all will suck up to him and his criminal bunch. All week on radio blah blah I've been hearing from so called business leaders, you know our betters, how Trump will be good for them. Well yep but humanity loses!.
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We all as a world society need to call filth like this (man??) out. An utter disgrace, a lazy, racist, thief of other people's business ideas and plans. A copier of NASA tech and calls himself a genius. Self driving cars that don't work or rust like hell. And he complains about real hero's. Arsehole
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Trump had no problems spelling bone spurs on his deferment form!!
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Although I'm Scottish so not directly involved this inauguration will be one of the most depressing days of my life. I really thought it would never happen again but here we are. I'm not even going to be looking at YouTube incase I see that low life's face on it!!
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Thought I'd already followed you but am now. So that's 1 million and 1😄.
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The depths that some people in society sink to to make a bit more unearned income never seems to surprise me anymore. What ever happened to helping your neighbour and fellow human being. God help us.
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Please God surely if Republicans have an ounce of integrity they are now ashamed of voting for Trump and his criminal gang. Surely???
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Absolutely right and they're subservience to Trump scares me. What happened to the workers party of Kier Hardy( got sold to the highest bidder).
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My big fear is that President Musk will take our dislike of these waste of space Labour politicians and pile illegal money into that Fucking Mussolino impersonator Farage and other Nazi parties in Europe. That child with money wants war and discord.
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Ah then all us liberal leftist communists were right and t***p and his fellow travellers are going to scam America again.Guess they should have voted for Kamala?
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What the hell is wrong with America. There are very excellent people with very excellent economic and environmental ideals in your country. I teach my kid about The M L King speech as one of the Greatest ever. Lincolns Gettysburg address is a speech for the ages. Then you elect Trump.Fuck.
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You are damn right sir god I love this site good people open up for debate. I've never put anything on twitter( yes twitter not that fucks name for it) always afraid there was no one else that had my political viewpoint. A great pleasure to hear your views
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I'm sorry but yes it's way past time they went home just like so many Scottish treasures and archeological finds should be home again.
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Well said sir!!
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Why is an "unspecified action" I mean for god sake he had no plans for the American economy except "believe me it's going to be great" or "I have a secret plan" or "tariffs" just frigging buzz words no fucking thoughts like grown ups have. Kamala at least had an actual economic plan!!
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I'm sorry David I have to say that "our kier" will cave in to that tr**p in 5 seconds flat. He's also an arsehole with no regard for the working man or woman!!
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Oh my god I remember the hope we had then!!