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Swedish or English...321.65ppm CO2, atmospheric chemistry, climate, society, air quality GAIS rättvisa forskning skriver privat📎
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You have to be a heartless fool or truly, truly evil to think that firing cancer researchers, park rangers, and air traffic controllers is a better idea than compelling billionaires to pay their fair share of taxes.

Breaking News! Code UFB!!! The daily CO2 number from Mauna Loa exceeded 430 ppm yesterday. This is the first reading above 430 ever recorded. CO2 levels have not been this high since the Pliocene epoch, 3 to 5 million years ago.

A new “European Movement Canada” is being built. 🇨🇦🇪🇺 "Canada must not be a spectator to history. Strengthening our relationship with Europe now is an investment in the stability and prosperity of our shared future.”

Tesla sales in… Germany: Down 60% in Germany and 76% in February Australia: Down 66% in January and February China: Down 49% in February Norway: Down 44% in January and February Portugal: Down 50% in January and February

Det här går ju inte. Deltog i beslut att köpa stridsfordon, som gynnade det försvarsföretag som hon nyss köpt aktier i. Ministern måste avgå.

Rasisterna på kontinenten steker av Meira Omar totalt.

Flyglinjen Växjö-Stockholm lades ned vid årsskiftet. Nu vill regionen, som styrs i samarbete mellan Moderaterna och Socialdemokraterna, tvinga tillbaka flyglinjen genom förköp av spökbiljetter för kronobergarnas skattepengar.

Fasiken vad jag ogillar nya migrationsverket och deras riktlinjer från regeringen med stöd från partiet med naziströtter. Vill såklart slänga ut min nydisputerade forskare så fort som möjligt.

Måndag efter sportlovet, världen är åt helvete och GAIS har förlorat. Kan vi börja om, tack?

Oro för avtalet: ”Trump har makt över 17 militärbaser i Sverige”.

If you're wondering what happens when a democracy slides into authoritarianism, here it is!

Big (bad) news: the US Embassy air monitoring program webpage has been taken down: This erases ~17 years of a critical data source at ~80 US diplomatic posts around the world. Critically for the health of thousands of foreign services officers, critical for research..

The American Meteorological Society steps up: #weather #Climate #NOAA

This is Marco Rubio explaining how the USA promised to defend Ukraine forever if they got rid of their nuclear arsenal left after the Soviet Union fell. This is why lil marco was sinking into the couch. He was hoping we wouldn’t find it…so don’t RT right now this very second.

As a scientist in multiple academies, I will keep speaking up against the attack on our country, planet and environment. I see no better use for my voice. I won't back down. Time for all of us to fight.

🌡️Record high temps in Anchorage today- open water in many places. Crazy that it’s the first weekend of March. And no snow on the slopes. Just sad. Worried about wildfires and who’s left to help put them out. 🌲🌲🌲🔥🔥🔥🌲🌲🌲

I repeat…

Efter München 1938 åkte Neville Chamberlain hem till London och sa de berömda orden ”Fred i vår tid”. Winston Churchill svarade surt: ”Ni hade ett val mellan krig och förnedring. Ni valde förnedring, och ni kommer att få krig.” Nu är vi där igen.

A lot of folks asked why I through this January's record global temperatures were so unexpected. I think this graph shows it pretty clearly: pretty much every other January with La Nina conditions has been a cooler than the surrounding years.

The most iconic figure in the environmental sciences is the Keeling Curve, the CO₂ record from Mauna Loa, Hawaii. had a wonderful site where you could visualize and download these data, and now it's just gone. These data belong to us and we should not let this happen!

I have covered NOAA and it’s work for like 15 years and this is brutal. If you’re there and want to chat or share anything, signal is davelevitan.26

Så jaaaa!

Love this #CleanAIrNight (24 Jan) initiative from #CorkCityCouncil. Great graphics & tips for reducing air pollution from solid fuel burning!

Hi everyone, NCAS is living and breathing atmospheric science on Bluesky! 👋 Polluted air, rapidly changing climate, damaging weather - we’re here to bring you our latest research findings, news, advice, and opportunities to study and work with us.

Our field campaign RAMP (Real-time Air Measurements of PFAS) 2025 is starting today. Wishing our team luck!

Will add on as an expert in air quality, aerosols, and climate. Humans are pumping unprecedented levels of pollutants into our environment that are overcoming the Earth's response. We really need to acknowledge and stop all of this

Nått kan vara pågång! ✨️

I’ve now explained a little bit of the background behind my Rail Story #BullshitMeter So who's going to send me the next story to analyse? 😀

Vi ses på torsdag. #GAIS #GAISDAM #GGG

Igår valdes Abben Olsson (GAIS 1915-1931, 3 SM-guld, 2 allsvenska segrar) och Marika Domanski Lyfors (GAIS 1986-1988, Hedersmakrill 1988) in i Svensk fotbolls Hall of Fame. #GAIS

Testar om detta dyker upp GAIS feeden om jag skriver GAIS. Boggan missade det 😉

Fina myggan!

Presskonferensen om forskningspropositionen signalerade framförallt detta: ett rent instrumentellt förhållningssätt till forskning. Satsningar på forskning motiveras nästan enbart av kortsiktig samhällsnytta (hörde ni vad Busch sa om kommersialisering?) och så lite av prestige.

Va tusan frågar SVT om elpriser när Forskningspropen presenteras..??

Vi vill önska er alla hjärtans välkomna till BobSky! Här får ni som på Felon Rusks plattform Kryss allt sant om föreningen i ert hjärta. #sanningen #GAIS

The #NBDGroup is hiring a postdoctoral fellow! Join the Smart Textile Innovation and Knowledge (STINK) Team in beautiful British Columbia. 🏔️🚵⛷️⛵️ Work with our Vocus mass specs on human sweat emissions with Lululemon as our industry partner. #chemjobs

Freshly published: Assessing Air Quality during India’s National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)

Instructions for this job group: - If you want us to repost a job ad, tag us on your post. - Or email it to <[email protected]> and she can tweet it. Keep to the character limit, include link w/ details

Glöm inte stadsbiblioteket imorgon kl 14. #GAIS