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Ph.D. Student at Princeton | B.A. Wellesley College | she/her Researching how children navigate the affective challenges of collaboration w/Natalia Vélez and Erik Nook
20 posts 168 followers 307 following
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U.S. scientists: Have you contacted Congress this week? #AcademicSky #PsychSciSky #Science Here’s a guide to help:

Join us in supporting NIH and NSF in local papers across the country!

PA Attorney General: 717-787-3391

Trainees who applied for an NIH diversity fellowship whose applications were withdrawn/not being reviewed, there's a NYTimes reporter who wants to talk, especially interested in applicants with disabilities. DM me & I'll put you in touch, will keep all contact confidential. Please amplify

rutgers is red, j'aime newark beaucoup prof sahi will be a phenomenal advisor and the science will rock, too. 🗣️✨🫶

I need your help 🙋! Within Kindergarten classrooms, we want to record the speech of five 4yo's with wearable microphones. During a pilot with wearable recorders and wired mic's, kids were very distracted by the heavy recorders and wires. Do you have any tips for speech recording in this setting?

Working w/ a reporter on the consequences of the NIH/NSF freezes (e.g., training pipelines, how grants support clinical time for trials) If you've had a grant impacted, some organizational perspective (e.g., in APPIC leadership/DCT role) + are willing to share your experience please shoot me a DM

Academic workers across the country are organizing to call on our congressional representatives on Thursday, 1/30, at 3pm ET / 12pm PT to demand these restrictions be lifted immediately. There will be a training over zoom at the beginning of the event. Join us!

Scientists have ~36 hours to mobilize intense pressure on 8 republican senators to oppose leadership of #RFK at HHS (which controls #NIH). This is a critical, direct way to say no to the chaos and reign in Trump admin. Each essential state below w/ journalists & senate contact. 1/many 🧵

Please share with mentees! Princeton is a wonderful place to work and the LEmo Lab ROCKS! 🤘

Hi, Vox reporter here: If you've had a study section, NIH travel, or other NIH-related meeting cancelled (or not), raise your hand! Reply or DM me, and repost for visibility if you're able. #academicsky

If you’ve been directly impacted by a pause or cancellation of an NIH study session, we would like to talk to you

All of NIH external communications (grant study sections, workshops, etc.) are being shut down due to executive orders. TBD when they will be allowed to resume. #PsychSciSky #socialpsyc #devpsyc #AcademicSky #cogsci #neuroskyence

New preprint - "Children leverage predictive representations for flexible, value-guided choice." A fun collaboration with, led by 🧠🧒💻

Highly recommend sharing with mentees! This is a really awesome and well-resourced program in every sense of the word. I've loved working with PNI Interns ✨

Some of these GoFundMe's for displaced Black people in So Cal aren't really moving. - there's a ton of need.

Apply!!! Do not miss out (or let your advisees miss out) on this incredible opportunity to work with an amazing PI ✨ Yay COLD Lab!!!

Huge congrats to on her first first-author paper accepted at Emotion! An outstanding contribution to what we know about how children, teens, and young adults bring to mind emotion words. Check it out! Many thanks to coauthors for an excellent collab!

We’re hiring a full-time lab manager to work at Rutgers in the Diversity Science Lab. Come study diversity & inclusion, prejudice & stereotyping, & social interventions with us! Please RT! Job Ad: Lab Site:

PSA: All #rstats package on #cran will get an official DOI! This will facilitate bibliometrics and giving credit to R package authors. Registering all 20,000+ packages will still take a few more days. But the first couple of thousand are already live. Example:

I am delighted that I’ll be joining Boston University’s dept. of psychological and brain sciences as an assistant professor in July 2025! I’ll be recruiting Ph.D. students and hiring a lab manager to start alongside me — see here for more info: 🧠👩‍🔬💻

asking for a friend (me): do y'all remember the song "apples and bananas?" is there an emotion word equivalent? are there any emotion songs for children that match that same level of zeitgeist?

New essentialism measure just dropped

We're hiring! The CAT Lab ( is seeking up to two RAs for the HBCD Study -- the largest long-term study of infant development, beginning in pregnancy. Apply here: Happy to answer Q's. Please RT!

📣 Applications are due this Friday!

#AffectScience2024 attendees, please check your emails for an invitation to fill out the conference evaluation. Your feedback will allow us to improve future SAS conferences! The survey will close on Friday, March 15th.

Eek! I am pumped to announce that I will be staying at Princeton to start my PhD with I feel so privileged to call @velez_colab my new home. Hope to pursue projects at the intersection of Dev/Affect/Cog science, so is stuck with me for a while longer :)

Our fearless inaugural lab manager is going to grad school (🥳🎉), so the CoLab is hiring a lab manager!! Please share with anyone who wants to deepen their experience in cog sci before grad school. Review starts on 3/15!

Excited to finally share this paper, nearly 5 years in the making! In it, me and co-authors share our thoughts on how (and to what extent) signals from the body map onto affective feelings. Writing this definitely brought forth more questions than answers!

Congratulations to our fearless leader and lab director for being named an APS Rising Star and receiving the Alies Muskin Career Development Leadership Program (CDLP) Award from @ADAA_Anxiety. We are in awe!

💥Come check out our lab's action-packed line-up at #SPSP2024 this week!!! 💥2 talks, 4 posters, 1 early-career award, and a panel with yours truly about how to get that foundation grant $$$!

🚨LEAD Lab Job Alert 🚨 Please share widely! Our fearless LEADer is looking for our next Lab Manager! Please apply by 3/1 for best consideration for this fantastic job with a supportive team in College Park, MD!

Issue 60, Volume 2 is now out for Developmental Psychology! Papers : -Demographics & Dev Research -Motor Dev -Emotion Processes -Temperament -Puberty -Adulthood -Math 👶🧠 #devsci #DevPsy #devpsych #devsky #DevCogNeuro

If you have a 3- or 4-year-old and are willing to help my grad student pilot a 3-minute study on theory of mind reasoning, please email me! [my last name] AT bu with an edu at the end :) The study is on Qualtrics, so you can do it on your own time.

🚨We're hiring a lab manager!🚨We're looking for a stellar post-bacc interested in studying emotions, supporting lab infrastructure, and building community. Please spread the word! See links in 1st comment for our mission and culture. Review starts 3/1!

I'm looking for a lab manager to start this June 2024! If you would like more rsch experience in dev psych with a focus on social bias (and opportunity to learn EEG), come work with me at UC Santa Cruz! Applications due Feb 7:

🚨I need your help, academic BlueSky! For those who navigated parental leaves as faculty, what worked or didn't work for you/your labs navigating that experience? Please repost widely to help us gather ideas & I'll compile them for our Resources Website to share with all!

We’re excited to announce that Nature Reviews Psychology is now on Bluesky! Please help spread the word by following us and reposting.   #PsychSciSky #Psychology #socialpsyc #cogpsyc #ClinPsych #devpsy

I've tried collecting many science writing tips into a list over the years, and we've had some great contributions. Feel free to send me yours. I'll add them to the list and acknowledge you.

Princeton Neuroscience Institute is offering an NSF-funded summer internship program for highly motivated undergraduates, providing education and hands-on research experience in neuro/select psych projects. Please share with your undergrads!

The honor was mine! Jamie rocks, academic internet. Had so much fun with your lab!

Would like to include a lecture on emotion and emotion dysregulation in my tbi and dementia class next semester. Any recommendations for good review articles?

Apply by Dec 1 to the UCSD Cognitive Science PhD program: We have an incredible community working on language + cognition + development here - if that's up your alley, check us out! I'll also be considering applications to join my new lab opening in Fall 2024 (!!)

In the spirit of "open science" I'm sharing the syllabus for my spring Neural Network Models of Cognitive Development course.* *The course materials aren't included, but I'm happy to share them with anyone thinking about teaching a similar course.

How do those of you who write letters of recommendation for people who work with your grad students, not directly for you, format those letters? With co-author grad student? With paragraph from grad student? By meeting extensively with RA before writing? I've seen it come through in many diff ways.

We are so excited to welcome Dr. Sarah Griffiths from UCL as a Visiting Research Fellow! Her research examines the relationship between communication skills and mental health. She was recently awarded a grant to examine linguistic complexity in adolescent therapy conversations while here!

(more can be done to connect communities of scholars here, so here's a shot in the dark/try at this) If you are a scholar, please reply with *one* link to a paper you (co)authored that is close to your heart (not necessarily most prestigious or most cited one) say something about it & RT this post.