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Father | Dutch American | Socialist | Musician | Atheist | Taken by | Former ShitLib | Born: not yesterday | The problem is capitalism | @TerryFromCnT on Twitter
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We can't reform a system that benefits those that rule us, by voting for the same people that benefit from our exploitation. We have to ditch the duopoly beholden to the billionaire class, if we want to see change that benefits the working class, don't vote for the wealth class.

It really is us, the people, versus them, the wealth class (including those they bribe with campaign donations).

This will pass with bipartisan support. Also, most evictions in the USA, are in red states...

Seems like a good time to get a bunch of well regulated militias going, locally, to protect ourselves from tyranny by the federal government.

While we are distracted by the destruction of democracy and the modern day oil Barrons keep destroying the habitability of our planet. Nothing matters if there is no place for it to matter...

The rich are no longer hiding, they believe, they own this country.

I cut the cord to save money. You can fuck off


Fire safety measures aren't free, in fact, they hamper profits... #CapitalismKills.

LA's real estate market is so hot, it's on fire. The 1% are about to make some bank! #CapitalismIsHot.

Capitalism speak: “It’s just no longer sustainable.” Translation: “We can’t make this activity profitable, so, you’re fired.” #CapitalismKills.

Business owners complaining that the flavored tobacco ban will cost them their businesses... This is another example of capitalists complaining they are not allowed to harm people for profit. #CapitalismKills and believes it has a right to do so.

Capitalism is a slippery slope, because #CapitalismKills.

Example 117 of artificial scarcity created by capitalism: There are enough empty living spaces to house the homeless 20x. But the housing is not on the market for occupation to keep the housing scarce which leads to higher rents and real estate pricing. #CapitalismKill.

Because working class capitalists, all, worship those with money and power is why they'll never have any. #CapitalismKills, #SocialismHeals.

If being the victim of genocide made Jews whiners why are Native Americans not? #AskingHypocritsQuestions

Capitalism in the USA was only possible after first committing one of the largest, if not the largest, genocide events in known history. #CapitalismKills.

The only reason we have CEOs, CFOs and COOs is to make those ruthless life ending decision in favor of profit at the expense of humans for the owners. Another benefit of turning every business into worker co-ops is getting rid of those bastards in C Suite. #SocialismHeals.

Comedian Bill Burr on why the media ignores the CEO killer’s vast public support.

US Citizens will have paid health insurance providers $1.5T in 2024. There is no need for anyone to come in between your doctor and you, let alone a middle man we collectively pay $1.5T just to deny us care. #CapitalismKills.

United Health made a profit of $22B in 2023, which represented roughly a 3% profit margin. In other words, they did over $710B in business. One health insurance provider added $710B+ to our medical costs. That is roughly $2000 per US Citizen. Let that sink in. #CapitalismKills.

People confuse wealth with charisma. #CapitalismKills.

"It's just business" is a common phrase uttered by capitalists, to justify their heartless decision making. #CapitalismKills.

CEOs are paid millions annually to place their humanity on hold. #CapitalismKills.

Ruining the world. Neoliberalists and Nationalists are telling the tale in nearly all countries. #CapitalismDivides

Who are all these leftists that are ruining this country, everybody keeps talking about? #CapitalismDivides

The root of all evil, US Style capitalism. #CapitalismKills, especially when fueled by the United States of America.

Oh great, now black plastic utensils and kitchen tools are bad for us... #CapitalismKills.

Why is the local news so condescendingly reported? They talk like we are all idio... ... never mind.

Just your friendly neighborhood communist.

Democrats in Congress are about to give Trump dictatorial powers to crush his opposition Well, I mean liberalism enables fascism 🫠

Make no mistake: the United States government is the head of the snake


Just because 'life isn't fair', doesn't mean society shouldn’t be fair. Fairness costs the wealthy too much. #CapitalismKills.

The ownership class would rather destroy humanity to keep hidden how they are responsible for our climate disaster than to do a mea culpa and attempt to turn the ship around. #CapitalismKills.

This is what you support, coconuts.

Most promoters of capitalism are just working-class folks who are not realizing they are digging their own graves, because of fear mongering capitalists... #CapitalismKills.

Let's normalize shaming our local news outlets for not speaking out against genocide. #CapitalismKills through silence.

Fundraisers by the elites, are just parties for rich people to show off their wealth, a tax write off and a way to break the monotony of having your money do all the work. #CapitalismKills.