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Part 4 - Will they step up and support Americans, or continue down the traitorous path they are on, I don't know. But I DO know that what they've BEEN doing as an entire party is absolute f*king crap. The ones who truly represent the people have been held back by others. Let's see how this goes!
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Part 3 - Because some Dem members of the Congress will profit by it. What Bernie & AOC are doing is giving the American people a forum and a voice to show what they do support, and what they don't. Attendance in these numbers will _force_ a recognition that there is opposition from Americans.
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Part 2 - Do I think individual congress members will all become accountable without public influence? No. IMO the Democratic party is fractured, divisive and in some cases Democratic senators wish to support the same agenda as the Republican party
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Part 1 - I disagree that their tour is moot. It is the right thing to do - actually meeting the people and giving them the opportunity to show publicly how many disagree with what the entire Congress has permitted. Do I believe the Democratic party should be accountable - hell yes!
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I am SO happy to see this. Making me cry. I have been really wondering where the Nationals soul went. And this is where it is. Thanks to everyone who made it.
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Found where I saw the suggestion for citizens to request their records and this is it: nhttps://jamieraskin.com/doge-privacy-act-requests/
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You are heroes even if some people don't know it! You all just keep rocking it. Thank you for your service For The People.
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my concern was putting more pressure on SS employees who probably don't need more stress right now
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Question - I somewhere (sorry, don't know if bsky, fb or substack) saw a recommendation to fill out a request for your own SS records - idea being that it would mess up the DOGE SS efforts. But I'm honestly not sure if that would be of any use. Thoughts?
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They're doing it to provide a capitalist employer's dream - people desperate to work.
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The problem is that under capitalism during high unemployment, and high costs of goods, employers can pay workers less, ignore safety and health factors, and increase their profits. IMO this administration isn't just dumping programs, services and federal employees because they are stupid.
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I feel that if we spent more money on improving poor living and working conditions, improved people's ability to travel to and from work safely and cheaply, and provided excellent health care and education to all children, the entire county and economy would benefit.
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I was looking up national debt and it has gone up every year in every administration regardless of party or since 1977. So the debt itself is really not the point. The point is who pays what % of taxes and what do they get for what they pay?
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Would like a status update on how this went yesterday if there is any source of information for that.