Accelerator physicist • 😺 🪴 📚 •
Berlin, Germany
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Wrote them an angry email after their last butchered attempt to deliver a package. Asked ChatGPT to translate into German and it added "Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe" by itself at the end. ChatGPT is way too polite. Maybe it has never tried to get a package delivered by UPS.
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Okay, that was a lie. Berlin is most often strange to me... Like why is there no upraising against shops being closed on Sundays!? Awful thing. Hate it. Saturdays are so stressful because of it.
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Happy birthday! 😀
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Sometimes I think of things that really makes me miss the UK. So much that it hurts in my heart. But it's the same when I think of things in Sweden.
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Maybe that's the thing about having lived in different countries? They feel like home but still not?
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They even give you a 20 minute window for your slot but the brain says "Oh, no. Cannot miss. I have to be there half an hour before to be sure".
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There is more than one?
I'm also not sure that my landlord will allow it but I have seen that one of my neighbours have a net for cats on their balcony so I hope so. More complicated might be that the main animal shelter has a lot of rules to be allowed to adopt. Which includes speaking German...
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That's very nice. I wish I could also live in a place like that. I really miss not having animals. I have been thinking about getting a cat but I need to figure out someone who can take care of it when I have to travel first.
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That sounds like a really great place. Is it also the place where there are chickens?
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Sometimes I look at envy at those retirement homes were people have a proper own apartment but there is still community areas with daily activities. I wish that was more common for all ages.
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Yes, but in the outskirts where the options are fewer. I considered cohousing for a while but all options I found just had a tiny one-room and I wanted a space which really feels like mine that I have the power to decide over because I haven't had that for a long time.
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I have found it to be more complicated now. For people with families it's good that there are now more options to work from home but I really miss on-site group meetings, joint lunches and coffee breaks together with my colleagues. I wish there was more effort in keeping that despite hybrid working.
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Mm. It became better for me when I started to think about it as a sabbatical. And funnily other people also accepted it more when I called it that.
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That's very good. I think my main problem probably was that I had very little social community outside of work. Work can also be quite unsocial but at least you might say hello to someone every day and feel that someone will eventually notice if you disappear.
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I think they work great for tutorials and when you want to visualise something in an interactive way. Which I guess is also their purpose. But then people also use them for writing code to run simulations or measurements instead of using a proper IDE and it often becomes a mess.
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The position is my dream job but not all my colleagues are so easy to work with. So a lot of my time is spent arguing which is very exhausting... But at least I have a supportive boss.
Maybe you should choose based on what type of working environment you want?
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I also had difficulties with the societal pressure that you are "supposed to work otherwise you are a failure". So I lot of the time I felt like a failure despite that I wasn't.
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I took some writing courses and that was nice. But the loneliness and constant worry about what I was going to do with my life was too much for me to handle.
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That they make it too easy to make messy and unreproducible code. And also that you can't just click on the file and read the code without it having to open in a browser. Using it with git is also a mess.
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Mm. I tried that for a year with the hope of feeling better but it didn't work for me. There were just too many things blocking the feeling of relief.
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But it could explain why nudism is popular. Every weekend is always a choice if you should spend the one day you have buying food or clothes. So either you eventually go naked or don't eat.
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It would have made much more sense to be closed on Saturdays instead.
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You were also really advanced and even had the apple slices. I'm usually too lazy to do that but it is the best.
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It looks very nice! Did you like it?
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Very nice! 😀 When I make it in the oven it becomes a bit like a soufflé. It grows very big but then you take it out and it becomes flat again.
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Yeah. That's an essential ingredient. Without it it's mostly a pancake with extra eggs. Swedish food doesn't have so much imagination 😄
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But the recipe is too complicated. I just mix the ingredients in a pan and put it in the oven for 20 minutes. Much easier.
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If you want to try Swedish food you can do äggakaka. swedishspoon.com/scanian-egg-...
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I really like the blue ones. So pretty.
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Mm. It's difficult to keep up motivation. For me it has to be a long-term project with a vision I like. And also not tight deadlines because I'm not good at handling stress anymore.
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It's similar for us. But then we have machine time on Monday evenings when many people spend the whole evening in the control room so that compensates a lot for the lack of social interaction during other days.
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Do you work from home a lot if you mostly see your colleagues on video? I completely stopped doing that because it wasn't good for my mental health. But it relies on other people also not working from home otherwise I won't meet them anyway...
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But at least I work with my boss. Two people can almost become a group. And maybe eventually I will also get some PhD students to supervise. That would be nice.
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My colleagues are also nice, but also not really a group. Maybe for it to be a group you need to work on something more closely together rather than everyone having their own topic.
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I have my boss who is really nice but otherwise not. Not even someone to have lunch with. I just eat by myself in my office everyday which isn't great...
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Sometimes. But then there is so many ideas that I start to feel stressed about the amount things to do 😕