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Your Friend, and Facilitator of Conscious Living, Meditation and Radical Awakening for over 50 years. Open satsang Sundays at 11 am ET.via Zoom.
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SATSANG - Being Together Everyone is Welcome! 11 am ET. - Sunday March 2nd, 2025 For Information and Zoom Link see: Whatever the revelation may be ... all that remains is profound quietness and unknowingness ~ Bärbel Marlena Simon 🙏

“Liberation seems elusive only because it is so all-inclusive, so always already fully present. We overlook it by searching for it.” - Joan Tollifson

"Waking up is discerning the difference between the description and the actuality of the present moment. Liberation is simply being the territory itself, that which we already are and cannot not be. Confusion is always in the map...Here/now is all there is." ~ Joan Tollifson

Whatever the revelation may be ... all that remains is profound quietness and unknowingness ~ Bärbel Marlena Simon

SATSANG - Sharing The Supreme Yoga of Direct Recognition Everyone is Welcome! Sunday at 11 am ET Feb. 23rd For Information and Zoom Link see:

SATSANG - The Ease of Being Everyone is Welcome! Every Sunday at 11 am ET. - Feb. 23rd, 2025 For Information and Zoom Link see:

Great Doubt means looking more deeply than beliefs, philosophies and concepts. Certainty! Wow! What a concept! ☯️

"Sometimes, however, though rarely, skepticism gives rise to an intuition of a basic reality, more fundamental than that of words, religions or philosophical system. Strangely, it is a positive aspect of skepticism." - Douwe Tiemersma

‘Great doubt, great enlightenment. Little doubt, little enlightenment. No doubt, no enlightenment.’ Zen teaching

SATSANG With Tom - The Ease of being Everyone is Welcome! Every Sunday at 11 am ET. - Feb. 16th, 2025 For Information and Zoom Link see:

SATSANG With Tom - The Ease of Being Everyone is Welcome! Every Sunday at 11 am ET. - Feb. 16th, 2025 For Information and Zoom Link see: "There are no obstacles.” ~ Anam Thubten

“At the end of the day, there is only presence…presence is extremely obvious.” ~ Peter Brown

Student to Zen master "Are you enlightened?" Zen Master "Ask my wife." 😁

Tom Robbins - 7/22/1932 - 2/9/25 🙏❤🙏 "I'm descended from a long line of preachers… evangelists spend their lives telling fantastic tales in such a way as to convince otherwise rational people that they're factual. So, I guess I come by my narrative inclinations naturally." ~ Tom Robbins

SATSANG - The Ease of Being Everyone is Welcome! Sunday at 11 am ET. - Feb. 9th, 2025 For Information and Zoom Link see: This week: The Best Path Is No Path - based on the pointers of Dr. Mark S. G. 2/2/25 and 'Sailor' Bob Adamson 2/6/25

“The less talent they have, the more pride, vanity and arrogance they have All these fools, however, find other fools who applaud them.” ~ Erasmus

Has anyone watched the TV show Aquarius, with David Duchovny? I find it to be compelling. I was first in California in 1968 and this show plays out some of those strange wild times fairly accurately.

I just found out that ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson also has passed on, peacefully, at home on Feb. 6th. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼 He pointed very directly and clearly without extraneous bs. 💥

SATSANG - The Ease of Being Everyone is Welcome! Every Sunday at 11 am ET. - Feb. 9th, 2025 For Information and Zoom Link see: This week satsang will be in memory of Dr. Mark S. G. Dyczkowski - a great yogi (8/29/1951 - 2/2/2025) 🙏❤️🙏

“Awakening in its essence is simply being here.” ~ Jon Bernie

“The infinite is not somewhere else waiting for us to become worthy.” ~ Tony Parsons

“Individual and universal consciousness are one.” Jiva Dyczkowski i.e. Jiva is Shiva

"In fact, there is nothing we can do to free ourselves. All forms of practice, whether internal or external, depend on consciousness and so cannot serve as a means to realize it." ~ Mark Dyczkowski

"It is possible to penetrate into supreme consciousness directly without any mediation of any means.” ~ Dr. Mark Dyczkowski - The Doctinre of Vibration

Dr. Mark Dyczkowski left his body yesterday. 🙏❤🙏 He was a great yogi and scholar. His book,The Doctrine Of Vibration, is a classic and had a profound impact on me when it was first published so many years ago.

SATSANG - The Ease of Being Everyone is Welcome! Every Sunday at 11 am ET. - Feb. 2nd, 2025 For Information and Zoom Link see:

“When we start inquiring into what is holding us back from realizing the truth, we come to the realization that there is really nothing there. ThAnam Thubtenbstacles.” ~ Anam Thubten

Marianne Faithfull, Singer And Rolling Stones Muse, Dies At 78

SATSANG - The Ease of Being Everyone is Welcome! Every Sunday at 11 am ET. - Feb. 2nd, 2025 For Information and Zoom Link see: Sharing the The All Inclusive View. When this is seen, something releases and a radical shift happens. ❤ ❤ ❤

Just for fun - This can be very helpful. I taught this at our center, Hospice, businesses, anywhere people work together and tend to clash and think others are aloof, mean, controlling, etc. We all have a dominant color and secondary color. What colors are you??? 🤔

If you are a spiritual teacher or student, you may want to join ASI. It also has some great on-line seminars.

One of the things I always ask people who come to me is, 'what do you really, really want?" I may not be the right person for them if they are not interested in deeply questioning what is going on in their internal narrative. 💥

SATSANG - The Ease of Being As You Are Everyone is Welcome! Today 1/26 at 11 am ET. - Jan. 26th, 2025 For Information and Zoom Link see:

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.~ Philip K. Dick

My friend Nathalie, who has lived in Sudan and has helped many women from Sudan since the war started, shared this with me. It gives the real vibe of the wonderful Sudanese people.

Don’t underestimate the impact you’re making when you choose to wear a mask. You’re protecting your health & the health of your community. You’re helping ease the burden on our healthcare system. You’re standing in solidarity with disabled people & telling the government that no one is expendable

If she can do it, we can all do it.

“True non duality is not about special experiences or correct formulations. It is just this, right here, right now” ~ Joan Tollifson

Recently someone told me that they released years of legitimate anger and resentment towards some people and forgave them. Forgiveness does Not mean that the harm people did to you is now OK. But their life has shifted and they are now talking about peace, grace and miracles. ❤ ❤ ❤