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Fighter for democracy and defender of humanity.
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I've got to do a few things today in prep for The Economic Blackout. Happy Thursday!

This makes me so happy. The Emperor has no clothes!

May her spirit rise above all the 🍊🐂💩 and be remembered as a exemplary leader who felled victim to trumps hateful a$$-holery.

I want to thank Senator for this post - it's the first thing that's made me feel hopeful since the election. Save this image to your phones. Whenever you feel like things are hopeless and we can't win, look at that image. It made me want to fight again!

I hear you my Friends

Gandhi's word lives again....

Family includes everyone! ❤️

Oralé Resisters Los Angeles ICE Protesters Take over Freeway 101 Downtown! Pueblo UNIDO shall never be defeated! Vamonos Viva La Residence! #StopICELA #stopiceusa #olverastreetprotest #dncbrunch #LosAngelesProtestICE

It was Trump who launched the air controller diversity program that he blamed for the D.C. crash.

We may not get Truth in America at this time but our democratic brethren shouts Truth throughout the world.

Just another example of Donald Trump’s gross incompetence and his refusal to take responsibility. Y’all remember this?! 👇🏼

👁️💜 the🧅.....😆😅🤣!

I'm with you on that PC. If 🍊🐂💩 recites the snake song one more time I'll 🤢🤮.

Let's not forget.

Don’t give into the lies, don’t give into the fear, hold onto the truth and to hope.” Thank you Jim Acosta for being a true patriot. You are a courageous defender of democracy. 🇺🇸

The Resistance is strong! #Resist

Just at Elon's dad.

fuk trump.

The felon FOTUS has removed the US Constitution from the White House website. He added Projekt 2025. He removed the office of Gun Violence Prevention. I am grateful for those who will stand against this criminal & his illegal acts. We are the #Opposition. We will win. #USDemocracy #Voices4Victory

Good morning. 🥶 When everything everywhere all at once seems terrible, I always count on Pooh Bear and Piglet for the simplest explanation. Carry on.

This is the face of courage and compassion. Thank you Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde for speaking truth to power on behalf of the marginalized.

If you turn on your TV today, turn it to ANY OTHER STATION except those showing the inauguration. Let's make sure the ratings for his unholy spectacle are tiny. 🍄 PASS IT ON.

His words continue to still be true. We must fight for the right for dignity, harmony and the truth.

We must fight harder for democracy. His protests are living today. We worked hard in the 60s and must work harder in 25. Tax the f'ing million$aire$ and billion$aire$.

Fri nite posters w/my gr/daughter. Sat Modesto's Annual Women's March.Post march we broke out into groups. Today my gr'dghtr & mom r in SF 4 MLK. Am inspired by The Preamble. The words have weighted meaning. We need to fight for what is right. Please share The Preamble. Knowledge is Power.🇺🇸

NEW: Stranded in DC after your orange overlord uninvited you to the Inaugural? Don't worry! There's plenty to do! Here are some suggestions:

Are you in? See you Monday on YouTube.