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Historic homes curator, carb fiend, just a lil guy. Trying to navigate the State of Things post-Helene in Appalachia. Doing my best (cries often). Occasionally found under the floorboards.
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Note to self: "Butler's Panty" is going to turn up VERY different results than "Butler's Pantry." I think I need to apologize to my IT department now...

Just because it's happening in the Oval Office doesn't mean it's right. If someone in your life treats you like that: I didn't deserve it, and neither do you. That behavior is the remit of profoundly small humans screaming so you think they're bigger than they could ever be. I hope you're safe.

american masculinity is so amazing. caring about clothes as a man apparently makes you "gay" but our position on geopolitics totally depends on whether you wear a suit

Ah yes. From shaking hands. An activity notoriously involving the back of the hand. Checks out, buds. (This is clearly a cannula bruise. Is this regime made up of aliens?)

Doing antibias and harassment intervention compliance training right now seems... I'm glad? But also? Will any of this 8 hours of mandatory training apply in a month?

PSA: Don’t spread misinformation about Trump signing an order that gives only him and the Attorney General the power to decide the law. The Constitution guarantees separation of powers, and that’s what matters. Stay focused on that reality, not helping them spread propaganda.

Anecdotally, why does 1974 paper smell *so* bad?

I've lived in North Carolina for 7 years and every time I see a "First in Freedom" license plate I want to pull my hair out.

Just asking for a friend, this is some dictator shit, right?

My little brother & best friend of 25 years are Probies. They're two of the smartest, most committed people, and they take their jobs incredibly seriously. They will go in tomorrow not knowing how the day ends, and still try to do their jobs protecting American citizens. Cruelty is the point.

Surreal experience being in a room with someone while they watch a video about how their family participates in ritualistic child abuse in the basement of their public attraction. (OBVIOUSLY false) It isn't just political fuckery, the weirdos have been emboldened, and they're out in public.

Okay but all I'm saying is I shouldn't have to give a lecture during the fall of the empire

I see a lot of popular media and popular history give the Gilded Age the glitz and glamour treatment. Twain termed it "Gilded" for a reason-- for every Vanderbilt or Gould, you had thousands dying in the streets to make their disgusting wealth possible. Maybe just something to noodle on.

Me, a Black Death Historian in 2020: ...welp Me, a Gilded Age historian now: !!!WELP

Write it down. In ink. Tuck it away. One day, someone will need primary sources.

Chatting with someone from a different department & started comparing Helene stories. I mentioned I'd had to postpone my wedding-- we discovered her son got married the same day at a venue with a last minute opening. My venue!

My husband made me some art for my birthday. Seeing as I work at a fancy pants museum, you may have assumptions about it. Allow me to present The Art:

I believe museums should be for everyone, regardless of if it's "trendy" or popular with governing committees, and I will keep working to make mine so. Tomorrow and every day after. My sphere of influence is small, but it's where I can do something, and that's better than nothing.

Husband gave me a towel warmer for my birthday and now I go to bed every night with a warm blanket bundled around me feet feeling strangely like a warm lil cloistered nun

I mean, come on!

There's few bigger treats than pulling a book from the library at my job. The books are objects, so they're handled minimally, but it's so satisfying when you have a reason to actually *use* them as intended

Well played, Helene, well played.

Silently resolving to read books from SYK events that may not be perfect but the author put their whole ass into them. Neither I've read so far were life altering but I read them in a day each and it was super fun! I missed reading like that!

The highlight of my asks for my 30th birthday is a towel warmer and I will be genuinely crushed if I don't get one (I will buy one myself). Young me had such high hopes for being interesting 😅

The most significant rainfall since Helene is due in town tomorrow. Did we fix the leaky window? No. Am I going to fret all day about it? You betcha. 😅

My brother thought an 8 foot tall cardboard giraffe was an inspired Christmas gift. My husband and I are masters of Leaning In.

I picked up curtains on my way home from work that quadruple the value of my car by chillin in the trunk, so there's that

Spending the month of October decorating 58 Christmas trees and hearing jingle bells every 15 minutes on a pipe organ every day since then is, surprisingly, not a recipe for holly jolly 🎄

I didn't expect to be red stringing my way through foundling hospital records to find the love child of someone who went down on the Titanic but that's the beautiful thing about being a curator-- sometimes I get to be absolutely unhinged

I am just asking to have one day at work this week that doesn't involve grave robbing, please.

I love where I live, that's all.

I was trying for "turkey" but I think I landed somewhere closer to "Venus of Willendorf"

I'm not sure why I'm so convinced one day I'll read Withering Heights and enjoy it, but, in case anyone was curious-- still hasn't happened.

A reflection on how my life is going at the moment: I just turned on Silence of the Lambs as comfort media.

Working on the provenance of an object belonging to Richelieu that later may have been sold at an address from a street named Richelieu: is this the bad place?

Now I'm identifying Herter Bros. furniture in cartoons. Can't stop won't stop.

Sexiest handwriting of the day award goes to:

Okay it's possible I'm in tapestry research too deep because I just found a relevant 1893 auction catalogue and burst into I BLESS THE DOCS FOUND ON GALLICAAAAAAA alone in my office

Proof of good girledness

Bluesky academics, lets get to know each other! Quote this & tell me: 1) a project you are working on & 2) an odd idea/theory you aren’t working on but keep thinking about 1)a family friend of Howard Carter conducting excavations with her family ~1902 2) Was This Marriage Arranged?

I spent all yesterday scouting 1890s interiors photos for lampshades & I spent this morning staring at marble lion genitalia-- living the dream.

Another day, another chance to reinforce the lore that I am the ghost in this house.

I'm Meghan & I'm a historic homes curator working at a Vanderbilt home in the South. A Midwestern transplant to Appalachia, former Oxon, baker of bread, healthy fear of bears, knows way too much about The Plague, two very good girls, one pretty cool (new) husband. Pleased to meet y'all!