Non-binary, Neurodiverse, Writer, Director, Creative.
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Stupid ending. You should have put Toni Storm and Mariah May in the main event you cowards.
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God this is overbooked isn't it. What a drab way to end a great pay-per-view.
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Anyway this match is the most boring match of the night so I've found time to rant about a silly interview. I don't want to be too mean to her but I do think it doesn't take that many brain cells to not say something stupid like that. But my experience with actors is like yeah no it's not surprising
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But that was a dumb thing to do both for AEW and that actress. Like how the fuck could you sit and watch that Will Ospreay match and think that was a clever thing to say. Wrestling is constantly trying to find validation guess what you won't freaking get it by sucking up to celebs and "real sport"
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Oh so did the celebrities say something dumb? I knew I was getting anxiety as soon as it started and muted it. Listen I get that having famousish people at your shows but like no one is going to watch your show because someone is in the crowd. It's fine when they love the thing.
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I think AEW has always struggled making factions feel intense enough for the set up and pay off for gathering up people to face them effectively. It's a shame because conceptually I think the Death Riders was a brilliant idea but it's just been nothing but bland. I'm sure they will find a way out.
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I'm in two minds, if I was Tony, I'd kill the Death Riders and out the belt on Cope. However if the plan is to put it back on to Swerve I guess we can wait a pay-per-view. Shame I do think they should give the AEW World title to Cope especially after Christian got to have it 🤣
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You know what a Styles Clash onto thumbtacks might be worse than the Spanish fly off the top of the cage, that is nightmare fuel of a move. I genuinely don't believe there are that many worse moves you could take onto thumbtacks.
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Now arguably this main event has a pretty big chance of being the worst match of the night I hope they outdo the build.
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This is why Will was much safer when the cage wasn't an option for him. That was insane. AEW scares me as much as it excites me. Still a match to go what a pay-per-view.
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Two matches smattered in blood and Moxley hasn't even gotten to the ring yet 🤣
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Big match vibes oh god. They know Will Ospreay is the future of AEW. The entrance was a tad much but they want you to know Ospreay is massive. I assume he is winning.
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What an amazing one count spot for Kenny and Takeshita. These two could wrestle forever and I'd have no complaints.
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Why is everyone trying to kill each other in AEW seems like a bit of a health and safety nightmare. This is fantastic every match keeps finding ways to surprise me with their violence. It's glorious
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God they have done such a great job making Konosuke Takeshita star. He is fantastic and AEW sniping him might be one of the best captures.
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So Kenny is winning huh. God Gods his new theme is freaking amazing. This is big match Kenny I'm so glad we are getting the face run for Omega in AEW.
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It wasn't too long but they made every minute count. I totally think you could have given that another 5 minutes and put that on last. Cause it would have been an amazing final shot with Toni and Mariah covered in blood on the ground holding each other.
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It got bloodier. How could it get bloodier this is terrifying and terrific. Why was this not the main event Tony you messed up with this one. How the hell are you going to clean this up.
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That's a lot of blood. Omg can they turn that black and white filter back on please 😠they are out there with something to prove.
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They definitely aren't starting this match slow are they good gods. This is going to be insane isn't it.
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That final promo from Toni Storm should go down as one of the greatest wrestling promos of all freaking time. I can't wait for the essays studying this rivalry because as much as I've had doubts they have proved me wrong every single time.
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It's time for the real main event. A Hollywood ending for Toni Storm she is leaving a champion. This match is hopefully going to deliver something special.
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Nigel McGuinness commentary on this one has been very entertaining.
The Hurt Syndicate is such a great act. I'm glad they are having a chance to show that.
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The Hurt Syndicate are about to beat that tag team the very loud and drunk fans from Cardiff kept screaming for. The Outrunners are a great gimmick I just was introduced to their existence through anxiety activating fans.
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I love how behind Broody King the crowd is. The Hounds of Hell should get great runs because they both always deliver. Okada being a midcard title holder honestly is such a great boon to making AEW feel like you can have amazing matches with great stars across the entire card.
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Ohhhhh Okada Vs Broody King this is going to be a banger. I love Okada I think his AEW run has been super entertaining so far. I got to see him wrestle in Cardiff which I never thought would be able to do. He is winning this match but it's going to be a very entertaining attempt from King.
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Damn despite the distractions that was a pretty freaking great match. Guess Mox is winning the main event. I think Ricochet looked great in defeat there. But my hot take is I think Swerve losing Nana would be good for him.
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How the flying fk did Swerve survive that fall. Insane bumps every match. AEW my heart can only take so many scares.
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Just let me enjoy the match is all I'm saying because this slaps. Each match has had its own pace and style so far. Damn keep this up and it's a show of the year contender for sure.
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Hot take these celebs in the crowd make me want to mute commentary which is pretty rare for AEW commentary.
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I am getting the feeling I've called this one completely wrong. 🤣
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Right so Swerve Vs Ricochet is complicated by the number one contendership. I don't see Ricochet winning unless they are putting the belt on Cope. Equally if Mox is retaining I can't see Ricochet winning. So who do I think is winning? I think Nana is turning on Swerve. So I guess Cope is winning too
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That match was so good that it made Mercedes' finisher look good. That's her best defence on pay-per-view from memory. I would watch a rematch of that easily.
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Oh they have won over the crowd and myself this has stepped up a level I am really enjoying this.
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This has picked up for sure getting used to Moto's slower pace has been a bit of a shift but I definitely think this is one of Mercedes better defences.
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Oooh I'm not sure this match is quite working Moto's bruiser style isn't quite working.
They keep doing transitions that read a little bit like botches.
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I forget that Mercedes has a Rev Pro belt. Damn maybe I should try and go and see a Rev Pro at some point. I'll try catching one of their Northern shows.
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So there is no chance in hell Mercedes doesn't win here but I'm hoping to see some of that Joshi magic in this match.
Damn Momo oozes charisma and cool. I didn't catch any of her matches before this but she definitely carries herself like a badass.
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Solid opener with an insane move on that chair. These guys should fight for the World title one day because their chemistry in storytelling and match performance is some of the best in AEW and its history.
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Holy shit what the fuck was that move from MJF. That's insane I'm pretty sure that it was worked but damn for a second it sure didn't look like it.
God I love MJF I'll cheer for you my sweet boy.
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Crowd you have a long night to go don't waste your this is awesome chants this early. It's fine you can just cheer and react to the match if you wanna show you appreciate the match.
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Oh we are starting with the Hangman Adam Page Vs MJF match. I guess they will give Adam Page the win because it powers him towards his redemption. I don't see what you gain from beating him here unless he tries to go too far and it costs him the match.
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It's time for the main card. Let's go AEW Revolution. Predictions as the matches start because I don't think I even know the full card.
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It does suffer from the killer of all games. Scheduling.
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It's the overarching relationship of the family that I'm struggling with, the level writing of the cooky side character are great the squirrels got hearty laughs out of me.