canary in a coal mine
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social capitalism is still capitalism kids 👌
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shit there's a new alias right there: DJ Financial Backing
im just takin the piss a'll, be easy with the pearl clutching, dont wanna ruin none of the good jewelry
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"DJ major label mega funded brings us the most expected things in an order we could never predict"
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"so unexpected. diverse sonic tableau's peppered with products and services effortlessly placed"
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want to say another description of this act in progress is akin to Xeno's paradox - take the distance between you and the goal and divide in half and move closer, the process of division never ends and so in a way, you never arrive but merely approach it forever. but in this analogy, its welcomed.
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these moments where everything aligns to fulfill the necessity or criteria where you can just be carried indefinitely by this sensation. it doesnt become tired; its like every subsequent iteration presents as new or compelling or interesting. maybe this muddies the waters of communication, but i
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intrinsic mathematics behind things like rhythm say, or music as a whole. but i have this strong attraction for when some deep unlockable part of my mind senses a kind of golden ratio of interactivity. Im not a believer in hypnotism in colloquial sense, but there is something undeniably hypnotic in
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lends itself to this description due to emphasis on repetition. but its not strictly a smattering of ideas that round robin. there's a deeper layer here where the elements punch in and out and maybe some even overlap a bit, like a baton handoff in a relay race. i can only guess it has to do with the
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ah damn i might have a record from her... or maybe my friend had one that had a bunch of rippin cuts on it... now i gotta go check and see what my fuzzy hazy memory is loosely grasping onto
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ok lemme just ammend - i dont hate rules as much as hate being forced to follow them 100%. this is a much better description of whats at work here.
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as someone with an actual performance background and not just mouse clicks on laptops, there really is a kind of monumental rush of finding ways to subvert the expectations of structure. its freeing, really. also as someone who hates rules, its also cool to bend and break em when desired.
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could be some real academic shit here too - Jazz (and derivations of) is the lived expression of feelings as representative of its ability to embrace the structural rules of music but then pivot and dance all around, outside, in and in-between said structures.
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part of the joy is the performance tho - just slappin your hand across a group of keys without concern for any western harmonic rules.... talk about feelin free.
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"whats a crush chord?" glad you asked - listen right here:
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protip: when you DJ that track its fun to rip the mid channel EQ out and in (rhythmically of course) to push and pull on teh frequencies of that chord. it creates a real frenetic build with the extreme frequencies of kick and hats staying constant supplying foundation. it works, trust me.
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members whose only choice is to label as Dem exist. but explain to me what the FUCK Schumer, HJ et al are doing that isnt much more than dragging heels to slow momentum or flail in the face of action. the people who SHOULD be in politics are always the ones who never dare desire that role
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but lets not fool ourselves. a fascist asshole can say they're a libertarian all they want but once they start talking, they cant help but let you know just how vile their ideologies actually are. these people are fucking disgusting.
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The evidence of my statement seen in the channels support of clearly biased comments and its lack of support in comments that are not pro-right. Additionally, if you watch it the "character" pretending to be the left leaning voice is fucking neutered by the oh so smart lawyer who pretends to be Cntr
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and im gonna repeat a sentiment ive shared often elsewhere: i need Party Girl 2: The Party Years. I want 90s house NYC fictional biopic. I'll write the mf'in script myself if i have to.
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i am in awe of how Parker Posey from Party Girl (1995) to S3 White Lotus (2025) has only aged 5 years out of the 30 lived.
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yeah I would love to pitch the argument to their share holders that current strategy is unsustainable and has an expiration date for failure/ceiling. And that they should un-pivot back to original intent with support on how to grow that model etc etc
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some unknown threshold that takes them from well known to unforgettable/always in demand. this kinda resistance I think may be evidence that the tide is shifting and methods of constant barrage of a name in all places is losing its efficacy perhaps? but yes no need to embrace the burning dumpster 😂
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and of course this means there's also simply the lottery winners or folks who just somehow "connect" with an audience simply by virtue of birth and so escape velocity is attained swiftly or easily. and ive definitely noticed folks getting some push from big places that cant manage to eclipse
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and while i think this is true, there are countless examples evident to the contrary where folks simply rocket up with hardly a kick drum to their name. to say there isnt some form of gas lighting amidst the "how/why this happens" convo is naive, i _have_ to conlude some % is manufactured/purchased
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personally i dont really see how smaller more niche scenes can utilize TIkTok in the manner its designed. especially considering no matter how close to "popular" i could make a song, it doesnt come within sightline of the things I see capturing large audiences, so i wonder why spend time on it?
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Agree there hasnt been new app and I honestly couldnt tell you what possibly could replace the hegemony of the current ones but thats immaterial to the notion something new COULD be in development/released that grips people up and draws eyes - speaking more to hypothetical notion really
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Printing this out and putting it over top my computer screen so I have to read it every day 🤣
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there also seems to be seasonal changes in the new social app everybody pays attention to; i dont have it in me to adopt a new approach to the next "occupy your hours here app with your frinds" - hoping others are feeling more the same too
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an unfocused narrative/strategy that attempted to go after a market their product doesnt properly serve. not saying any of this out of spite, just observational critique *shrug emoji*
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yeah usage is way down on soundcloud for sure. I really thought their strategy in how they organize content for people listening was odd/weird. they had something very niche focused and then turned it into "its not spotify but kind of and then there's all the old stuf we had too"
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unless of course you've got a major budget behind you or ethically unconcerned with simply buying these numbers. neither of those really spark much joy in me tho. and it pains me to want to engage in spending $ on sites to advertise/market - fundamental ideological opposition etc
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not sure how to link to the article as it arrived in an email newsletter but if you have an RA pro account - its worth a glance and its a 30 second read.
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when I am requesting a reduction in rate for the 1st time we book someone say (especially if its your 1st time in the market, that is something i think self managed DJs really need to learn/understand). Anyway - great convo starter, i appreciate her piece + think more words necessary on topic
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some asks that would absolutely be fine if the location was as dense and saturated as say NYC. And thankfully in most situations with agents I've had very productive conversations and results. Sometimes it means offering something like a return booking in an 8-12mo range when possible at higher rate
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sides of the market here both as DJ and as promoter and the sheer amount of absurd "i value my brand at $x" unsupported by any metric whatsoever coupled with simply a desire for everyone to do a bit more analysis of location/market independently vs a broad flat rate across board. Ive had to counter