American couple fighting to keep our Democracy! Fuck Chrump and fElon! America does NOT have a King!!
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I think that we should organize a way to bus people to the Capitol to protest. Maybe from the major cities. Atlanta, Manhattan, Phoenix, Las Vegas, LA, Houston, Raleigh, St. Louis … We NEED to show Trump how many of us are against him. We NEED to show MAGA that they are NOT the majority.
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For the January 6th insurrection, there were powerful people (Justice Thomas’ wife, for example) that paid to bus people to Washington. Let’s be honest, not so many would have/could have shown up if not for that. THIS is what we need to do.
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I watched the recent news about the protests in Turkey, and other countries, rising up against their dictatorial regimes. HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS gathered. The Democrats used to do this. We’ve stopped though, and that is a shame. I believe that, if we help people get to D.C. they will show up.
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This is a scary time for our country and for Democracy, as you know. Democrats have GOT to get off of their asses and fight before it’s too late and we lose everything.
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He is not! We should all demand an audit!!