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I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. —Henry David Thoreau
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Elon Musk is not terraforming Mars, he is marsforming Terra.
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The great mistake of civilization is that it is founded on competition rather than cooperation. And in no developed country is this immense failure more evident than in the US.
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Empower empathetic people, animals, and the environment.
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Capitalism must be removed, fortunes must be confiscated, and every institution on Earth must be redesigned to respect human rights, the environment/nature, and the welfare of all non-human animals. #Politics #Idealism #Philosophy #Anti-Capitalism #Activism #EatTheRich
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Simps will be simps.
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Starve all the capitalists.
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The burning of fossil fuels which cause global heating and fuel increasingly extreme weather must end; yet despite warnings and international agreements new oil, gas and coal fields continue to be opened. #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever Source: 2/2
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Trump is now officially only a strawman.
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A puppet and his puppet master. At least it's so obvious now who Trump and Elon really are, that it cannot possibly lead to anything but collapse.
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I honestly have the impression that everyone on both sides—except Sanders—are a cook. The difference seems merely to be that Republicans are wolves in wolves' clothing, while Democrats are wolves in sheep's clothing. Even Obama intensified the use of military drones. A new system is needed, IMO.
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Unfortunately. Had Bernie been elected in 2016, and then re-elected in 2020, and now in 2024, replaced by a radical environmentalist, then there MIGHT have been hope for correcting the trajectory in a controlled manner. Today, this seems more plausible: Decadence -> Collapse -> Rebirth (at best).
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The #US is now officially an oligarchy.
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Unfortunately, plumbers are needed sometimes.
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Confiscate his fortune and throw him in jail.
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#USA #POTUS #Politics #Musk #Sanders #Democrats
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Replacing the reigning paradigm of COMPETITION (market-based economy) with one of COOPERATION (resource-based economy) is the only way to save the planet.
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All these challenges would be solved in a world based on the principles of #permaculture.
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I've been saying for years now that Elon Musk is—AT BEST—nothing but a glorified businessman, while the horde of tech optimists and mindless consumers have insisted on labeling him a genius. But he's the same kind of capitalist, fascist, megalomaniacal scum as Trump, Putin, Netanyahu, and Hitler.
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The silver lining is that now the whole world SHOULD be able to see his true colors as a worm and a snake in the grass (no offense to worms and snakes).
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I'm sorry, Brad Dourif. You did a great job in both LOTR and Deadwood. I pray they cast you as Elon aka Wormtongue 2.0 in the future Academy Award winner for best movie, "Make America Gooey Again", based on the book titled "The Duo That Demolished An Empire". #MAGA #USA #Trump #Elon
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Absolutely horrifying. You just can't trust anyone in any sector that is privatized.
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I believe this is the deranged endgame of an empire going through the last phase before its collapse: Decadence. “Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.” —Arnold Toynbee #Quote #MAGA #Elon #Trump
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Classic henchmen behavior.
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Let's just call him "Wormtongue".
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Even without Trump ignoring it, this impotent goal is PATHETIC.
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Another small victory for the capitalist mafia. I think we need a wholesome revolution to depose the rich ruling elite once and for all.
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I certainly agree that no individual should be exempt. But if the law was even remotely close to being just, this lying criminal would not be allowed to roam free, let alone run for president. Btw, for the first time in history, an impeached president has now been re-elected #POTUS.
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I say, execute THEM instead.
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Almost everything, unfortunately. Combine poor circumstances with collective ignorance and well-founded desperation, and you have a poisonous, seething cesspool out of which all sorts of extreme and irrational delusions may find their way.
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I have definitely experienced this myself. And I think they've put me under some sort of shadowban for critiquing his magalomaniacal posts (forced down my throat) revolving the DOGE lunacy. I've always seen Elon Musk as a glorified businessman. At least now the whole world is starting to see it.
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What will happen to this fine group of people when they, too, realize that executives are mere vehicles of systemic evil? Will we one day see a blessed wave of self-assasinations? Maybe this is how the world finally gets on the right track?
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Are these fake freedom fighters really going so far in their misinformed fight for "free speech" that they are gagging a private AI chat bot? #MAGA #USA #Trump #Elon #Musk #RedPill #FreeSpeech
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And now he has become the FIRST impeached president to be re-elected AFTER an impeachment. This #MAGA thing really seems to be working...
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This is exactly what you would expect from a megalomaniacal businessman elected president.
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I would expect an apparent collective illness to manifest itself in a society that seems to be well into its final stage before collapse (Decadence).
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"The world is on fire, quite literally. And it’s time to stop pretending we can just put it out without addressing the fuel—our unsustainable way of life." —Greta Thunberg