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Blogger, author, programmer, podcaster, YouTuber, photographer, skeptic, neuro-spicy and general nerd. Check out for my books, for my photos, for my blog, and for anything else.
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trump: I’m going to protect women women: no thank you trump: I’m gonna do it women: please don’t trump: I have kicked those 7 trans girls off the jv volleyball team women: what trump: and brought back andrew tate women: why trump: YOU’RE WELCOME WOMEN also you can’t vote anymore

Takk for gode innspill i ep 401 ifm. «Norge bak fasaden - Biohack». Ble oppgitt selv.

🎙Her kommer den årlige påminnelsen om at jeg har en podcast som heter "Tomprat med Gunnar Tjomlid" som har passert 400 episoder. Hyggelig om du vil høre på. 🎧

Minner også om at ME og CFS er to forskjellige ting, og verden har i stor grad gått bort fra å omtale ME og CFS som det samme. Og joa, nav tvang meg på "mestringsopphold" før jeg ble ufør, men selv der så de at jeg er (var) for syk og ble sendt rett hjem igjen.

If you need a laugh, and most of us do, watch this. Guaranteed to make you smile 😊

This is extraordinarily dangerous. Tomorrow, the legacy media will ask Republican officials about this. Those officials will lie and obfuscate. And the legacy media will move on. That is part of the crisis we face.

Trump declared himself above the law today. Literally announced it. Pinned it to his feed for emphasis. The White House reposted it. All to underscore it’s not some passing thought, which would be bad enough. It’s not the top story on any news site that I can find. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeg skrevet litt I Morgenbladet.

The Shocking Truth About Stupidity: Why Some Voters Keep Falling for the Same Lies This is a FREE article. No paywall. (I ONLY post links to FREE articles)

Sex er godt det, men har du hørt og rante om MAGA-tullinger, Rogan, Peterson, Fridman og Muskegutten? Det e f.... nice det!

Interessant og fin prat mellom og Eirik Newth! Litt dommedag og dystopi, likefullt fine refleksjoner.

Hør min prat med astrofysiker og vitenskapsformidler Eirik Newth i denne episoden av #Tomprat Vi snakker om dystopiske fremtidsvisjoner grunnet klimaendringer, hvordan gjenoppfinne seg selv når man er godt oppe i årene, og om Trump kan få mennesker til Mars i løpet av sin presidentperiode.

Nå som du har fått litt tid til å fordøye forrige episode, serverer vi en jaggu allerede en ny. Atter en gang to oppgitte menn som klager over tingenes tilstand. Jaja. Ikke skyld på oss. Skyld på verden. Det er mørkt for tiden. #podcast #dialogisk #dagsoras #tjomlid

Kommer snart!

I’ve written ab the importance of social media as a tool of power for American politicians for 10yrs. Post 2020 I still got pushback ab whether MSM was actually more important. Notice who’s sitting in this row, and who isn’t. It only took 4 yrs. Pretty conclusive what *they* think matters more.

“I’m different, I’m a rebel. I’m an outsider,” I say to the credulous journalist before repeating verbatim the beliefs and worldview of the president of the United States and every person with money and power in the world right now.

Making America great again means: 1. Doing whatever the billionaires want 2. Appointing only rapists, spies, or dog murderers to lead the government 3. Attacking Canada

I fear there is deep truth here.

The LA Times photo desk, which is doing incredible work covering these brutal fires, has set up a Bluesky account that is among the newest ones we have verified. They are well worth following right now.

I familien Nerdrum er det det klassiske som er det ledende prinsippet. Fruen går også inn for Klassisk Slangeolje™️ 🐍

SCOOP: Instagram blocked teens from searching LGBTQ-related content for months. Posts with LGBTQ+ hashtags were hidden under Meta's “sensitive content” policy which restricts "sexually suggestive content", Meta said they are fixing this “error” after I reached out for comment.

Spiller du i band? Driver du med stand-up? Teater/revy? Foredrag? Hvis du trenger gode bilder til markedsføring, presse, plakater og sosiale medier, ta gjerne kontakt for å booke meg som fotograf!

Jeg utsatte meg for denne teksten fordi jeg var nysgjerrig på om den inneholdt et nanograms anerkjennelse av at grunnen til at en del av holdningene som har blitt ansett som ekstreme nå er mainstream, er fordi redaktørstyrte medier har gjort sitt ytterste for å normalisere dem. Det gjorde det ikke

It’s not an accident. It’s the intentional result of a coordinated disinformation campaign by right-wing dark money groups and political operatives. We’ve been covering this campaign at Important Context for years. It’s scary shit.

Årets siste episode er ute. Minner også om livestream i kveld fra kl 21.

‼️⁉️Holy f#cking sh#t. Per Forbes, Marc Andreessen—a MAJOR Tech Bro & Elon Musk ally who advises “DOGE” & supports the Network State movement—is invested in New Founding, an organization founded by Nate Fischer. This is Nate Fischer. (See post 2 for article. I’m gobsmacked) 1/

Leser Håndbok i krisemaksimering av Gunnar Tjomlid Fant en skriveleif der han skrev om falsk balanse på side 167. Da mistet jeg all tillit, bestemte meg for å kutte ut gluten, lese RT i stedet og fjerne spor etter vaksiner med eteriske oljer. Er det ikke perfekt, så er det upålitelig!

Velkommen til LIVESTREAM på nyttårsaften!

This nails it perfectly.


Island in the fog

Det fascinerende med å diagnostiseres for autisme er at spørreskjemaene de har utviklet er laget slik at hvis man er autist er de i praksis umulige å svare på.

Also, courage is contagious. I continue to stand against American fascism in the hope that others will take heart, too.

The inability of the entire legal system — prosecutors, judges, justices, lawyers — to hold Trump accountable will be judged one of the greatest failures of American democracy.

Love it when bookshops or libraries arrange their books appropriately...

Go to love allowing you to merge all your accounts in one place, neat app tbh

as a natural born alpha male, there’s nothing more threatening to my hypermasculine identity than other people being comfortable with themselves. it takes a lot of strength to be this scared

The number of cases of cervical cancer reported in Scotland among women given the HPV vaccine at 12-13 years of age is now zero. A remarkable achievement.

It's never a good idea to drink raw milk, but if you're drinking it during this bird flu outbreak you're absolutely nuts.