Fair warning: I'm not a great follow. I tend to be a reader, not a commenter, to keep myself out of trouble!
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Dan Caine needs to get a grip on reality!
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Yep! That's Rethuglicans for you!
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The joke is on all the magats who believe trumpelthinskin has a strong business acumen. He has no business acumen, never did! It's all smoke and mirrors. Just a silver spoon baby ignored most of his sad life. Cry me a river when you fall for phonies who end up hurting you as they promise.
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They're fooling their nutters until it hits them personally as we've seen reported about - boo hoo - unhappy magats!
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First thought was what a waste of gold. But closely followed by what a delicious ending for Muskrump!
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I meant reader as opposed to commenter on Blue Sky. Sorry if that's misleading. I do love to read books, too, and enjoy a variety of genres, not always current. Most recent reads are: Standing My Ground..., Sovereign Oak, Underwater Ghost Towns of North Georgia, Unthinkable, Spare, and Lucky Loser.
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LOL! Seriously?? How appropriate
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Wow! This simpleton is really a crackpot! Brings back memories of listening to the HUD guy, Ben Carson.
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Likewise TN
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Can't be soon enough!
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That is as disgusting a depiction as the fat man on the right!
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Perfect for my entire extended family, period! Most of them haven't existed for me since "the scary black man" days and it's only gotten worse since they've expanded their family units. Cradle-to-grave R's and no amount of thinking is going to interfere with that!
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Extortion is what is what our co-leader unit, Muskrump, considers negotiation. It has been DJT's MO forever. He knows less about negotiating, let alone effective negotiating, than a 5 year old.
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Boo hoo! FAFO, Bro!
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He's letting his intelligence shine again, isn't he? LOL
And, O Lord, drag out the famous MIT uncle again... you remember the one he got all his very good brains from.
If we had used paper ballots in November he wouldn't be in the WH cuz Eloon couldn't have tampered in so many places.
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Good one!
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Never happen because most of them are trump-lite wannabees.
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You're just being polite! He's at least a crazy ass mofo! 😇
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This is priceless, as are many of the comments! 💓
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Every single time he opens his claptrap his ignorance is exposed and it's getting worse. When you start with his sub-par IQ and add in the lack of curiosity for learning combined with dementia onset and drug use, there's little hope for intelligence to poke through.
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If he believes the shit he's spewing I feel sorry for him. He needs to seek help and maybe find someone to care for him.
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Good leon is so impressed with himself cuz sure as hell nobody else is. He's nothing more than a whiny little man child born into a family of dirty money who has been able to buy whatever he wants. Too bad he can't buy integrity, respect or strength. His coming implosion can't be soon enough.
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#1 - trumpelthinskin doesn't know the first thing about negotiating - he's attempting to extort. BIG difference!
#2 - If we remain a friend of Ukraine and continue to help them get Putin out of their sovereign country I think they'd deal with the US fairly in the sale of their natural resources
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Sounds great, but my little rural town is basically Rs. Don't think there's enough Ds to fight that battle here. And honestly, the majority of public Rs are the old fashioned like my dad Rs. We have magats running loose, but not in local office.
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We're only at the beginning of these stories from trumpelthinskin voters, but you know what? IDGAF any more. So many tried so hard to see that all the information was out there to make the best choice for the country. Now they can just deal like we all have to because of their stupidity. STFU
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Looks like Ryan Williams' brother! (TN district 42 rep) They both have that doofus look the bow tie just at exaggerates
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Regardless of trumpelthinskin, it will always be the Gulf of Mexico and Denali to me and there's no way he can do anything about it.
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Can't remember the last TN legislation passed to benefit the general population. It's what they do. This state is so gerrymandered there's no foreseeable way out. They sliced and diced Nashville so we don't even have that semblance of a D stronghold.
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OMG! Does he EVER stop lying???
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You do like to stir the pot, don't you? Maybe keep it to yourself, instead.
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I wish he'd of touched it so you could have shown him a thing or two! How typically R to turn tail and run.
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Sounds like he snorted a little somethin-somethin before this interview.
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Should feel bad for them, but boo hoo. They did the FA but we're all going to suffer the FO. Idiots!
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You never fail to make me smarter! Thank you, AG!
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Are our TN state Rs ever not going to be embarrassing??
TOGE hahaha!
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She makes my stomach turn. I can't think who was the last R press secretary who didn't.
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Comic relief? Guessing my rural subdivision has been put on a regular sheriff's patrol because I see a squad car driving down my street about the same time every day. Today it was shortly after that nasty comment above. I actually jumped up to make sure he hadn't pulled in my driveway. Oops! 😂
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Yeah, he did that slurring stuff several times. Cleary not an orator.
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Yikes! It's said trumpelthinskin doesn't drink, so what we hear on that clip must be his drugs. He's barely stumbling through the words, the very fine words, of course. And isn't it just a huge joke to listen to him critique anyone's negotiation skills when he has none himself?
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Listen again, dear. Clearly not duplicative.
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Nah. Doesn't matter. He just thinks using multisyllabic words impresses the little people. So glad for society that he's no longer a doctor, but bad enough he's an elected!
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Ugh! Of course they did.
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Every post about pres wannabee musk exposes more of what makes him just a POS. Dangerous, but still just a POS!
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Is AD sleeping in that position or are they playing? Do they play? 💖
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More Murdoch playing both sides?
Glad to see it though. How much do you think will be quoted on the Faux network?
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I've awakened every morning since the election hoping to read that someone found out how to take out the trash. The longer the trash is allowed to remain the more it rots and attracts more vermin.
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Sadly true. It should be a job requirement. Marsha, Marsha, Marsha did a pre-election tour of every county in TN with no schedule available for the public to attend. Amounted to photo op meetings with selected officials. Whenever she was found she literally ran from buildings to cars to get away.