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lover of comics, metal, Rifftrax, MTS3K & Horror. #MutantFam #HorrorFam #TheLastDriveIn
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Next week can't get here fast enough.
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That Crab Monster is so adorable and really need a stuffed version in my man cave
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Rock and Roll Martian rock and roll martian
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Yea liked the boxes being able to have the fold out comic panels. the taste was so bad can taste still today
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Dammit Jessica why you got to deface that beautiful box. those some great finds.
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I love it. A PAAS Horror. Could be created by old man PAAS. I talked about it on Advent Cal House
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We need a live action version of Tobias Tinwhiskers from Peter and the Magic Egg. As a horror Easter Icon
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Pretty much my guesses for who wins. what would be ur #1 and #2 spots for men's. would like to see Cena and Punk as 1 and 2 and have a huge faceoff The women final four was Grace, Bianca, Flair, and Jade. 4 power houses going at it for the win Flair wins it but would prefer Grace win KO 100%
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loving the look of that homage to LOTR
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This has some great riffs as always. So whichever ones you wrote awesome job.
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It can't fully burn in the hell with him at this point fast enough
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super fun movie for sure. If you haven't you should check out Rifftax live Octaman
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YAY, happy Birthday
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Out of all them the milkshake is the only one i'd get my parents to buy us. the fries has a weird powdery taste and the burgers just were awful.
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That is truly awful. The next few years can't go fast enough. Sorry brother
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guess hit up one on the way to work tonight
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Oh, yea would be getting a plate of that. That is a big boy chop as well no skinny thin shit here
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Would like u or show on "Why do Bears Dance on Xmas eve" from 1977. Mentioned it to Totally rad based on the question he asked on hit me with a toaster question about snuggle bear. then that special triggered in my head
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welcome glad you finally made it over here
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WOW, hope you recover quickly. sending you big hugs and positive vibes
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thank you all for bringing this up.. removed them blocked them from all the spaces
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Love to sing this all year long and whenever someone does times and i have to say thank you i do it to this music lol
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Just don't drink any Pepsi or you might wet the bed
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Always loved that movie and it always felt like two movies in one. The whole start of the movie till Burgess shows up and makes him the new Santa. Which always gets a few tears from me. Then the whole other half the movie is like.... ummm what????
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They made so many damn bangers over the years.
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It's super beautiful but be very careful. Don't miss driving in that from when lived in Maine and Alaska
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Put One foot in front of the other and soon you will be walking out the door.
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man now that sounds like killer eggrolls. also that place is beautiful
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Love this movie unriffed and also riffed by the guys from Rifftrax. Such a good forgotten movie
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Do have agree with you on that one. Something about him just never clicked with me