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i'm coming to this writing thing late in life but even i can see that the point is to tell a story of my making on the page using my words and my way of expressing them. if i get published it will be my work, anything else would feel empty.
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that's where 'balance' is an easy moral out. if you start from the position that having an opinion is unjournalistic you can report on anything and never blink an eye however grim it becomes.
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but the other half of the larger loop is: "Oh no! some awful abuse/scandal/accident has occurred and something else must be done" > "we must regulate to prevent it and never be so foolish again..." >
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i'd always rather assumed leaks that lead to the defenestration of Sue Gray were his final acts of malice.
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Reeves and Starmer seemingly determined to turn Farage's dream of a British Reich into reality.
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hasn't that been the story of tech (and probably previous innovation)? years spent blocking, bribing and obfuscating law making while they cash in followed by an 'oops, too late now' to all those damaged in the process? there's a reason we came up with the term 'robber barons' :)
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it's going to be David Davis isn't it? 🤦
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i read 'A Philosophical Investigation' many many years ago and never really realised he had so many other books out there - no idea if i'll like them but at 3.99 definitely worth a punt. thanks.
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oh.. and yes, they are being dumb.
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i'd like democracy to represent people not currency.
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i don't think that the donation limit should be higher than a normal person can afford or you prioritise wealth over voters. people being people parties might prioritise money over people if some people can pay millions? and that would be bad for democracy wouldn't it?
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same here. not sure whether to cancel in protest or whether that risks defunding what little is left of somewhat unbiased legacy media.
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imagine how much higher those numbers might be if a large section of the media hadn't spent the last few decades fighting a rear guard action against anything vaguely positive or progressive.
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i don't think they'd have been able to make their money in the sort of world they fantasise about. they'd much more likely be slaving away in a dungeon for someone genuinely brutal and ruthless. trying to dismantle the system in which you have thrived seems deeply stupid.
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hey - I agree Starmer has social/democratic instincts but the treasury/BoE seem tied to the orthodoxy post-80s that state intervention in markets=bad. that ties their hands to small interventions when we need huge ones. it's not a pop at the man but the system that ties western economies in knots.
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it is hard to see how Labour can deliver the progressive-ish agenda people want while staying wedded to an economic ideology which sees intervention by government as anathema. neoliberalism and progressive outcomes can't coexist. It's given us Putin, Trump, EU-populists and growing instability.
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i only visit when seeking personal validation. it's reassuring to be reminded there are many more qualified candidates for 'worst person alive'.
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you can escape into the wasteland with one of your allies. it's my fave and i totally haven't played through 6 or 7 times because that would be a terrible waste of valuable time.
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looking forward to the origin story special - i still listen to the one on the Plot when I need a laugh.
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thanks, so much quicker than manual searches!
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and yet: I wonder who the so-called source was - and if they weren't maybe a little more blue than red?
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sometimes worth checking some facts before turning Bluesky into Twitter?
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Where to begin... Kate Elliott Janny Wurts Steven Erikson Seanan McGuire Anne Bishop Faith Hunter Charles Stross Gail Carrigher Steve McHugh Neil Gaiman And many more equally entertaining people.
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and lo, the people were struck down for the god Elon was a petty and spiteful god.