Survived tripos somehow. All effort, no skill. Still trying to become a mathematician. Probably suffering from some form of the Algernon-Gordon effect.
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I'm just relieved that my parents haven't completely destroyed my passion for math with their unrealistic expectations and I thank them for demonstrating how to go wrong with nurturing talent so that I know to do the opposite when I become an educator and/or parent myself.
#MathSky #ITeachMath
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I'm just relieved that my parents haven't completely destroyed my passion for math with their unrealistic expectations and I thank them for demonstrating how to go wrong with nurturing talent so that I know to do the opposite when I become an educator and/or parent myself.
#MathSky #ITeachMath
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I wish I could tell you that this has all made me stronger and more successful somehow but in reality, it has only shattered my confidence, made me live in fear, and hindered my success. Just because diamonds form under pressure doesn't mean that bread dough rises under the same conditions.
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Lastly, no thank you for taking all the credit for all my achievements when all you do is threaten (instead of support) me. You only "support" me opportunistically - that isn't real "support", that's called being ingenuine. I'll be damn sure you don't get credit if I become famous one day.
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and no thank you for explicitly telling me that having child(ren) is like "an investment with potentially great returns" and never something along the lines of "having an extra companion", as if I'm no more than a mere asset in their portfolio.
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No thank you to both parents for constantly reminding me how much I owe them - accounted for interest and inflation, may I add - thanks to how much they spent conceiving and raising me. No thank you for imposing this transactional mindset on me,
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Funny thing is, they're now wishing they had a daughter instead of a son, yet they're complaining to me like it's my fault. On that note, no thank you for being walking contradictions and blaming me for the decisions that didn't go your way instead of taking accountabilty.
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No thank you to both parents for constantly reminding me of the >£10k spent doing IVF just so I have the best possible genes upon birth and so I could be born male (fuck you sexist eugenic POS's), and for using this as an excuse for high expectations and for scolding me when I fall short.
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"We're helping you deal with those losers and their parents so you can focus on getting the best grades" - what is this ridiculous nonsense? And no thank you for giving me a hard time at school, for making me have to apologize to classmates and face their judgement for these actions of yours.
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No thank you for making a fool of yourselves in front of my classmates and their parents, for starting fights with said parents for no reason, and for dragging me into said fights just to fuel their thirst for provocation. And no thank you for thinking that this is all for my good.
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No thank you to both parents for intervening with my social circle with your academic elitism, for simultaneously warning about non-straight-A students "polluting" me, while also berating my lack of hostility towards straight-A students b/c "you can't be too friendly to competition".
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No thank you to both parents for all the academic pressure since childhood, for making me dependent on SSRIs at the ripe old age of 12, and for all the sleepless nights all in the name of Confucianism, which is ironic since your values of hatred and spite are anything but Confucian.
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No thank you to both parents for bombarding me with hyper-social-Darwinist rhetoric since childhood, for teaching me that empathy is for the foolish & weak, for making me a hateful person, and for abusing blue-collar & service industry workers as a demonstration of how the world "should" work.
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The only thing I commend is your commitment to do the same, but no thank you to the inconvenience caused by that - I'm tired of listening to all your work calls put on speaker and all the music blasted across the flat instead of using headphones and keeping it to yourself.
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No thank you to both parents for being vehemently against privacy as a human right, for removing door locks, for installing CCTVs in our flat, for forcing all my phone calls to be put on speaker, and for not allowing me to use ear/headphones.
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No thank you to my mother for scolding me for getting an A (instead of A*) in English when I was 16. Yes, you may have an Eng lit degree, but that was decades ago, not to mention that your comments on my English assignments have already been unhelpful for multiple years.
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No thank you to my father for being so irrationally superstitious - just because a fortune teller and your favorite deity says I can get into MIT (I didn't) doesn't mean you can justify all your unrealistic expectations and hostile behavior towards me based on that.
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No thank you to my father who kicked my door into my face when I merely alluded to the possibility of going to a not-top-20 uni for grad school. No thank you to my mother for telling me how "only r*t*rds like [family friend]" go to UWaterloo or Georgia Tech.
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If no, then (as suggests), I think that the same applies, but with
instead, where the supremum is taken over the set of all possible sequences s allowed.
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Sorry for being late to the party but is the sequence
that replaces BG fixed (i.e. same every turn)?
If yes, I think a necessary and sufficient condition is that either
or the initial sequence is something like
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"Killing form"
Although that's due to the fact that Wilhelm Killing had an unfortunate surname
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poly ring would be a proper subring of the ring X of all linear combinations of finite deg monomials, which is in turn a proper subring of the power series ring. Is there a common name for X? Is it an object of significance to mathematicians, or do we only care about poly and power series rings?
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is not an element of the polynomial ring
because there's infinitely many linearly-independent (over K) terms. But it's an element of the other ring in question since all of the terms have finite degree.
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poly ring would be a proper subring of the ring X of all linear combinations of finite deg monomials, which is in turn a proper subring of the power series ring. Is there a common name for X? Is it an object of significance to mathematicians, or do we only care about poly and power series rings?
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I too would fancy a slight break from learning algebraic combinatorics to learn combinatorial algebra.
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If you haven't watched the one from IM Yangfan Zhou around 3 months ago, it's equally top-notch.
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What I find fascinating about #AlgComb is that it's an umbrella term for lots of loosely related stuff. Someone studying q-analogs of combinatorial quantities might know little about matroids or symmetric functions or Hodge theory, and vice versa. I've only just begun uncovering some of this haha
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Probably all of the following, if not more
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Cayley graph where the vertices are themselves Cayley graphs... Nice!